Figurines historiques et ensembles de bataille Italeri

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Artillerie de l'Union
Article number: 510006038 Product: 1:72 Union Artillerie In the summer of 1863, the Confederate army led by Lee played for keeps by sending a large contingent to the North, up to Pennsylvania. It clashed with the Union army at Gettysburg, where the biggest battle ever to be fought on American soil took place. After three days of desperate struggle, the Confederates had to admit their defeat. At Gettysburg, the Potomac army Union artillery contributed to contain the Confederate advance, affecting the outcome of the battle. Contains: 3 riders 10 figures 8 horses 1 covered wagon cannon

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Artillerie de la Garde française
Article number: 510006018 Product: 1:72 French Line/Guard Artillery Trained as an artillerist in his youth, Napoleon paid special attention to the role of this combat arm on the battlefield. The gunners, serving guns built in accordance with the Gribeuval system, wear horse artillery uniforms with a characteristic skin cap. The uniforms of the artillery drivers are remarkable, too. Content 11 figures 8 horses 1 waggon 2 cannons

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Artillerie de la Garde impériale
Article number: 510006135 Product: 1:72 Imperial Guard Artillery Napoleon's Imperial Guard comprised all the assets of the Grande Armée. Foot Grenadiers, Chasseurs-a-Cheval, the Empress' Dragoons, all fought alongside Guard foot and horse artillery. This kit represents a unit of Regiment d’Artillerie a Pied de la Garde Imperiale. Its members were recognizable by the high bearskin bonnet issued in 1810. The typical Guard artillery crew comprised eight men.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Cavalerie confédérée
Article number: 510006011 Product: 1/72 Confederate Cavalry The cavalry regiments were considered the elite forces of the Confederate armies during the American Civil War. The uniforms were characterized by the yellow gallons. Very varied the individual weapons as well as the customized uniforms. Among the most famous cavalry commanders, James Ewell Braun (J.E.B.) Stuart, who became famous for his bravery during the First Battle of Bull Run. Contents 1 figur and 16 horsemen.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Cavalerie française. Cavalerie lourde
Article number: 10006003 Product: 1/72 French Heavy Cavalry Together with the cuirassiers, Carabiners formed the heavy cavalry of Napoleon's army. The above average height and shining cuirasses of these soldiers were often decisive factors on the battlefield. It is worth remembering how they were used as Murat's cavalry reserve at Borodino, or in Marshal Ney's charge at Waterloo. Content 17 horsemen.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Cavalerie lourde britannique. Guerres napolitaines
Article number: 510006001 Product: 1/72 British Heavy Cavalry Napol. Wars During the battle of Waterloo the heavy cavalry Regiments of Ponsonby Union Brigade, under the command of the Earl of Uxbridge, was formed by 3 squadrons : the "Royals", the "Scots Grey" and the "Inniskillings." The very famous Union Brigade cavalry charge against the lines of Napoleon, also represented in numerous prints and paintings of the time, contributed significantly to the result of one of the most famous battles of History. Contents 18 horsemen.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Cavalerie unifiée 1863
Article number: 510006013 Product: 1:72 Union Cavalry 1863 The blue jackets The battle of Appomattox Courthouse, during the American Civil War, was the final effort of General Robert E. Lee's Confederate army of North Virginia before his surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant, commander-in-chief of the Union army. General Sheridan's Union cavalry played a decisive role. The soldiers in this kit are represented with the typical cavalry short jacket without epaulettes, the Mc Clellan or chasseur hat, and the typical Sharps & Smith carbines. Contains: 15 riders 2 figures 2 horses

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Chevaliers croisés XIIe-XIIIe siècles
Article number: 510006019 Product: 1:72 Teutonic Knights XIIth-XIIIth cent. This military and monastic order appeared in the Holy Land at the times of the third crusade but it focused its activity in the colonization of Eastern Prussia, Poland and Baltic countries, bringing Catholicism in the East. In 1199 Pope Innocent 3rd gave them the white surcoats with a black cross that became the insignia of the order. In 1242, the knights of the Order were defeated in the battle of Lake Peipus by Alexander Nevsky, prince of Novgorod. Content 17 riders

