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1:72 Le Sd. Kfz 250/3
Référence article: 510007034 Produit: 1:72 Sd. Kfz 250/3 Le semi-chenillé Sd.Kfz. 250 a été largement utilisé par les troupes mécanisées allemandes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Développé sur la « disposition » technique du tracteur d'artillerie Sd.Kfz.10, il devait fournir une solution flexible et fiable pour intégrer les mouvements d'infanterie avec les troupes blindées. Le véhicule Sd.Kfz. 250 était armé d'une ou deux mitrailleuses MG34 de 7,92 mm et pouvait emporter, avec un bon niveau de protection, une escouade d'infanterie de 4 hommes sur le champ de bataille. L'appréciation du véhicule a été à la base du développement de nombreuses variantes dont la version 250/3 Leichter Funkpanzerwagen (véhicule blindé léger de liaison radio), utilisé comme centre névralgique de la liaison radio entre les troupes avancées, l'artillerie et l'armée de l'air. Le célèbre « Greif », utilisé par Erwin Rommel en Afrique du Nord, est un véritable poste de commandement avancé en contact étroit avec les troupes de première ligne.

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1:72 Le Sd. Kfz. 182 King Tiger
Article number: 510007004 Product: 1:72 Sd. Kfz. 182 King Tiger Model Dim.: 11,2 cm Decal for one version This vehicle was one of the most powerful battle tanks in service during World War II. The King Tiger was armed with a formidable 88mm cannon, which enabled the tank to engage any allied tank even at long range. Because of its heavy armor, complex suspension systems and a complicated, maintenance-prone engine, the tank was non very reliable.

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1:72 M4 Sherman
Article number: 510007003 Product: 1:72 M4 Sherman Model Dim.: 8,2 cm Decals for one version The Sherman is one of the most famous tanks of World War II, and was also the standard tank of the allied armies. The M4 was fairly well protected with armor but not sufficient enough to confront the 88mm guns of the Germans. It had a valid engine, was reliable and had sufficient range as well as armament.

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1:72 Pz.Kpfw.V Panther
Article number: 510107504 Productg: 1:72 Pz.Kpfw.V Panther Model Dim.: 12,7 cm CONTAINS TWO FAST ASSEMBLY MODELS The Panther was one of the most efficient and famous vehicles of WWII. It was created together with the well-known tank mark VI Tiger. This tank entered service in 1943 supporting the Mark IV tanks, which had difficulties to oppose the onslaught of Soviet T-34 tanks on the Eastern front. During the following two years of the war this powerful tank was present in all war zones: Italy, France as well as during the final battles on german soil. It proved its qualities against its adversaries, from Sherman to Stalin. Deatailed plastic kit of model Pz.Kpfw.V Panther in scale 1:72

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1:72 Sd.Kfz 142/1 Sturmgesch.III (véhicule d'assaut)
Article number: 510107522 Product: 1/72 Sd.Kfz 142/1 Sturmgeschütz III Model Dim.: 7,6 cm 100% NEW MOULDS SPECIAL WARGAME DECALS These vehicles, which mounted a casemate gun, were used extensively by the German Army throughout the Second World War, providing covering fire for infantry and also being used as tank-busters. Several hundred of this particular self-propelled gun - constructed on a Pz.Kpfw. III tank chassis - were built in several versions that underwent constant armour and gun upgrades to keep pace with the development of enemy weapons.

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1:72 Sd.Kfz 265 Petit wagon de commandement de chars
Article number: 510007072 Product: 1:72 Sd.Kfz 265 Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen Model Dim.: 5,6 cm The Sd.Kfz 265 Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen armored command vehicle was born to meet the need of the Wehrmacht Panzer Division Commanders to follow, as close as possible, the tanks and better coordinate them on the battlefield. The armored command vehicle was designed on the Panzer I Ausf. B light tank chassis. To increase the space for the unit commander and his staff, the traditional rotating turret with the main armament was removed and a tall fixed superstructure was installed. The commander’s room was able to host the battle maps, the transmission and the communication systems. An additional radio antenna could be used, on the hull, to increase the range of radio communication. Produced from the second half of ‘30s the "Panzerbefehlswagen" has been used in combat operations in September 1939 during the Poland invasion. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Sd.Kfz 265 Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen in scale 1:72

