Figurines militaires et accessoires

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 Tiger Aces (Normandy 1944)
Article number: 540006028 Product: 1:35 Tiger Aces (Normandy 1944) We have planned the second wave of Normandy Defenders figure sets for reproduction. This time, we're including an additional six 1/35 scale German soldiers. Each figure accurately depicts the uniforms and equipment worn by the German army during that period. These figures can be used effectively in dioramas that portray the events of the Normandy campaign. Of particular note are the two sets of tank crew figures, which are the ideal complement to German tanks in Normandy.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 Tiger I Initial Prod.Pz.Abt.502 '43
Article number: 540006252 Product: 1:35 Tiger I Initial Prod.Pz.Abt.502 '43 The most shocking release in the past of our various Tiger I in the past was the debut of the Tiger I Initial production. The meticulous research and innovative engineering/design left a lasting impression on all 1/35 AFV modelers. To this day, its exceptional quality remains unrivaled. We are pleased to announce the re-release of these two Initial Tiger I tanks, packed with more features. The usual components such as the Magic Track, aluminum gun barrel, photo-etched parts are all included. As added features, the 2024 version has been upgraded with 3D-printed muzzle brakes and 3D-printed one-piece engine deck grills, copper cables, as well as metal smoke grenade racks with accompanying metal smoke grenades. Moreover, a set of bonus crew uniform is offered free. AFV Modelers can’t afford to miss out! Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 U.S. Armored Infantry (Gen2)
Article number: 540006366 Product: 1:35 U.S. Armored Infantry (Gen2) After the successful Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944, the Allied forces moved to liberate the rest of occupied Western Europe. Over the following months, they fought a series of bloody battles to push the Germans back. The Allies faced fierce German resistance and got some setbacks before crossing the Rhine and advancing into Germany. To represent the soldiers involved in these battles, we have selected the following symbolic figure sets for a reproduction. Don’t miss out! Detailed plastic kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 U.S. Army Airborne (Normandy 1944)
Article number: 540006010 Product: 1:35 U.S. Army Airborne (Normandy 1944) This year commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Allied Forces' invasion into continental Europe. As a complement to the recently announced reproduction of the Defenders (German soldiers), we are now introducing the attackers (Allied Forces). We are pleased to offer a collection of 1/35 figure sets representing the Allied Forces. These figures will allow modelers to recreate the scenarios, showcasing the Allied soldiers who saw combat in Normandy. Detailed plastic kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 U.S.1st Infantry Divis. Big Red One
Article number: 540003015 Product: 1:35 U.S.1st Infantry Divis. Big Red One We've chosen a number of items from our 1/35 World's Elite Forces series to produce. These kits showcase well-known elite forces from the USA, Britain, France, and Germany, and are designed to fit into conflicts that have occurred around the world. The poses are realistic and highly suited to the battlefield, and these unique subjects cannot be found anywhere else on the market. Detailed Plastic Kit

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 US Army Support Weapon Teams
Article number: 540006198 Product: 1:35 US Army Support Weapon Teams This year commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Allied Forces' invasion into continental Europe. As a complement to the recently announced reproduction of the Defenders (German soldiers), we are now introducing the attackers (Allied Forces). We are pleased to offer a collection of 1/35 figure sets representing the Allied Forces. These figures will allow modelers to recreate the scenarios, showcasing the Allied soldiers who saw combat in Normandy. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:35 WWII Fig.-Set Dt.Kampfgr.v. Luck(4)
Article number: 540006155 Product: 1:35 WWII Fig.-Set Dt.Kampfgr.v. Luck(4) The Normandy invasion marked the beginning of the Allied Forces' counterattack on continental Europe. This year commemorates the 80th anniversary of this monumental seaborne landing, the largest in human history. Dragon have released a wide range of 1/35 figure sets depicting the intense battles that took place in Normandy in 1944. As the first phase of a series of figure set reproductions this year, we have carefully selected some sets focusing on the defensive side. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 2nd WW Infanterie américaine