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Chevaliers du Temple - Moyen Âge
Article number: 510006125 Product: 1:72 Templar Knights - Medieval Era The birth of the Knights Templar, a monastic and military order, dates back to 1139 as an attempt to protect the pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after its conquest. The knights were characterized by a Cistercian's white robe with a red cross. Most templars were equipped as heavy cavalry and can be considered a kind of elite troop of their times.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 État-major général britannique et prussien
Article number: 510006065 Product: 1/72 BRITISH & PRUSSIAN GENERAL STAFF After Napoleon's return from his exile on Elba, the Seventh Coalition was hastily gathered. It comprised the main European powers opposing the French Emperor's return. The main proponents were England and Prussia. The kit represents the meeting, on Waterloo battlefield, of the two commanders in chief of the allied armies: the Duke of Wellington and the Prussian Marshal Von Blücher. Detailed Plastic Kit of model British & Prussian General Staff in scale 1:72

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Guerre de 100 ans - Brit. Guerrier
Article number: 510006027 Product: 1:72 100 Years War - British Warriors On October 25th, near Agincourt, Henry V's English army, largely composed of foot troops and a small contingent of noble knights, defeated the army of the Constable of France Charles d'Albret, a much larger force boasting the best heavy cavalry in Europe. The English success was determined by the use of the Welsh longbow. This weapon was easy to use, even after a short training. It could hit at 200 yards and penetrate the armor of knights.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Guerres napoléoniennes - Cavalerie légère française
Article number: 510106080 Product: 1:72 Napoleonic Wars-French Light Caval. Hussars and Chasseurs a Cheval represented the backbone of the French light cavalry. Here they are represented wearing the uniforms of elite companies, characterized by skin hats, or by the more traditional shakos of line light horsemen. They can be used in the second half of the Empire. Among the most famous cavalry commanders we remember Lasalle, who fell at Wagram, and Colbert. Contains 17 riders.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Guerres napoléoniennes - Infanterie française
Article number: 510006066 Product: 1/72 Napoleonic Wars - French Infantry Line infantry advanced in close order, often preceded by light infantry units like Chasseur, Tirailleurs or Voltigers. These light units harassed the enemy to disrupt their lines, or to interrupt their line of command targeting officers, drummers, and standard bearers. Even the Imperial Guard had light infantry units in its ranks. Content 48 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Guerres napolitaines - Infanterie britannique 1815
Article number: 510106095 Product: 1:72 Napoleon.Wars - Brit. Infantry 1815 The steady "squares" of Wellington's Infantry resisted the countless cavalry charges of Marshal Ney at Waterloo, and dramatically affected the outcome of the most famous battle of the Napoleonic age. The 2nd Regiment Coldstream Guards, one of the most celebrated units, took part in the defense of the Hougoumont farm. They are represented here with their trusty "Brown Bess" flintlock muskets. Contains 48 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Guerrier gaulois 1er siècle
Article number: 510006022 Product: 1:72 Gauls Warriors Ist-cent. The Romans dubbed "Gauls" those Celtic tribes, often fighting against each other, living in the areas corresponding to modern France, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland. The Gallic tribes found occasional political unity only under the pressure of the Roman menace during Julius Caesar's military campaign. The Gauls recognized Vercingetorix as their political and military leader. He was defeated by Caesar in the battle of Alesia (52 B.C.). The Gaul warriors were characterized by their longswords and decorated shields. Many of them fought naked. Contains 40 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Infanterie française (1815)
Article number: 510006002 Product: 1:72 French Line Infantry (1815) The line infantry was the backbone of Napoleon's Grande Armée. The "shako" headgear adopted in 1806, replacing bicorn hats, and the Charleville 1777 musket, are the most characteristic elements of French line infantry. The equipment was completed by the briquet, a sort of infantry shortsword. The kit also includes the regiment's drummer and the "eagle-bearer" carrying the regiment's insignia.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Infanterie nordiste et Zuaves
Article number: 510006012 Product: 1/72 Union Infantry and Zouaves The Union infantry has held, during the Civil War period, the weight of the most famous battles (Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg) suffering a very high number of losses. The uniform was characterized by the typical blue jacket. The officers often wore a tailor-made longer coat (redingote). Many infantry units adopted uniforms similar to those of the French Zouaves, who became famous during the campaigns in Crimea and Italy, with dark blue tunics decorated in red, white spats and the typical large red trousers. The uniform was completed with the red fez with tassel. Contents 50 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Infanterie romaine 1er siècle
Article number: 510006047 Product: 1/72 Roman Infantry 1st Century The equipment of the 1st Century B.C. legionnaire became the stereotype of Roman infantry. Over his tunic he wore the heavy lorica segmentata, the most advanced form of body armor at the time. The characteristic rectangular "scutum" often bears the name or the insignia of the Legion the soldier belongs to. The individual armament comprised gladius and pilum, a heavy throwing javelin. The kit also includes centurions with transverse crest helmets, and the signifer (standard bearers) carrying the Legion's insignia. Content 35 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Infanterie romaine 1er/2e siècle
Article number: 510006021 Product: 1:72 Roman Infantry Ist-IInd cent. The legion was the basic unit of the Roman army. Each maniple was commanded by a centurion, that could be recognized by his leg guards, the vine-stick and the helmet with a transverse crest. The Legion's equipment after the Marian reform was standardized and issued by the State. Legionnaires of this period wore a lorica hamata, reinforced on the shoulders, and were equipped with semi-rectangular shields. Two throwing pila, the gladius and the pugio (a short dagger) completed their equipment. Content 1 horseman and 34 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 L'état-major impérial de Napoléon
Article number: 510006016 Product: 1:72 Napoleon Imperial General Staff This kit faithfully reproduces the High Command of Napoleon's Grande Armée, the "brain" of the Corps system devised by the Emperor. The kit features the Emperor, the aides-de-camp, Marshal Berthier (Napoleon's Major-General), and also the escort of the inseparable Chasseurs a Cheval of the Imperial Guard and the colorfully dressed Mameluks. Content: 13 riders and 8 figures Detailed Plastic Kit of model Napoleon Imperial General Staff in scale 1:72