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1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 "Stuka Zu Fuss" (Stuka à pied)
Article number: 510007080 Product: 1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 "Stuka Zu Fuss" Model Dim.: 8,1 cm The Sd.Kfz.251 half-track was an armored fighting vehicle (AFV), which was deployed by the Wehrmacht on all operational fronts during the Second World War. Powered by a Maybach 6-cylinder petrol engine it was able to reach a speed of 55 km / h even on ‘off road’ terrain. Produced in huge numbers, it was mainly used to transport ‘Panzergrenadiers’, but during the war several versions were developed to meet differing operational requirements. The Wurfrahmen rocket launcher version was built on the Sd.Kfz.251. Equipped with 6 compartments, 3 on each side, intended for the launch of rockets of different sizes, it was nicknamed "Stuka zu Fuss". Although not precise, it could have an important psychological effect on enemy troops and still proved to be a valid support for ground troops especially in urban fighting. Detailed plastic kit

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1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance
Article number: 510007077 Product: 1:72 Sd.Kfz. 251/8 Ambulance Mod.Dim.: 8,1 cm Actros is the commercial name for Mercedes-Benz heavy truck range. The Actros range has been introduced in 1995 and quickly achieved a significant commercial success as a suitable solution to perform long-distance haulage and heavy-duties haulage. The New Actros, introduced on the market in 2012, is the most update and innovative expression of the heavy truck Mercedes family. It is characterized by an advanced and modern design and the adoption of new Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines. The vehicle configuration has been designed and developed to guarantee the highest operational efficiency minimizing the running costs. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:72 Semovente M40 da 75/18, 2 pcs
Article number: 510107519 Product: 1:72 Semovente M40 da 75/18, 2 pcs Model Dim.: 7 cm Decals for one version The "Semovente" 75/18 M40, developed by Fiat Ansaldo, was employed by Regio Esercito from the end of 1941 in North Africa and was used up to the end of World War II. Although it was developed on the tank M13/40 old frame, was the only Italian armored vehicle, produced in large numbers, to pose a serious threat to Allied tanks. Its 75mm gun had a good fire power and was effective even with the most modern and heavily armored enemy tanks like the Sherman. The good and effective gun was not able to compensate several weaknesses such as a too light armor and a unreliable and weak engine directly derived from the tank M13/40. The Italian Semovente was used, in particular, by Ariete and Littorio Armoured Division in North Africa but also, up to the end of war, by Repubblica Sociale in the North of Italy.

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1:72 WWII canon antichar allemand Pak 40
Article number: 510106096 Product: 1/72 WWII German PAK40 AT Gun w/servants The 75mm Panzerabwehrkanone Pak 40 was brought in service at the beginning of 1941 and became the standard anti-tank gun of the German army. Despite being less powerful than the more famous "88", it was employed on all the fronts with excellent results. A light and easy to handle weapon, it weighed only 1500 kg and it was able to penetrate a 70mm plate at a range of 2000 meters. Slightly modified, it was also used on tank destroyers like the Marder, the Stug III and the Hetzer.

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1:24 Jeep Willys MB 80th Anniversary
510003635bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510003635 Product: 1:24 Willys Jeep MB "80th Anniversary" In 1940, after World War II had broken out, the US general staff ordered various factories to design a light multipurpose vehicle with all-wheel drive. The American Bantam Company, Willys Overland, and Ford Motor Co. competed with each other. Willys prototype was chosen, which, after an initial run of 1500 vehicles, went into mass production at the beginning of1941 and reached a total output of 640.000 units out of which 277.000 pieces were produced by Ford under a licensing agreement. This shows that the Jeep was the most widely produced light vehicle of the war industry during World War II. Even after 80 years, the "Willys" is still considered today, to be the four-wheeled vehicle which is most symbolic of the American army during the Second World War, and thanks to its enthusiasts and collectors, there are many examples of the jeep, still in perfect working order. Detailed plastic kit

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1:35 1/4 Ton 4x4 Ambulance Jeep
510000326bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510000326 Product: 1:35 1/4 Ton 4x4 US Ambulance Vehicle Model Dim.: 11,8 cm Decals for 2 versions The ubiquitous jeep is perhaps the most all-round vehicle ever constructed. Because it xas ruggedly built and thus able to traverse most types of terrain without suffering structural damage, one of the task assigned to the jeep was that of ambulance service.

