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1:35 GAZ-AAA avec carrosserie fourgon

Maquettes chars

1:35 GAZ-AAA avec carrosserie fourgon



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 GAZ-AAA avec carrosserie fourgon
1:35 GAZ-AAA Camion de transport mod. 1941 (6)

Maquettes chars

1:35 GAZ-AAA Camion de transport mod. 1941 (6)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 GAZ-AAA Camion de transport mod. 1941 (6)
1:35 GAZ-AAA m. Quatre pièces M4 Maxim (1)

Maquettes chars

1:35 GAZ-AAA m. Quatre pièces M4 Maxim (1)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 GAZ-AAA m. Quatre pièces M4 Maxim (1)
1:35 GAZ-AAA Mod. 1943 Camion de transport (5)

Maquettes chars

1:35 GAZ-AAA Mod. 1943 Camion de transport (5)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 GAZ-AAA Mod. 1943 Camion de transport (5)
1:35 GAZ-AAА Mod. 1940 Camion de transport (2)

Maquettes chars

1:35 GAZ-AAА Mod. 1940 Camion de transport (2)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 GAZ-AAА Mod. 1940 Camion de transport (2)
1:35 GAZ-MM Mod. 1943 Camion de transport (2)

Maquettes chars

1:35 GAZ-MM Mod. 1943 Camion de transport (2)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 GAZ-MM Mod. 1943 Camion de transport (2)
1:35 Ger 7.5cm PaK 40. Mid Prod w. Crew

Maquettes chars

1:35 Ger 7.5cm PaK 40. Mid Prod w. Crew



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Ger 7.5cm PaK 40. Mid Prod w. Crew
1:35 Ger Tank Riders Set w. Resin Heads

Maquettes chars

1:35 Ger Tank Riders Set w. Resin Heads



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Ger Tank Riders Set w. Resin Heads
1:35 Ger. Sd.Kfz.167 Sturmgeschütz IV

Maquettes chars

1:35 Ger. Sd.Kfz.167 Sturmgeschütz IV



Référence article: 510000223 Produit: 1:35 GER. Sd.Kfz.167 Sturmgeschütz IV Le Sturmgeschütz IV a été construit sur le châssis du char moyen Panzer IV pour fournir, dans les phases avancées de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à l'armée allemande un canon d'assaut capable d'être efficace également en tant que chasseur de chars. Le Stug IV était armé d'un canon Stuk40 de 75 mm L/48 à haute vélocité initiale installé dans une casemate, protégé par un mantelet blindé, capable de perforer les blindages des principaux véhicules blindés ennemis. Distribué aux unités dans les premiers mois de 1944, il a complété et souvent remplacé le canon d'assaut Stug III qui avait subi en 1943 une baisse soudaine de la production en raison des raids de bombardiers alliés de plus en plus fréquents sur les zones industrielles allemandes. Largement déployé sur le front de l'Est, le Stug IV a également été utilisé par les unités blindées et les détachements antichars de la Wehrmacht en Normandie, où, grâce à son faible profil, il s'est avéré particulièrement difficile à identifier dans les haies de la campagne française.   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Ger. Sd.Kfz.167 Sturmgeschütz IV
1:35 German AFV Crew. Special Edition

Maquettes chars

1:35 German AFV Crew. Special Edition



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 German AFV Crew. Special Edition
1:35 Grant Mk. II

Maquettes chars

1:35 Grant Mk. II



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Grant Mk. II
1:35 Grant Mk.I m. Intérieur

Maquettes chars

1:35 Grant Mk.I m. Intérieur



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Grant Mk.I m. Intérieur
1:35 HEMTT Gun Truck

Maquettes chars

1:35 HEMTT Gun Truck



Article number: 510106510 Product: 1:35 HEMTT Gun Truck Model Dim.: 28,0 cm FULLY UPGRADE MOULDS Decals for one version The acronym HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) identifies a range eight-wheel drive off-road capable heavy truck, produced from the mid-80s for the United States Army. Thanks to its features, the HEMTT is able to guarantee a great off-road mobility and significant transportation performance. It has become the real "workhorse" of the Army capable of carrying ammunition and equipment in a very effective way. In a lot of conflicts, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has been often modified by the field workshops, on the specific requirements of the crews, in order to be more and more effective in the hard operating environments, Furthermore some HEMTT versions have been modified to be used in escort and convoys protection duties. Some additional protections and defensive weapons have been add on.

