Maquette plastique

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 Forces spéciales de l'armée américaine
Article number: 540003024 Product: 1:35 U.S. Army Special Forces We've chosen a number of items from our 1/35 World's Elite Forces series to produce. These kits showcase well-known elite forces from the USA, Britain, France, and Germany, and are designed to fit into conflicts that have occurred around the world. The poses are realistic and highly suited to the battlefield, and these unique subjects cannot be found anywhere else on the market. Detailed Plastic Kit

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 Georgian Legion (Normandy 1944)
Article number: 540006277 Product: 1:35 Georgian Legion (Normandy 1944) We have planned the second wave of Normandy Defenders figure sets for reproduction. This time, we're including an additional six 1/35 scale German soldiers. Each figure accurately depicts the uniforms and equipment worn by the German army during that period. These figures can be used effectively in dioramas that portray the events of the Normandy campaign. Of particular note are the two sets of tank crew figures, which are the ideal complement to German tanks in Normandy.