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1:35 Camion GMC 2 1/2 tons "D-Day 80th Ann.
510006271bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510006271 Produit: 1:35 GMC 2 1/2Ton.Truck"D-Day 80th Ann." Le camion GMC de 2 ½ tonnes a été construit en très grand nombre et peut être considéré comme l'épine dorsale de la logistique de l'armée américaine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Caractérisé par une structure très robuste et fiable, dont la force réside dans ses bonnes performances « tout-terrain » grâce à ses six roues motrices et au design efficace des suspensions, il a été produit dans de nombreuses variantes. Outre les versions « cargo » les plus courantes, avec cabine ouverte ou fermée, à « pas long » et à « pas court », des configurations ont également été développées, dont certaines fabriquées directement « sur le terrain », pour des utilisations plus spécifiques et ponctuelles. Son rôle a été crucial pour répondre aux besoins logistiques exigeants qui ont suivi les premières étapes du débarquement en Normandie, avec le transport et la manutention de quantités impressionnantes de troupes et de matériaux. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 Chasseur de chars. VI Tiger I version E production tardive
510006754bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510006754 Produit: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E late production Le Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. Tiger I est certainement l'un des chars de combat les plus célèbres de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il fut développé pour équiper les divisions blindées de la Wehrmacht d'un char de combat lourdement blindé et lourdement armé pour accompagner les chars moyens Panzer III et Panzer IV qui étaient les plus répandus mais qui n’étaient plus en mesure de combattre efficacement les chars adversaires. L'armement principal était constitué du célèbre et létal canon antichar longue portée KwK 36 L / 56 de 88 mm. Installé dans la tourelle et protégé par un lourd bouclier de 120 mm, il était capable de perforer, même à une longue distance, le blindage de n’importe quel engin ennemi de l'époque. Il a été déployé sur tous les principaux théâtres d'opérations et a participé activement aux opérations militaires allemandes en Normandie et sur le front occidental. Bien que conditionné par des problèmes de fiabilité et d’emploi, le char lourd, aux mains d'équipages expérimentés, a toujours été extrêmement redouté par les forces alliées. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 M923 Hillbilly Gun Truck
510006513bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510006513 Product: 1:35 M923 Hillbilly Gun Truck Model Dim.: 24,8 cm UPGRADED MOULDS Decals for one version This medium cargo truck of the 5 ton category, is representative of today's generation of logistical vehicles of the U.S. Forces. It entered service in the early eighties. The M-923 has an extremely sturdy structure and excellent off-road features, which are necessary to secure the flow of material to the front line combat units. Based on this chassis many versions have been produced: wrecking trucks, tank trucks, mobile maintenance and communication trucks. The A-1 version is characteristic because of its large off-road tires which have earned it the nick-name "big-foot". During its operational use, and in particular in the most recent military campaigns in which it was employed as Iraq and Afghanistan, the "Big Foot" has often been modified with the addition of "home made" protections to reduce the damages caused by the fire of light weapons. However, the personalization of the vehicles, made "on field" by the crews, were possible thanks to the excellent platform offered by-M-923 trucks.

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1:35 SAS 1/4-Ton 4x4 Truck ETO
540006725bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number:540006725 Product:1:35 SAS 1/4-Ton 4x4 Truck ETO ETO The 1/4-Ton Truck played a significant role in World War II, and the SAS (Special Air Service) used it extensively in both North Africa and NW Europe. The SAS utilized the truck primarly for reconnaissance and raiding missions, as well as for transporting persoonel and equipment. The SAS modified it to suit their specific requirements, such as adding extra fuel tanks for longer ranges, mounting machine guns and other weapons. Overall, the truck's adaptability and versatility made it an invaluable asset to the SAS during this period. Now we select two such truck for a reproduction. Don't miss out. Detailed plastic kit

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1:35 US M-7 Priest Howitzer Self-Prop
510006580bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510006580 Product: 1:35 US M-7 Priest Howitzer Self-Prop Model Dim.: 17,2 cm NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRACKS - DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET CONTAINS 1 FIGURE The deployment of self-propelled artillery during the Second World War was very quickly adopted by all of the combatants. Following the innovative use of mobile artillery by the German army at the outset of the conflict, the need for artillery pieces to be as mobile as tank battalions was universally recognised. The Allies initially mounted their first self-propelled artillery units on half-track vehicles, but the most effective solution manifested itself with the introduction of the M7 Priest. Using the hull of the M3 Lee medium tank the M7 was armed with a 105mm M2A1 howitzer. It was deployed operationally for the first time in 1942 by British troops who gave it the nickname "Priest", due to the position of the machine gun in the front of the vehicle which resembled a Church pulpit. Robust and reliable, it had a plentiful supply of ammunition and provided effective indirect support fire. It was used by both the American army and the U.S. Marines on all fronts throughout the course of the war. Detailed plastic kit