1:35 HEMTT Gun Truck
1:35 HMMWV M966 TOW Carrier

Maquettes chars

1:35 HMMWV M966 TOW Carrier



Référence article: 510006598 Produit: 1:35 HMMWV M966 TOW Carrier Le véhicule à roues développé pour l'armée américaine HMMWV, acronyme de High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, et plus connu sous le nom de « Humvee », constitue l'évolution technologique du « savoir-faire » américain en matière de construction de véhicules tout-terrain extrêmement flexibles dont le « Willys » est encore aujourd'hui l'icône. Le véhicule « Humvee » est entré en production dans les années 1980 et se caractérise par sa grande taille et sa flexibilité opérationnelle grâce à ses quatre roues motrices et à sa construction robuste en mesure de résister à un environnement et à des conditions d'utilisation difficiles. Plusieurs versions ont été produites et utilisées pour le transport de troupes, la logistique militaire, la reconnaissance avancée et l'acquisition de cibles. La version M966 Tow Carrier était équipée d'un système de missiles Tow monté sur le toit du véhicule afin d'augmenter le potentiel offensif de l’Humvee contre les véhicules blindés.

1:35 HMMWV M966 TOW Carrier
1:35 Howitzer M1 155mm avec équipage

Maquettes chars

1:35 Howitzer M1 155mm avec équipage



Article number: 510006581 Product: 1:35 M1 155mm Howitzer with crew Model Dim.: 20,9 cm With Artillery Crew - 6 figures included In the years leading up to World War II, the United States undertook a complete modernization of the army's artillery capabilities to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. Whilst great attention was paid to ammunition and artillery trailers, one outcome of this modernization project was the development of the 155/23 howitzer. It was first produced in 1942 as a medium artillery piece and served the US Army throughout the Second World War. It could use different types of ammunition and had a maximum range of 14,600 meters. Very robust and reliable, it also proved to have good operational longevity. It was in fact used by the U.S. Army post WW2 during the Korean War, and indeed during the Vietnam War before eventually being replaced by the more modern M198. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:35

1:35 Howitzer M1 155mm avec équipage
1:35 Intérieur de la M3 Lee australienne

Maquettes chars

1:35 Intérieur de la M3 Lee australienne



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Intérieur de la M3 Lee australienne
1:35 IT WW2 PzKpfw.VI Tiger I Ausf.E mP.

Maquettes chars

1:35 IT WW2 PzKpfw.VI Tiger I Ausf.E mP.



Article number: 510006507 Product: 1:35 IT PzKpfw.VI Tiger I Ausf.E mP. Model Dim.: 24,1 cm - UPGRADED MOULDS - - Figure not included - Parts for two variants - Photo-etched fret and link by link tracks included - Decals for 4 versions The Tiger I tank, which has been produced in the second half of 1943, was based on the hull of the firstoperational version used in North Africa and Russia. At the beginning this tank had wheels with rubber rim,which will be replaced in the following productions starting from February 1944, but it was equipped withthe new turret with increased protection and better cupola for the commander. Besides some of thesevehicles maintained the characteristic system of dust filters Feifel, and the smoke grenade launchers. On thetanks produced since August 1943 was also applied a magnetic mine paste that will become standard on alltanks of the German Army.

1:35 IT WW2 PzKpfw.VI Tiger I Ausf.E mP.
1:35 K-51 Radio Truck w/ Trailer

Maquettes chars

1:35 K-51 Radio Truck w/ Trailer



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 K-51 Radio Truck w/ Trailer
1:35 K-52 Trailer w.Power Unit PE-95

Maquettes chars

1:35 K-52 Trailer w.Power Unit PE-95



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 K-52 Trailer w.Power Unit PE-95
1:35 Kfz. 69 Schwimmwagen

Maquettes chars

1:35 Kfz. 69 Schwimmwagen



Article number: 510000313 Product: 1/35 Kfz. 69 Schwimmwagen Model Dim.: 10,9 cm including 3 figures Decals for one version As the Volkswagen 82 (Kubelwagen) proved very successful during the campaign in Poland, it was necessary to produce everincreasing numbers of this vehicle. Later, Ferdinand Porsche developed an amphibian version of this car, called the Schwimmwagen. The light weight of this vehicle (about 1/2 ton) permitted crossing of muddy areas, since only two men were sufficient to keep this vehicle moving. For reconnaissance and liaison missions, water had to be crossed frequently, which was impossible with other vehicles.

