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1:35 canon d'assaut III, version C/D7.5cm
540006851disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006919 Product: 1:35 Sturmgesch.III Ausf.C/D7.5cm Kanone Stalingrad was the ultimate target of the German 6th Army. This Russian city, bearing the name of Hitler’s Communist nemesis, was the center of vicious house-to-house and hand-to-hand fighting from November 1942 to January 1943. Finally, the Germany 6th Army was forced to make the ultimate sacrifice, with 150,000 German soldiers killed, and widespread losses of equipment. The German were never able to recover from this loss and were eventually forced into a long retreat out of Eastern Europe. To mark the event's 80th anniversary, we has brought together a number of German AFVs that saw combat in this bloody battle 80 years ago. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Char antiaérien IV Vent d'est
510006594disponible dans le commerce
Au cours de la guerre, la nécessité de produire des automoteurs antiaériens en mesure de protéger les troupes, en plein champ ou en mouvement, contre les attaques aériennes à basse altitude s'est fait sentir. Basé sur la caisse du char d’assaut moyen Panzer IV, le Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind a été construit avec un armement quadruple Flak 38 de 20 mm. Le Wirbelwind a été rejoint à la fin de 1944 par l'Ostwind, plus puissant, qui montait une pièce antiaérienne Flak 43 de 37 mm. Avec une portée de tir étendue, l'armement antiaérien, protégé par un bouclier épais et distinctif monté sur une tourelle hexagonale « à ciel ouvert », pouvait également être utilisé efficacement contre des cibles terrestres pour soutenir les troupes sur le terrain. Les quelques exemplaires produits ont été affectés aux unités anti-aériennes des Panzer Division et se sont avérés efficaces sur le plan opérationnel.

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1:35 Char de chasse/chars à flamme 38 Mid Prod.
540006845disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006845 Product: 1:35 Jagdpanzer/Flammpanzer 38 Mid Prod. It's a long time since we released the original 1/35 Hetzer tank destroyers, so it's hight time that these German famous tank destroyers should receive makeover. We have reevamped our well-known 1/35 plastic kits renditions of the Hetzer tank destroyers, with a whole swathe of modifications such as 3D Printing parts, aluminum gun barrle, Neo Track, photo-etched parts and etc. All these ensure fine upgrade of the Hetzers! Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 chars de combat III version M w/Schurzen
540006604disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006604 Product: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.M w/Schurzen To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk, we have planned a series of special items, including a pair of German Panzer III tanks: the Pz.III Ausf.M and Pz.III Ausf.N. The Panzer III tanks were the backbone of the panzer division and are suitable for any Kursk diorama. These two tanks are of the highest quality and have been upgraded with the valuable inclusion of Magic Tracks and metal Schurzen. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 chars de combat III version N w/Schurzen
540006474disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006474 Product: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N w/Schurzen To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk, we have planned a series of special items, including a pair of German Panzer III tanks: the Pz.III Ausf.M and Pz.III Ausf.N. The Panzer III tanks were the backbone of the panzer division and are suitable for any Kursk diorama. These two tanks are of the highest quality and have been upgraded with the valuable inclusion of Magic Tracks and metal Schurzen. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 chars de combat IV version F1(F), BattleKursk43
540006975disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006975 Product: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.F1(F),BattleKursk43 We are pleased to introduce the latest version of our highly regarded Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.F1(F). This new version comes with newly tooled road wheels that have the most accurate cross-section shape ever available in the market. In addition, it now receives side schurzen plates made from matel, valuable Magic Tracks, and an aluminum gun barrel. Overall, this ultimate version of Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.F1(F) is sure to be a highly desirable collectibel item for all AFV modelers. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Chasser les partisans de la Yougoslavie'43
540006491disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006491 Product: 1:35 Hunting the Partisnas Yugoslavia'43 The WWII Eastern front is a particularly popular subject due to the significant battles and campaigns that took place in this region during the war. We've selected a number of 1/35 figure sets to reproduce, featuring soldiers who fought on the Eastern front during WWII. The assortment includes not only German vs. Soviet soldier sets, but also Axis auxiliary unit sets that are rarer and harder to find in the market. All these sets offer modelers the opportunity to recreate more unique and diverse dioramas of the Eastern front. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Chasseurs de chars allemands IV KwK 40L/48
510006578disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006578 Product: 1:35 Dt. Pz.Kpfw. IV KwK 40L/48 The Panzer IV was deployed for the entire duration of WW2 by the Wehrmacht and benefited from frequent updates. It acquired the status of being known as the "backbone" of the Panzer Divisions on all operational fronts. The Panzer IV Ausf H which came into service from mid-1943, was improved in its offensive capability by the adoption of the 75 mm L / 48 KwK 40 cannon, which was characterized by greater penetrative capability and overall general effectiveness against enemy armoured vehicles. A technical innovation entitled Schürzen, was applied to the tank design which afforded additional sheet metal protection to the sides of the hull and around the turret. This in turn provided greater protection against enemy hits and reduced damage to the Panzer. This addition of further side protection was often linked to the use of Zimmerit, a cement-based paste that was applied to the armour. Detailed plastic kit

