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1:250 Kit d'assemblage facile PARTHENON
510068001disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510068001 Product: 1:250 PARTHENON easy assembly kit Model Dim.: 15 x 29 cm 100% NEW MOULDS Easy assembled model kit with an interlocking technique The box includes also the plastic parts for realizing the temple and Reference Leaflet Interior: reproduction of Athena Parthenos, decorations, marble, floor and columns. Inside the Reference Leaflet with historical features, instruction and color indication In ancient times Athens was built around the hill of the Acropolis, on a plain bordered by two small rivers, the Eridanus in the north and the Ilisos in the south. Today the area is only dominated by the Parthenon. The great temple, which Pericles entrusted to the care of the architects Ictinus and Callicrates and to the artistic supervision of Phidias, was built between 447 and 432 B.C. to replace the previous archaic building, called Hekatòmpedon, which literally means "one hundred feet long". Built in pentelic marble in Doric style, the Parthenon was internally divided into two main rooms: the cell, with the statue of Athena Partenos ("the Virgin"), made by Phidias in gold and ivory and high over 12 metres; on the back, the real Parthenon, a colonnaded hall reserved to the young virgins engaged in the worship of the goddess. The decoration of the friezes, which was assigned to Pidias, the greatest sculptor of the time, contributed to make the temple even more beautiful temple, making it a formidable vehicle of complex ideological messages.making it a formidable vehicle of complex ideological messages. Detailed Plastic Kit of model PARTHENON easy assembly kit in scale 1:250

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1:500 Colisée
510068003disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510068003 Product: 1:500 Colosseum Model Dim.: 41 x 35 x 11 cm 100% NEW MOULDS Easy assembled model kit Reference Leaflet with historical features, instructions and color indication The construction of the Flavio amphitheater, best known all over the World as Colosseum (Colosseo in Italian), began in AD 72 under the emperor Vespasian and ended just eight years later under emperor Titus. Built in travertine and tuff stones, it is the world's largest amphitheater and it is considered the symbol of the majesty of Imperial Rome. The Colosseum was used to host the favorite shows of Roman society, such as the fights between animals, mainly importer from Africa and Middle East and the fighting between gladiators. The Colosseum could accommodate up to 80,000 people who could quickly get out, at the end of the shows, thanks to a modern concept of seating, stairs and tunnels. Special textile covers known as the "velarium", operated by experienced military fleet sailors from Misenum, also provided an effective protection against sun or bad weather. Today the "Colosseo" is one of the most visited monuments in the World and it is one of the most famous symbol of Rome and Italy. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Colosseum in scale 1:500

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1:56 Deu. Sd. Kfz. 222/223 char de reconnaissance
510015769disponible dans le commerce
Numéro d’article: 510015769 Produit: 1:56 Ger. Sd. Kfz. 222/223 Scout car Les véhicules blindés légers de reconnaissance « Leichte Panzerspähwagen » Sd.kfz. 222 et 223 ont été largement utilisés par l’armée allemande pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale sur tous les fronts opérationnels. La motorisation des troupes et la rapidité d’exécution des activités de reconnaissance et d’offensive constituaient l’un des « atouts » de la Blitzkrieg allemande. Les automitrailleuses légères à quatre roues motrices « 222 » et « 223 » ont été conçues pour répondre précisément à cette nouvelle approche et à ce nouveau besoin. Utilisées par les bataillons de reconnaissance des divisions blindées, elles avaient, dans l’ensemble, de bonnes performances sur route et en tout-terrain. La Sd.Kfz. 222 était armée d’un canon de 20 mm L/55 aux côtés de la mitrailleuse MG13 plus traditionnelle. La Sd.Kfz. 223 était également munie d’un matériel radio et de communication amélioré pour se raccorder de façon plus efficace avec les troupes sur le champ de bataille.

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IT L.DaVinci Hélicoptère
510003110disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510003110 Product: ITALERI Leonard DaVinci Helikopter Model Dim.: 24 cm This machine, which is considered the ancestor of the modern helicopter,appears in a drawing dated roughly 1480 contained in theCodex Atlanticus. Leonardo outlines the plan for an "aerial screw"imagining it as a worm screw with a diameter of approximately 5metres, in his intentions, it should have "screwed itself" in air takingadvantage of its density. Moved by the muscle strength of four menwalking on the central platform, it consisted of a wooden structurecovered with starched linen cloth. Since there is no proof that Leonardoactually built the machine he imagined, it remains one of hismany theoretical insights. It works! Easy to assemble no painting and glue required

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IT L.DaVinci Horloge à pendule volante
510003111disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510003111 Product: IT L.DaVinci Flying Pendulum Clock Model Dim.: 22 cm Leonardo da Vinci was fascinated by the escapement mechanisms for themeasurement of time to the extent of studying a great number of them. Thisswinging pendulum clock model is based on the research and developmentsof his work and the many drawings and sketches derived from it. The kit usesthe laws of motion and a "swinging" escapement pendulum to achieve aconstant movement that ensures accurate time measurement. The weight ofthe pendulum acts as the clock power source.

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IT L.DaVinci Minuteur de balle roulante
510003113disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510003113 Product: IT L.DaVinci Rolling ball Timer Model Dim.: 26,0 cm The Da Vinci Rolling Ball Timer is developed from Leonardo's sketchbook concepts of an escaping mecanism. The kit uses the principles of gravity and kinetics to measure the passage of time. It employs precision gears to power a platform in a "see-saw" pattern that propels a rolling ball. When complete, it exhibits concept relating to the laws of motion and delivers hours of entertainment. It works! Easy to assemble! No painting and glue required!

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ITALERI "Leonardo Da Vinci" Flying Machine ORNITHOPTER
510003108disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510003108 Product: IT L.DaVinci Flying Machine(ORNITHOPTER) Model Dim.: 240 x 100 x 150 mm The ornithopter is a machine designed to fly by the flapping of its wings in imitation of birds.In 1485, Leonardo da Vinci began to study the flight of birds. He grasped that humans are too heavy, and not strong enough, to fly using wings simply attached to the arms. Therefore he sketched a device in which the aviator lies down on a plank and works two large, membranous wings using hand levers, foot pedals, and a system of pulleys.