1:35 Kfz. 69 Schwimmwagen
1:35 Kfz.12 Horch 901 typ 40 Frühe Ausf.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Kfz.12 Horch 901 typ 40 Frühe Ausf.



Un ambitieux projet de mécanisation des forces armées allemandes fut lancé dès le milieu des années 30. En effet, il était considéré comme stratégique d'équiper la Wehrmacht d'un véhicule militaire standard à même d'optimiser la mobilité des troupes sur routes et terrains accidentés. Parmi les différentes versions proposées la voiture moyenne à quatre roues motrices, fabriquée par Opelwerke et par Auto Union, eut une importante diffusion. Le châssis moyen fut équipé dans différentes configurations pour l'adapter au transport des troupes, à la traction de remorques, pour la reconnaissance et, notamment pour répondre aux besoins des départements spécialisés dans les transmissions. Le Kfz. 12, construit par la société Horch (Horch faisait partie du groupe Auto Union avec Wanderer, Audi et DKW), s'est avéré, grâce à sa conception simple mais efficace, très fiable et robuste dans n'importe quel environnement d'exploitation.   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Kfz.12 Horch 901 typ 40 Frühe Ausf.
1:35 Kfz.70 allemand L1500A Force d'équipe.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Kfz.70 allemand L1500A Force d'équipe.



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Kfz.70 allemand L1500A Force d'équipe.
1:35 L701 German 3t Cargo Truck

Maquettes chars

1:35 L701 German 3t Cargo Truck



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 L701 German 3t Cargo Truck
1:35 Lame de déneigement de l'IDF

Maquettes chars

1:35 Lame de déneigement de l'IDF



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Lame de déneigement de l'IDF
1:35 Lance-roquettes 15cm 42 sur SWS

Maquettes chars

1:35 Lance-roquettes 15cm 42 sur SWS



Article number: 510006562 Product: 1:35 15cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf SWS Length of the model 198 mm NEW DECAL SHEET The Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (SWS) was developed as a medium half-track and used to transport supplies to front-line troops or as a towing vehicle for the light artillery. However, on the large rear flat load compartment some other applications have been developed. One modification was the Panzerwerfer 42 auf SWS, a 10 barreled 15 cm Nebelwerfer 42 rocket launched placed over an armored ammunition storage compartment. The rocket launcher, developed as device to create smoke screens, was soon used as real artillery able to launch high-explosive ammunitions. It could shoot the rocktes with impressive and deadly. Detailed Plastic Kit of model 15cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf SWS in scale 1:35

1:35 Lance-roquettes 15cm 42 sur SWS
1:35 Lanceur de chars 42 Mule demi-course

Maquettes chars

1:35 Lanceur de chars 42 Mule demi-course



Article number: 510006546 Product: 1/35 Panzerwerfer 42 Maultier Halftrack Model Dim.: 17,1 cm Decals for 3 versions 2 TRACKS TIPES: GLUABLE RUBBER TRUCKS and HARD PLASTIC LINK and LENGTH TRACKS - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET The use of multiple rocket launchers by the German Armed Forces during World War II was quite extensive due to low cost and high efficiency of these arms systems. The main inconvenience of these vehicles was scarce mobility which made them vulnerable to enemy counter attacks. Thus, this mobile version of a 150 mm rocket-launcher type 42 was mounted on a half-truck Sd.Kfz. 4 Maultier, which guaranteed high mobility in off-road conditions. The vehicle was equipped with armour to protect its crew. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Panzerwerfer 42 Maultier Halftrack in scale 1:72