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1:35 Crusader Mk.II m. Fig. d'inf. (5)
510006579disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006579 Product: 1:35 Crusader Mk.II m. Inf. Fig. (5) Model Dim.: 17,1 cm CONTAINS 5 FIGURES - NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRACKS - DECALS SHEET FOR 3 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET Designed at the beginning of the Second World War, the Crusader was one of the most important British "Cruiser" tanks reaching a production of over 5,000 units. Equipped with Christie suspension with large diameter rolling wheels, the Crusader possessed remarkable driving skills on rough terrain. The first versions of Mk. I and Mk. II were armed with a 2 pdr. cannon, later replaced by the more powerful 6 pdr. cannon in the Mk.III version. Lacking adequate armor against enemy fire, it was also very vulnerable to enemy mines and anti-tank guns, and its armament was often inadequate in front of similar German vehicles. However, when used in a coordinated way, they managed to achieve good results. The Crusaders Mk. II, with the arrival of the more powerful Mk.III, were already relegated to second-line duties at the time of the battle of El Alamein. Detailed plastic kit in scale

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1:35 Dodge WC-56 Command Car
510000228disponible dans le commerce
Référence article: 510000228 Produit: 1:35 Dodge WC-56 Command Car La gamme de véhicules de transport militaire Dodge WC a été largement produite par l'industrie américaine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le développement de la série WC 51-52 visait à créer un "véhicule utilitaire" léger, à quatre roues motrices, caractérisé par une grande fiabilité dans tous les environnements et une bonne capacité de transport. La conception fut extrêmement réussie et, avec la célèbre Jeep Willys de ¼ de tonne, le WC Dodge de ¾ de tonne "Beeps" fut le véhicule le plus produit par les usines américaines pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et contribua de manière significative à répondre aux besoins logistiques de l'armée américaine sur les différents fronts. Le véhicule Dodge, grâce à sa bonne charge utile de près de 700 kg, qui pouvait être amplifiée par l'application de remorques arrière, a été produit dans de nombreuses versions et avec différents aménagements : plateau, cabine ouverte, transport de troupes, de munitions et d'armement. En détail, la version WC-56 était dédiée aux tâches de liaison, de communication et de transport officiels.

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1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz. 232 6-roues
510006433disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006433 Product: 1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz. 232 6-Rad The heavy armored car Sd. Kfz. 232 (Schwere Panzerspähwagen 232) was deployed by Wehrmacht units in the mid thirties. The eff ective management of reconnaissance and radio communications between units was an essential feature of rapidly moving military operations known as "blitzkrieg". The armored car Sd.Kfz. 232 was a key component in meeting this need. The mobility of the six w heeled vehicle, both on and off road, was complemented by enhanced radio communications equipment which was equally effective over both short and long range. The armored car was fitted with a voluminous antenna frame which was then later replaced with a ve rtical antenna that ensured effective battlefield communications between commanders and troops. The turret armament provided sufficient firepower for both vehicle defence and on advanced reconnaissance missions. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

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1:35 FOAP, IVe édition J LastProduction
540006729disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006729 Product: 1:35 Pz.Beob.Wg,IV Ausf.J LastProduction We are once again expanding our Panzer IV tank series, and this time it's a Panzer IV J-type observation tank. As a Premium Edition, this new Pz.Beob.Wg. Ausf.J observation tank comes with numerous upgraded components, such as a metal gun barrel, copper towing cable, metal side skirts, extensive photo-etched parts, upgraded road wheels, and Magic Track. We have also incorporated 3D-printed parts, including a muzzle brake and a cupola base. This new kit is a rare find for customers seeking a particular type of tank. Last but not least, this is a 2-in-1 kit. The modelers have the option to build either a Pz.Beob.Wg.IV Ausf.J or a Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Mid Production. Except the cupola case, all the aforementioned upgraded parts can also be used for the latter option. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 Forces de l'Axe de l'Alliance Fragile Balkans
540006563disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006563 Product: 1:35 Fragile Alliance Axis Forces Balkan The WWII Eastern front is a particularly popular subject due to the significant battles and campaigns that took place in this region during the war. We've selected a number of 1/35 figure sets to reproduce, featuring soldiers who fought on the Eastern front during WWII. The assortment includes not only German vs. Soviet soldier sets, but also Axis auxiliary unit sets that are rarer and harder to find in the market. All these sets offer modelers the opportunity to recreate more unique and diverse dioramas of the Eastern front. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Gal.S TankTrailer+M101 KargoTrailer
510100229disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510100229 Product: 1:35 Gal.S TankTrailer+M101 KargoTrailer For the supply of front line troops or in maneuvers activities trailers were hauled by GMC 2 ½ ton trucks or water trucks as well as Dodge Command cars or even by Ambulance Trucks. These trailers standard equipment of the U.S. Army and its allies. Decals for one version