Article number: 510006046 Product: 1:72 WWII American Infantry The 1st Infantry Division , better known as "the big red one", represents the prototype of U.S. Infantry troops during World War II. It took part in Operation Torch (November 1942), the landing in Sicily, the landing in Normandy (June 6th, 1944), the battle of the Ardennes and the final advance into German territory in 1945. The models in this kit are represented with the typical equipment of American infantry: the M1 Garand rifle, the B.A.R. automatic rifle, the M3 "Grease Gun" submachinegun and the famous Bazooka. Contains 50 figures.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 2nd WW Parachutistes allemands
Article number: 510006045 Product: 1:72 2nd WW German Paratroopers The "Fallschirmjäger" were, during the war, merged in the fighting bodies of the Luftwaffe for a better coordination with the air forces. The conquest of Crete during operation Merkur, in May 1941, was one of the biggest successes of German paratroopers. But the casualties were so high that their use was often limited to an elite infantry role more than as airborne troops. In March 1944, General Kurt Student's 1st Division Fallschirmjäger, holding their ground among the ruins of the Monastery of Montecassino, strenuously resisted the advancing Allies. Their resistance was so fierce that they were nicknamed the "Green Devils". Contains 50 figures.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 AS.51 HORSA Mk.I/II&Brit.parachute
Référence article: 510101356 Article: 1:72 AS.51 HORSA Mk.I/II & Brit. Paratr. Taille du modèle: 28,4 cm Planeur anglais très connu, capable de transporter dans son long fuselage plus de 25 hommes ou grande quantité de matériel de guerre et de ravitaillement. Il participa aux pricipales opérations de débarquement par avion de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, mais son nom reste surtout lié aux deux plus des troupes aéroportées alliées: Normandie et l’attaque d’Arnhem.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Bataille de Normandie St.-Mère-Église
Référence article: 510006199 Produit: 1:72 Battle of Normandy St.-Mère-Église Dans le cadre du plan stratégique global « Overlord », nom de code du débarquement allié sur les plages de Normandie, le village français de Sainte-Mère-Église a joué un rôle clé. Sur les cartes du plan de bataille, il était en effet identifié comme un carrefour routier important que les Allemands pouvaient utiliser pour mener des contre-attaques rapides vers les plages d'Utah et d'Omaha. Il était donc stratégique d'occuper immédiatement le village et d'en assurer la défense par les troupes aéroportées américaines. Au petit matin du 6 juin 1944, les parachutistes des 82e et 101e divisions, les deux célèbres divisions aéroportées américaines, ont occupé le centre de la petite ville française après d'intenses combats. Le rôle joué par les parachutistes américains a été déterminé et célébré dans de nombreux films, du « Jour le plus long » dans les années 1960 aux fils de guerre plus récents.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Guerre du Vietnam - Armée vietnamienne/Vietcong
Article number: 510006079 Product: 1/72 Vietnam War - Vietn. Army/Vietcong The armed forces of the National Liberation Front (NLF) were composed both by regular units of the North Vietnam army and by irregulars. The term "vietcong" was used as a generic term for NLF soldiers, but in common iconography it represents the irregular guerrillas. The vietcong were armed with Soviet-produced weapons like the ubiquitous AK-47 Kalašnikov assault rifle, or the semi-automatic SKS carbine. In January 1968, they took part in the massive Tet Offensive during the night of the Vietnamese New Year.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Inf. confédérée (Guerre civile américaine)
Article number: 510006178 Product: 1/72 Confederate Infantry (Amer.Civil War) THE BOX INCLUDES 50 FIGURES. The Army of the Southern states was formed in 1861. The largest contingent was formed by men from Virginia, most of whom were volunteers and not professional soldiers. A lot of equipment was not standardized and the uniforms were quite diverse. The Confederate army was led by Robert E. Lee, a great general both on the battlefield and as a strategist. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Confederate Inf. (Amer.Civil War) in scale 1:72