1:35 Lanceur de chars 42 Mule demi-course
1:35 Land Rover 109 "Guardia Civil

Maquettes chars

1:35 Land Rover 109 "Guardia Civil



Article number: 510006542 Product: 1:35 Land Rover 109 "Guardia Civil" Model Dim.: 12,5 cm UPGRADED MOULDS Decals for 3 versions The Land Rover was certainly one of the most famous symbols of "Made in England" automobile production and is a real milestone in the history of off-road vehicles. It was born immediately after the war, with the first prototypes realized on 1947. It has been characterized by the 4x4 traction system and by a robust and reliable design able to tackle the most difficult and challenging trails. The aluminum body provide lightness but, at the same time, more resistance against corrosions and more durable in time. In 1971, when the III Series was introduced, more than 1,000,000 of Land Rovers has been produced. Available in two versions: the "standard" one and the "long wheel base". Thanks to its extraordinary versatility was used in both military and civilian duties, and was also produced under license by the Spanish Motor Company Santana during the 70s. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Land Rover 109 "Guardia Civil" in scale 1:35

1:35 Land Rover 109 "Guardia Civil
1:35 Le char britannique. Char de reconnaissance AEC Mk.III

Maquettes chars

1:35 Le char britannique. Char de reconnaissance AEC Mk.III



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Le char britannique. Char de reconnaissance AEC Mk.III
1:35 Le char d'assaut britannique. Char de reconnaissance AEC Mk.II

Maquettes chars

1:35 Le char d'assaut britannique. Char de reconnaissance AEC Mk.II



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Le char d'assaut britannique. Char de reconnaissance AEC Mk.II
1:35 Lieutenant allemand PzKpfw. MkI 202e Dingo (3)

Maquettes chars

1:35 Lieutenant allemand PzKpfw. MkI 202e Dingo (3)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Lieutenant allemand PzKpfw. MkI 202e Dingo (3)
1:35 LVT-4 Wasserbüffel

Maquettes chars

1:35 LVT-4 Wasserbüffel



Les véhicules chenillés L.V.T. (acronyme de Landing Vehicle Tracked) ont été développés pour équiper les forces armées américaines, l'armée et le corps des Marines, d'un engin adapté aux opérations amphibies capable d'offrir un bon niveau de protection. Souvent connus sous le nom de "Amtrac", ils ont été largement utilisés dans le théâtre d'opérations du Pacifique, contre les forces japonaises, mais aussi au cours de la dernière année de guerre sur le théâtre européen. L'LVT-4 constituait, en particulier, une nette amélioration par rapport aux versions précédentes. Avec la redéfinition du projet, le moteur a été déplacé en position centrale, libérant ainsi l'arrière du véhicule pour l'adoption d'une rampe permettant de charger et décharger rapidement des véhicules légers ou des pièces d'artillerie de petit calibre à l'appui des troupes de débarquement. Ce fut la version la plus réussie avec le plus grand nombre de véhicules produits.   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 LVT-4 Wasserbüffel
1:35 M110 Self Propelled Howitzer (pistolet à propulsion autonome)

Maquettes chars

1:35 M110 Self Propelled Howitzer (pistolet à propulsion autonome)



Article number: 510006574 Product: 1:35 M110 Self Propelled Howitzer Model Dim.: 25,8 cm Decal for 1 versions The self-propelled guns of the M-110 series have represented, for many years, the backbone of the field artillery of the United States Army. They were also largely used by the American Allied Countries. It entered service in the ‘60s but thanks to the improvements made in 1977 on the M-110 A1 version, it acquired improved operational efficiency. The M-110 A1 was armed with the new 203 mm long range M201 gun able to use a wide range of ammunitions. The project was characterized by an excellent mix in terms of firepower and mobility thanks to its reliable chassis (the same of the M-107). The M-110 A1 was deployed in the division artillery to perform tasks as general support, counter-battery fire and suppression of enemy positions. It was widely used during the conflict in Lebanon and during the first Gulf war. Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 M110 Self Propelled Howitzer (pistolet à propulsion autonome)
1:35 M3 Lee Avec. Prod. M. Intérieur

Maquettes chars

1:35 M3 Lee Avec. Prod. M. Intérieur



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M3 Lee Avec. Prod. M. Intérieur
1:35 M3 Lee Premier produit m. Intérieur

Maquettes chars

1:35 M3 Lee Premier produit m. Intérieur



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M3 Lee Premier produit m. Intérieur
1:35 M3 Stuart Early Prod. Interior Kit

Maquettes chars

1:35 M3 Stuart Early Prod. Interior Kit



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M3 Stuart Early Prod. Interior Kit
1:35 M3 Stuart Initial Prod. w. Interior

Maquettes chars

1:35 M3 Stuart Initial Prod. w. Interior



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M3 Stuart Initial Prod. w. Interior
1:35 M3 Stuart Light Tank. Initial Prod.