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1:35 Ger. Chasseur de chars I
510006577disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006577 Product: 1:35 Ger. Panzerjäger I Model Dim.: 12,6 cm NEW GLUEABLE RUBBER TRACKS - DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET - PHOTO-ETCHED FRET CONTAINS 1 FIGURE The self-propelled Panzerjager I tank destroyer was built on the hull of the Panzer I light tank and armed with an effective weapon of the period, the 47mm Czechoslovakian anti-tank gun. The Panzer I tank had in fact a protection and armament capability no longer in keeping with the operational needs of the German armoured divisions. However, it had good mobility and a robust chassis which was ideal for the positioning of the anti-tank gun, which was sited behind an open steel shield. The Panzerjager I was deployed by the Wehrmacht during the invasion of France, in North Africa and in the early stages of Operation Barbarossa in 1941. It held a goodammunition supply, with over 70 rounds available for gunners. It was systematically replaced during the war bymore heavily armored tank destroyers, better equipped to deal with modern tank armor against which the 47 mm gun proved to be ineffective. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Hetzer Command Version
540006993disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006993 Product: 1:35 Hetzer Command Version It's a long time since we released the original 1/35 Hetzer tank destroyers, so it's hight time that these German famous tank destroyers should receive makeover. We have reevamped our well-known 1/35 plastic kits renditions of the Hetzer tank destroyers, with a whole swathe of modifications such as 3D Printing parts, aluminum gun barrle, Neo Track, photo-etched parts and etc. All these ensure fine upgrade of the Hetzers! Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Inf. germ. en manteau de garde Leningr'43
540006518disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006518 Product: 1:35 Germ.Inf. in Wachtmantel Leningr'43 The Russian winter was a ghastly environment in which to fight, but both German and Russian troops had to contend with the bitterly cold and biting conditions there in WWII. Dragon has brought together a collection of five figure sets that portray German soldiers fighting in the depths of winter on the deadly Eastern Front. Earlier, Dragon recently released a collection of 1/35 scale figures representing soldiers fighting in the hot, sandy deserts of North Africa. This time around, these well-wrapped soldiers provide a strong contrast to those desert warriors. There are five Dragon 1/35 scale figure sets in this assortment. Most of these sets have not been available for quite some time, so this is the perfect opportunity for modelers to restock their shelves or to make a vignette straight from the box. A range of weapons and uniform types is included – whether white snowsuits or thick sheepskin jackets, for example – but what each figure has in common is that they’re suitably attired for the Russian winter. All figures are sharply molded and authentically sculpted, and they represent the best of Dragon’s quality. This fine collection of winter warriors makes a nice addition to the previous desert soldier assortment. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 IT Land Rover 109' LWB
510106508disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510106508 Product: 1:35 Land Rover 109´ LWB Model Dim.: 12,5 cm Decals for 2 versions The "Land Rover" was certainly one of the most famous symbols of "Made in England" on four wheels and is a real milestone in the history of the off road vehicles. Born after the war, with the first prototypes done in 1947, to meet both civilian and military tasks. Inspired, though not directly, to the American Jeep, was characterized by a 4x4-wheel drive and a strong and reliable frame to tackle, with success, the most difficult and demanding trails. The aluminum body made it lighter, but at the same time, more resistant to corrosion and long lasting. In 1971, when the Series III was introduced, it had already been produced and made more than a million units for both civilian and military uses. Also available in 88 inches "standard wheel base", or in 109 inches "long wheel base".