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 IT Soldats américains modernes
Article number: 510006168 Product: 1/72 Modern US Soldiers Little great men Men in their uniformst hat made the history oft he 20th century. From North Africa, to Russia, Normandy, the Pacific Ocean, the variety of the characters presented allows us to recreate the most renowned conflicts of the Second World War. Unusual and dynamic poses make them an ideal complement for wargames and dioramas. Contains: 50 unpainted figures

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Montecassino'44 GUSTAV Bataille en ligne
Article number: 510006198 Product: 1:72 Montecassino'44 GUSTAV Line Battle During the Italian campaign, in the period from January to May 1944, the allied forces under the command of General Mark Clark, advanced upon the German 10th Army commanded by General Heinrich von Vietinghoff, who were entrenched in defensive positions along the Gustav line. The cornerstone of the Gustav line was the small town of Cassino which controlled the river Liri valley. Cassino itself was dominated by the historic Benedictine abbey of Montecassino, which was an important strategic observation and defensive position of the German forces. The determined resistance offered by the German troops, who held their positions for almost four months, was assisted by the difficult weather conditions, which hindered the allied advance. Fierce fighting ensued to try and oust the Germans from their stubbornly held defensive line. It was not until mid-May that the German positions were finally breached, which allowed the allied advance to Rome to ensure its liberation in June 1944. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Parachutistes britanniques
Article number: 510006034 Product: 1/72 British Paratroopers The men of the British 1st Airborne Division, nicknamed "Red Devils", took part in Operation Market Garden in September 1944. Planned by General Montgomery, it envisaged the fast conquest of the bridges on the Rhein and the Meuse via airborne British, American and Polish troops to secure the advance of Allied armored units into Germany's industrial heartland. But the operation was unsuccessful and the advance into the Ruhr was possible only four months later. Contents 50 figures.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. A
Le Panzerkampfwagen V « Panther » a certainement été l'un des plus célèbres chars de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il voit le jour comme une réponse directe aux chars soviétiques T-34 et KV-1 qui surclassèrent, de par leurs prestations et armement, les Panzer III et Panzer IV désormais datés sur le front Est. Fonctionnant avec un moteur V-12 Mayback de 700 chevaux, il était armé du canon KwK de 42 à 75 mm, à grande vitesse, très efficace surtout pour l'emploi antichar. Grâce au projet valide qui optimisait la protection, avec l’adoption de l’armature avant inclinée, la mobilité, la vitesse et l’armement, le Panther peut être considéré comme l’un des meilleurs chars de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, et fut utilisé sur tous les principaux fronts de l’Italie à la France, ou encore le front Est. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 Set de bataille 1945 Chute de l'Empire
Article number: 510006195 Product: 1:72 Battle-Set 1945 Fall of the Reich Model Dim.: 68 x 30 cm Laser-cut MDF Reichstag - Russian & German infantry T-34/85 russian tank - FlaK 37 8,8 cm gun with crew Size of the model 68 cm The "Battle of Berlin" heralded the end of the Second World War in the European theatre. This major offensive launched by the Soviet Red Army, after passing the German defensive lines on the Oder River, moved directly to the capital of the Third Reich. The city itself was defended by Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, "Hitlerjugend" and "Volkssturm" soldiers, and was the setting for the final and most fierce clashes of the war. The Soviet forces, led by Marshal Zhukov and Marshal Konev, with an overwhelming superiority of soldiers, vehicles and artillery, forced the surrender and capitulation of the city on May 2, 1945. The Reichstag building, seat of the Reich parliament, had a huge symbolic value and was the stage for the final acts of the conflict in Europe. The Red Army soldier raising the Soviet flag on the ruins of the Reichstag at the end of the battle of Berlin, is one of the most iconic images of the Second World War. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 WW2 - Chasseurs alpins italiens Alpini