Maquettes chars

1:35 M3 Stuart Light Tank. Initial Prod.



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M3 Stuart Light Tank. Initial Prod.
1:35 M3 Stuart. Early Prod

Maquettes chars

1:35 M3 Stuart. Early Prod



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M3 Stuart. Early Prod
1:35 M4A1 Early Version

Maquettes chars

1:35 M4A1 Early Version



Article number: 540006701 Product: 1:35 M4A1 Early Version It marks 80th anniversary of the Normandy Campaign in June this year. To commemorate this historic event, Dragon has planned to produce items that are related to the campaign. After several production runs of 1/35 scale figure sets, we are now introducing the Allied tanks. The first release will be a M4A1 Early Version. This new M4A1 not only boasts promising details, but also includes several new features that make it the perfect representation of the M4A1 tank that saw combat in Normandy. Main Features: - Magic Track - Aluminum gun barrel w/rifling inside - 3D printed applique armor plates - 3D printed headlight and horn guards - Copper cable Detailed plastic kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M4A1 Early Version
1:35 M4A1 Sherman avec l'infanterie américaine

Maquettes chars

1:35 M4A1 Sherman avec l'infanterie américaine



Article number: 510006568 Product: 1:35 M4A1 Sherman with U.S. Infantry Length of the model 167 mm CONTAINS 10 FIGURES - NEW GLUEABLE RUBBER TRUCKS - SUPER DECALS FOR 3 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET The M4 Sherman medium tank was the primary tank used by the United States during World War II. It has been produced in a significant number of units and it formed the backbone of United Stated armoured forces during at those time. It has been produced in several variants and versions. The first version to be produced on wide scale was the Sherman M4A1 characterised by the rounded edges of the fully casted upper hull. Even the turret had a rounded appearance. The Sherman would entered combat in armoured corps of United States Army in 1942 during the first months of the war. It was armed with the 75 mm gun that was replaced in the latest A1 version with the high-speed 76 mm gun. Thanks to its Continental R975 gasoline engine the tank was able to obtain good performances on all type of terrains. However the most important strength of the tank was its project. The Sherman was reliable, cheap and easy to produce in great numbers. Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 M4A1 Sherman avec l'infanterie américaine
1:35 M4A2 U.S. Panzer Marine Corps

Maquettes chars

1:35 M4A2 U.S. Panzer Marine Corps



Référence article: 510006583 Article: 1:35 M4A2 U.S. Panzer Marine Corps Taille du modèle 16,8 cm NOUVELLES CHENILLES COLLABLES T54E1 - DÉCALQUES POUR 4 VERSIONS - FEUILLE D'INSTRUCTIONS COULEUR Le char moyen M4 Sherman était le char principal utilisé par les États-Unis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il a été produit dans un nombre important d’unités et a formé l’épine dorsale des forces blindées des États-Unis à cette époque. Il a été produit en plusieurs variantes et versions. La première version produite à grande échelle était le Sherman M4A1 caractérisé par les bords arrondis de la coque supérieure entièrement coulée. Même la tourelle avait un aspect arrondi. Cependant, la force la plus importante du char était son projet. Le Sherman était fiable, bon marché et facile à produire en grand nombre. La version M4A2 était similaire à la précédente mais elle était à moteur diesel avec le moteur General Motors Twin G-41. Au début, le M4A2 était destiné à soutenir les activités de guerre des nations alliées comme l’Union soviétique et la Grande-Bretagne, mais de nombreux chars étaient utilisés par le Corps des Marines des États-Unis. Activement utilisés dans les batailles pour la reconquête des archipels de l’océan Pacifique, ils ont joué un rôle fondamental dans la destruction des puissantes fortifications construites par l’armée japonaise.