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1:35 Leopard 2A6
510106567disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510106567 Product: 1:35 Leopard 2A6 Model Dim.: 27,6 cm UPGRADED MOULDS - NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRUCKS - SUPER DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET The Leopard 2 was developed in the '70s to satisfy the specific need of the West German Army to have a new modern and efficient Main Battle Tank able to replace the Leopard 1. It is armed with a 120 mm gun and, thanks to its V-12 twin-turbo diesel engine, it is able to reach the maximum speed of 68 Km/h. It entered service in 1979 but, continuously improved in technology, armament and armour, it is still today considered one of the best Main Battle Tank in the World. The Leopard 2 A6, in detail, is a definite improvement compared to the first versions. Armed with a 120mm Rheinmetall L / 55 smoothbore gun, it is equipped with a modern third generation composite protections. The turret shape and the mantlet profile are developed to minimize the impact of enemy hits and anti-tank weapons. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 M1A1 Abrams
510006596disponible dans le commerce
Le char d’assaut de troisième génération M1 Abrams constitue l'épine dorsale des divisions blindées de l'armée Américaine et du Corps des Marines. L'Abrams se caractérise par son blindage lourd (il compte parmi les véhicules de combat les plus lourds au monde) et l'adoption du puissant moteur à turbine multi-carburant. Une grande attention a été portée à la protection de l'équipage grâce au dépôt de munitions séparé et fortement protégé. Le M1 Abrams, qui est entré en service opérationnel au début des années 80 pour remplacer les anciens M-60, offre un système sophistiqué de conduite de tir et un blindage moderne. D'abord armé d'un canon de 105 mm, il a ensuite été équipé du canon de 120 mm le plus moderne et le plus puissant avec un tube lisse capable d'utiliser une variété différente de projectiles. L'Abrams a été largement utilisé, avec une efficacité létale, sur tous les grands théâtres opérationnels, du Moyen-Orient à l'Afghanistan, s'avérant être supérieur à tout autre char adverse.

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1:35 M60A-3
510006582disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006582 Product: 1:35 M60A-3 Size: 22,8 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET The M-60 was introduced in the first years of ‘60s in the United States Army. It was developed and designed to be the evolution of the famous tanks M-47 and M-48 Patton series. The M-60 became the most important MBT (Main Battle Tank) of the U.S. Army during the Cold War years. It was produced, until 1983, by the American company Chrysler in 15.000 units and it was adopted, in several versions, by the armed forces of numerous countries all over the World. The main armament, installed in the turret, was the 105 mm. M68 gun. The M-60 was characterized by its big size and by the adoption of the powerful V12 turbodiesel engine able to release a good operating performance and a good speed on-road and off-road. It was deployed in a lot of conflicts and operational scenarios. In 1976 the new upgraded M60A3 version was developed and it was characterized by several improvement able to enhance the operation effectiveness. The armor protection for the turret was increased and a new gun mantle was designed. Great improvement in the adoption of modern electronic and fire control systems on board. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:35

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1:35 Panther G w/Additional Turret Roof
540006913disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006913 Product: 1:35 Panther G w/Additional Turret Roof As the Luftwaffe was progressively swept from the air as WWII wore on, German tanks became vulnerable to enemy fighters. To help counter this, Germany produced a special set of armored plates that could be mounted atop the turret and over parts of the Panther’s engine deck. The field-mounted steel plates were double-spaced on the turret top to improve protection against aircraft strafing and shrapnel. Dragon’s new Premium Edition item 6913 features such a unique-looking Panther Ausf.G with the additional armor plates. As a premium edition, this new kit is upgraded with Magic Track, 3D printed parts, a metal gun barrel and copper cable. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.J (w/Magic Track)
540006394disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006394 Product: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.J (w/Magic Track) Stalingrad was the ultimate target of the German 6th Army. This Russian city, bearing the name of Hitler’s Communist nemesis, was the center of vicious house-to-house and hand-to-hand fighting from November 1942 to January 1943. Finally, the Germany 6th Army was forced to make the ultimate sacrifice, with 150,000 German soldiers killed, and widespread losses of equipment. The German were never able to recover from this loss and were eventually forced into a long retreat out of Eastern Europe. To mark the event's 80th anniversary, we has brought together a number of German AFVs that saw combat in this bloody battle 80 years ago. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Late Production
540006566disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 540006566 Product: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Late Production This newest Panzer IV kit is a faithful reproduction of the Panzer IV Ausf.H Late Production variant that saw action in the Battle of Kursk. One of the most remarkable features of this kit is the newly tooled road wheels, which boast the most accurate details ever seen in a model kit. Additionally, this kit includes a range of bonus parts, such as metal side skirt plates, Magic Tracks, an aluminum gun barrel, metal grenade discharger, and a 3D-printed muzzle brake. It's also worth noting that the realistic towing cable is made of copper. This ultimate Premium Edition kit is expertly engineered and packed with intricate details, with the impressive box art depicting a German tank in combat serving as the icing on the cake. Detailed Plastic Kit