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1:72 Ambulance Sd.Kfz.305
510007055bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510007055 Product: 1/72 Sd.Kfz.305 Ambulance Model Dim.: 8,2 cm Decals for 4 versions The Opel Blitz medium truck was used extensively by the German Army on all fronts during World War Two. Several thousand of them were produced. They were also used as platforms for antiaircraft weaponry and tanker, workshop and ambulance versions were made. Of sturdy construction and easy to maintain, it also featured good off-road performance which made it invaluable in both the Russian and African campaigns.

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1:72 Char Kpfw. IV
510007007bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510007007 Product: 1:72 Panzer Kpfw. IV Model Dim.: 8,5 cm Decals for one version The Panzer IV was developed in the first few months of the 2nd World War to provide the German armoured forces with a better protected vehicle carrying a 7.5 CM cannon. This was a reaction to the limits of its predecessor the model III with a 5 CM cannon compared to the threat of the enemys means, in particular the soviet T 34s which were equipped with an arm of that calibre as well as good armour plating. The model IV tank was extensively used on all fronts during the 2nd World War by the German Army. Many different gradually improved versions were produced to face the on-going improvements of the opponents means.

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1:72 King Tiger
510072005bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510072005 Produit: 1:72 King Tiger Le char lourd Sd.Kfz 182 Panzer VI Ausf. B « King Tiger » entra en service avec l’armée allemande à partir de la mi-1944. Profondément différent du Tiger I, il se caractérise par son gros volume (presque 70 tonnes), son blindage remarquable, sa caisse avant inclinée et l’adoption du redoutable canon de 88 mm KwK 43 L/7. Le King Tiger, grâce au moteur Maybach V-12, pouvait atteindre la vitesse maximale de 42 km/h. Pour la production en série, deux tourelles différentes furent adoptées : la tourelle Porsche et, bien plus nombreuse en termes d’exemplaires réalisés, la tourelle Henschel. En plus de contenir le canon de 88 mm, les deux tourelles étaient en mesure de stocker 80 grenades. En juillet 1944, le King Tiger fut employé pour la première fois au combat par le 503ème Bataillon de chars lourds durant la Bataille de Normandie.

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1:72 Kit de maquettes F-16 C/D Night Falcon
510072009bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510072009 Produit: 1:72 Model-Set F-16 C/D Night Falcon Le F-16 Fighting Falcon, produit par la société américaine General Dynamics à partir de la fin des années 70, est une véritable icône de l’aviation militaire. Au début, développé pour répondre aux besoins de l’U.S. Air Force d’avoir un avion de chasse monoplace diurne de supériorité aérienne, le projet a progressivement évolué et un avion de combat multi-rôle tous-temps a été créé, caractérisé par une flexibilité opérationnelle extraordinaire. Le F-16 se caractérise par un design original, facilement reconnaissable par le « canopy » (verrière) à bulle. qui garantit une grande visibilité au pilote. De plus, le F-16 adopta des solutions innovantes telles que la cloche latérale, le « fly-by-wire » et de modernes systèmes avioniques pour le vol et le combat. Apprécié par les pilotes pour sa grande manœuvrabilité et fiabilité, il est armé d’un canon M61 Vulcan de 20mm. Grâce à ses nombreux points d’attaque, il peut utiliser un arsenal offensif varié de missiles et de bombes. Le F-16 a été employé par de nombreuses forces aériennes du monde entier et il a effectué, souvent avec une grande efficacité, un nombre important de missions opérationnelles.

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1:72 Sd. Kfz. 184 chasseur de chars Elefant
510007012bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510007012 Product: 1:72 Sd. Kfz. 184 Panzerjäger Elefant Model Dim.: 11,7 cm Decal for one version These vehicles, which mounted a casemate gun, were used extensively by the German Army throughout the Second World War, providing covering fire for infantry and also being used as tank-busters. Several hundred of this particular self-propelled gun - constructed on a Pz.Kpfw. IV tank chassis - were built in several versions that underwent constant armour and gun upgrades to keep pace with the development of enemy weapons.