1:35 M4A2 U.S. Panzer Marine Corps
1:35 M4A3E8 Sherman "Fury" (Fureur)

Maquettes chars

1:35 M4A3E8 Sherman "Fury" (Fureur)



Article number: 510006529 Product: 1:35 "M4A3E8 Sherman Fury" Model Dim.: 16,8 cm Fully upgraded moulds The box contains 2 track versions made by a new raw material which can be glued and painted. The M4 Sherman medium tank was the primary tank used by the United States during World War II. It has been produced in a significant number of units ant it formed the backbone of United Stated armoured forces during at those time. it has been produced in several variants and versions The production of the M4A3E8 versions started at the end of 1944. The M4A3E8, adopting the nickname Easy Eight, took several technical improvements enhancing the Sherman operational effectiveness. The 76mm M1 high velocity gun had been flanked by a new horizontal volute spring suspension (HVSS) system able to ensure a better driving condition and to guarantee a higher speed. The "Easy Eight" participated to the final stages of World War II and took active part in the Korean War. Detailed Plastic Kit of model M4A3E8 Sherman "Fury" in scale 1:35

1:35 M4A3E8 Sherman "Fury" (Fureur)
1:35 M4A4 w/60lb Rocket

Maquettes chars

1:35 M4A4 w/60lb Rocket



Article number: 540006405 Product: 1:35 M4A4 w/60lb Rocket Dragon has released several 1/35 scale Sherman items. The newest addition to this series is the M4A4, which is equipped with twin launchers for 60lb rockets. This variant of the Sherman was field-modified and achieved success against enemy's targets. It also provided a significant morale boost to British troops. This new 1/35 kit of the special Sherman M4A4 not only accurately reproduces the rockets and their brackets but also includes 3D printing parts and a metal gun barrel for maximum detail. Furthermore, a full set of four infantry figures is offered as a free bonus. Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 M4A4 w/60lb Rocket
1:35 M6 Dodge Anti-Tank

Maquettes chars

1:35 M6 Dodge Anti-Tank



Article number: 510106555 Product: 1:35 M6 Dodge Anti-Tank Model Dim.: 12,9 cm COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET The Gun Motor Carriage M6 was developed on the famous 4x4 Dodge WC52 frame adopting, on the rear deck, a 37 mm. light anti-tank gun. Thanks to its Dodge T-214 6 cylinders engine the M6 was able to reach, on road, the speed of 90 Km/h. The United States Army used GMC M6 from the late 1942 up to the end of World War II on all the operating theaters as the Mediterranean, the European front and the Pacific. The GMC M6 was set up and developed to be anti-tank vehicle but, since the first clashes in Tunisia, its light gun was often ineffective against the most recent German tanks protections. Its main role was partially changed and the M6 started to be used as infantry support vehicles. Detailed Plastic Kit of model M6 Dodge Anti-Tank in scale 1:35

1:35 M6 Dodge Anti-Tank
1:35 Mod. US M978 Fuel Service Truck

Maquettes chars

1:35 Mod. US M978 Fuel Service Truck



Article number: 510006554 Product: 1:35 Mod. US M978 Fuel Service Truck Model Dim.: 29,7 cm UPGRADED MOULDS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET - NEW RIMS AND RUBBER TYRES The acronym HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) identifies a range eight-wheel drive off-road capable heavy truck, produced from the mid-80s for the United States Army. Thanks to its features, the HEMTT is able to guarantee a great off-road mobility and significant transportation performance. It has become the real "workhorse" of the Army capable of carrying ammunition and equipment in a very effective way. The outfitted versions, as the M978 Tanker, has been designed to perform, in a very precise and effective way, the different military logistic needs. Thanks to the loading capacity of over 9,500 liters, the tank installed on the vehicle is able to transport a significant quantity of fuel. The M978 has been effectively used by the U.S. Army in various severe operational areas such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Mod. US M978 Fuel Service Truck in scale 1:35

1:35 Mod. US M978 Fuel Service Truck
1:35 Motos américaines WWII

Maquettes chars

1:35 Motos américaines WWII



Article number: 510000322 Product: 1:35 U.S. Motorräder WWII Model Dim.: 6,4 cm D-DAY SERIES - NORMANDY 1944/2014 D-DAY SERIES - NORMANDY 1944/2014 THE BOX CONTAINS 2 MODELS & 2 FIGURES - The United States and many of her Allies used HARLEY DAVIDSON motor-cycles as liaison and staff vehicles. Front line troops also employed for their Military Police these motorcycles to direct traffic and control troop movements.