Article number: 510006059 Product: 1:72 WW2 - Italian Mount.Troops Alpini During World War II, Alpini divisions where used on several fronts. In 1942 the Italian expeditionary force was sent on the Russian front to support the Wehrmacht. It included the Alpini Julia, Tridentina and Cuneense divisions. The Italian Alpini took active part at the defense of the Don front but they were outnumbered and surrounded by the troops of the Red Army. The Alpini divisions were forced to retreat with a long and heroic march, in dire conditions, through the cold wastes of the Russian steppe. During the retreat they were also engaged in tough clashes. The most famous is the battle of Nikolajewka that took place on January1943

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 WW2 - Troupes d'élite allemandes (SS)
Article number: 510006068 Product: 1/72 WW2 - German Elite Troops (SS) On 16th December, 1944, the German forces moved through the forests of the Ardennes, in Belgium, to attach the First U.S. Army. This was the Wehrmacht's last offensive on the western front before the final surrender in 1945. The "Wacht am Rhein" plan envisaged, on the part of General Von Rundstedt , the use of many elite units of Wehrmacht and of Waffen SS. The climax of the offensive was the siege of Bastogne, on December 21st, 1944. The town was defended by the 101st Airborne Division. The models in this kit are equipped with the innovative Sturmgewehr 44 which can be considered the precursor of today's assault rifles. Content 48 figures.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 WW2 Infanterie britannique
Article number: 510006056 Product: 1/72 WW2 British Infantry On June 6th,1944, General Dempsey's troops of the British Expeditionary Force, composed by the 3rd and 50th English Division and by the Canadian 3rd Division, landed on the beaches of Normandy codenamed Sword, Juno, and Gold. The D-Day had thus come. The British Expeditionary Force was to land and quickly take over the town of Caen. Americans, landing at Omaha and Utha in the West, were to seize control of the Cotenin peninsula and the Cherbourg port. Contents 42 figures.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 WWII Infanterie américaine
Article number: 510006120 Product: 1/72 WWII American Infantry THE BOX CONTAINS 48 FIGURES The 1st and 29th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, part of the fifth Corps led by General Bradlay, landed on June 6th, 1944, on the beach between Vierville sur Mer and Sainte Honorine des Pertes. The beach is historically known with its codename in Operation Overlord: Omaha Beach. The models in this kit are represented with the typical individual equipment of U.S. Infantry: the M1 Garand rifle, the B.A.R. automatic rifle, the Thompson submachinegun and the 7,65mm Browning machinegun. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines militaires et accessoires
1:72 WWII Infanterie française
Article number: 510006189 Product 1:72 French Infantry (WW II) The French Army was quickly defeated by the German armies in 1940. However, several units managed to escape capture and repaired in the United Kingdom. Under the leadership of General De Gaulle the Free French Forces were quickly established to help Allies in the war against the Third Reich. In 1944, both on the Italian front and on that of Normandy in the aftermath of D-Day, these forces were able to return to action against the german forces and contribute until the final victory against Germany. Detailed Plastic Kit

Figurines militaires et accessoires
Coffret de bataille 1:72 Waterloo La Haye Sainte
Article number: 510006197 Product: 1:72 Battle-Set Waterloo La Haye Sainte From 16th to 18th June the French troops and the Allied troops clashed on battlefields of Belgium. The battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras were only the proem of the most famous and well-known battle of the military history. A date and a place: 18th June 1815, Waterloo. Wellington considered the farm of La Haie Sainte a strategic point of his defensive line. In the afternoon, Napoleon ordered to Marshal Ney to launch the assault to the farm in order to obtain a significant outpost. The farm was strenuously defended by Allied troops, that had fortified the buildings since the morning. The clash was fierce and the French troops, supported by artillery, were able to conquer La Haie Sainte only in the late afternoon. At 7 p.m., thanks to the strategic value of the farm, the French Imperial Guard can start the assault but it is too late. Prussian troops leaded by Blucher, vainly searched by Marshal Grouchy, break on the battlefield to support British Army. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.