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Art.Nr.: 510005621
Art.bezeichnung: 1:35 S.L.C. Maiale 200 m. Besatzung (2)
Based upon the experiences and successes of the Italian Regia Marina in
the First World War. In 1935 Teseo Tesei and Elios Toschi developed and
perfected the Siluro a Lenta Corsa (S.L.C.), which was more informally
known as "Maiale" (Pig). This was a torpedo modified to allow it to be
guided underwater by two operators equipped with respirators. It was
intended to carry a high explosive warhead under the keel of enemy
ships. The modified torpedoes had limited speed, were fitted with a
guidance system and held batteries that powered the electric motor which
guaranteed a range of 12-15 miles. The most notable action of these
Italian Navy raiders took place on 19th December 1941. Transported by
the submarine "Scirè" to the strongly defended Alexandria harbour, the
S.L.C.’s were able to attack and disable for several months, Royal Navy
battleships H.M.S: Valiant and the H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth.
Bausatz, Anleitung, Dekor