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1:144 Loc.arm.ger.w/Railw.Veh.Uni.&Pz.IV
540014152disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540014152 Product: 1:144 Ger.Arm.Loc.w/Railw.Veh.Uni.&Pz.IV The rail network played a critical logistics role in WWII, moving troops, equipment and supplies to and from widely separated frontlines. The German military used all sorts of carriages to fortify its trains against enemy attack, including sabotage by partisans or resistance forces. It was thus not uncommon to see armored locomotives and armed, protected wagons in train convoys. Dragon is releasing a scintillating set that depict distinct German trains. This set includes stunning kits of a locomotive completely covered in armor, a Flatbed Typ Ommr, a Platform wagon w/Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H , a Gondola Typ Ommr and a Box Wagen. The newly tooled armored locomotives and all wagons are accurately proportioned and detailed. With such 1/144 scale out-of-the-box rolling stock now available, modelers can easily get creative and combine them with railway modeling accessories such as trees, buildings and sidings to form fantastic dioramas.

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1:24 M-24 "Chaffe" Guerre de Corée
510006587disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006587 Product: 1:24 M-24 "Chaffe" Korean War The M24 Chaffee was deployed to US Army armoured battalions from 1944 onwards to provide a light battlefield tank that could effectively replace the older M3 / M5 Stuart. The configuration of the M-24 was superior to its predecessor in so many ways that it can be considered one of the foremost light tanks that were ever produced. Agile, robust and reliable, it had as its main armament a 75mm M6 cannon with 48 rounds available, a very powerful version indeed of a "light tank". The tank’s armament was complete with its two 12.7 mm Browning machine guns. Following the conclusion of the Second World War, where it’s capabilities had been fully demonstrated, it participated in the Korean War providing support to M4 Sherman tanks and the heavier M26 Pershing. It was also effectively utilised in advanced reconnaissance roles or providing close infantry support. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:24

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1:35 38cm RW 61 sur Sturmmöser Tiger
510006573disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006573 Product: 1:35 38cm RW 61 auf Sturmmöser Tiger Length of the model 17,9 cm NEW GLUEABLE RUBBER TRUCKS OR LINK BY LINK - DECALS FOR 2 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET During World War II the German Army had to combat frequently fortified positions or urban defense centers. Due to tactical reason - the troops were at short distance to the enemy lines - artillery and air support could not be engaged. This led to the development of the "Sturm" - version of the "Tiger" heavy tank (Italeri N. 6471). Onto the heavy-duty chassis the efficient and unique 38 cm mortar was mounted, which had a short range but enormous fire power. Only few units of the Sturmtiger were built and were mainly used in 1944 on the Western Front. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 AB 41 m.Bersaglieri Infanterie italienne
510006591disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006591 Product: 1:35 AB 41 m.Bersaglieri Ital.Infanterie The AB series of armored cars were developed by Fiat-Ansaldo and used by the reconnaissance units of the Italian "Regio Esercito". Following the introduction of the first version, the AB-40, the AB-41 was built which featured a more powerful engine and was armed with the 20 mm Breda 20/65 gun. Additionally, its 8 mm Breda Mod. 38 coaxial machine gun was fitted into the turret. From a technical perspective the AB 41 armored car was four-wheel drive with two driving seats, one front and one rear. Its speed of 70 km / h and its reliability both on and off-road, made it valued by crews during routine and also advanced reconnaissance missions. Vehicle protection was afforded by riveted plate armor. The AB-41 was deployed extensively by the Regio Esercito on the North African front, and indeed on all the main fronts of the Second World War, it was also used post 1943 by both Italian and German units. Scope of delivery: Kit, Instructions, Decor

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1:35 Bataille de Kharkov 1943
540006782disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006782 Product: 1:35 Battle of Kharkov 1943 The WWII Eastern front is a particularly popular subject due to the significant battles and campaigns that took place in this region during the war. We've selected a number of 1/35 figure sets to reproduce, featuring soldiers who fought on the Eastern front during WWII. The assortment includes not only German vs. Soviet soldier sets, but also Axis auxiliary unit sets that are rarer and harder to find in the market. All these sets offer modelers the opportunity to recreate more unique and diverse dioramas of the Eastern front. Detailed Plastic Kit