1:35 Motos américaines WWII
1:35 Obusier M-109/A2-A3G

Maquettes chars

1:35 Obusier M-109/A2-A3G



Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

1:35 Obusier M-109/A2-A3G
1:35 Partisans

Maquettes chars

1:35 Partisans



Article number: 510006556 Product: 1:35 Partisans From ESCI Original Moulds During the German occupation of European countries in WW2 a key role was played by local ‘partisan’ groups. The partisans often had different ideals and political motivations but were united by the same goal to assist with the effort to secure victory against the German occupying forces. The type of operations conducted by partisan groups were wide-ranging, including both intelligence gathering and support activities to Allied forces, particularly in relation to acts of sabotage against the enemy's logistics and communications infrastructures. Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Partisans
1:35 Police militaire américaine avec moto (1)

Maquettes chars

1:35 Police militaire américaine avec moto (1)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Police militaire américaine avec moto (1)
1:35 Police militaire américaine avec moto (2)

Maquettes chars

1:35 Police militaire américaine avec moto (2)



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Police militaire américaine avec moto (2)
1:35 Pz.Kpfw. III version С

Maquettes chars

1:35 Pz.Kpfw. III version С



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Pz.Kpfw. III version С
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Dt. Ausf.B m. Crew (5)

Maquettes chars

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Dt. Ausf.B m. Crew (5)



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Dt. Ausf.B m. Crew (5)
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Jan45 Nibe. Int.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Jan45 Nibe. Int.



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Jan45 Nibe. Int.
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Sep44 Nibe. Int.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Sep44 Nibe. Int.



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Sep44 Nibe. Int.
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Dt. Ausf.H (V) Avec. Int.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Dt. Ausf.H (V) Avec. Int.



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Dt. Ausf.H (V) Avec. Int.
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Dt. Ausf.H (V) Frühe Pr.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Dt. Ausf.H (V) Frühe Pr.



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Dt. Ausf.H (V) Frühe Pr.
1:35 Quad Gun Trailer M55

Maquettes chars

1:35 Quad Gun Trailer M55



Article number: 540006421 Product: 1:35 Quad Gun Trailer M55 The M55 Quad Gun Trailer is a rare anti-aircraft gun from the Allied forces in our product line. With meticulous engineering and design, it has been faithfully reproduced with accurate details. It is another highly anticipated item, considering its last release was a decade ago. Now, it presents a great opportunity for modelers to acquire it and enhance their collections. Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Quad Gun Trailer M55
1:35 Remorque de transport allemande

Maquettes chars

1:35 Remorque de transport allemande



Detailed Plastic Kit

1:35 Remorque de transport allemande
1:35 Sd. Remorque 51

Maquettes chars

1:35 Sd. Remorque 51



Article number: 510006450 Product: 1:35 Sd. Anhänger 51 Model Dim.: 7,6 cm CONTAINS 2 MODELS The Sd Anhänger 51 trailer could easily be used by a large number of Wehrmacht vehicles. The trailers have been developed to be used as ammo carriers and they were typically associated to anti-aircraft half-tracks armed with 20 mm Flak guns. During the Military campaigns the trailers were often fully loaded with any kind of materials. The lower "U" frame was extremely robust and suitable to be used on road and off road. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Sd. Anhänger 51 in scale 1:35

1:35 Sd. Remorque 51
1:35 Sd.Kfz 234/4 Panzerspähwag w. Int.

Maquettes chars

1:35 Sd.Kfz 234/4 Panzerspähwag w. Int.



Detailed Plastic Kit   Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

1:35 Sd.Kfz 234/4 Panzerspähwag w. Int.
120 de 481 Article