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Les croisés 11e siècle
Article number: 510006009 Product: 1/72 The Knights XIth Century Crusaders The first Crusade took place at the end of 11th Century and culminated with the siege and conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 by Godfrey of Bouillon, that led to the birth of the Outremer crusader states. The kit represents the diversity of troops that took part in the war. The knights, heavy cavalry wearing chain mail armor and carrying the large almond-shaped shields typical of the age, fought alongside infantry and crossbowmen recruited in various Christian European countries. Content 9 horsemen and 25 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Troupe alliée "The Grays
Article number: 510006014 Product: 1:72 Confederate Troops "The Grays" The Army of the Southern states was formed in 1861. The largest contingent was formed by men from Virginia, most of whom were volunteers and not professional soldiers. A lot of equipment was not standardized and the uniforms were quite diverse. The Confederate army was led by Robert E. Lee, a great general both on the battlefield and as a strategist. Contains 1 rider and 50 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Union Infantry (Amer. Civil War)
Article number: 510006177 Product: 1/72 Union Infantry (Amer. Civil War) THE BOX INCLUDES 50 FIGURES. The Union infantry has held, during the Civil War period, the weight of the most famous battles (Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg) suffering a very high number of losses. The uniform was characterized by the typical blue jacket. The officers often wore a tailor-made longer coat (redingote). Detailed Plastic Kit of model Union Infantry (Amer. Civil War) in scale 1:72

Figurines militaires et accessoires
Coffret de bataille 1:72 Waterloo La Haye Sainte
Article number: 510006197 Product: 1:72 Battle-Set Waterloo La Haye Sainte From 16th to 18th June the French troops and the Allied troops clashed on battlefields of Belgium. The battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras were only the proem of the most famous and well-known battle of the military history. A date and a place: 18th June 1815, Waterloo. Wellington considered the farm of La Haie Sainte a strategic point of his defensive line. In the afternoon, Napoleon ordered to Marshal Ney to launch the assault to the farm in order to obtain a significant outpost. The farm was strenuously defended by Allied troops, that had fortified the buildings since the morning. The clash was fierce and the French troops, supported by artillery, were able to conquer La Haie Sainte only in the late afternoon. At 7 p.m., thanks to the strategic value of the farm, the French Imperial Guard can start the assault but it is too late. Prussian troops leaded by Blucher, vainly searched by Marshal Grouchy, break on the battlefield to support British Army. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 95ème Régiment "Green Jackets
510106083disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510106083 Product: 1:72 95th Regiment "Green Jackets" The 95th regiment was a typical "rifle regiment" of light infantry. It was one of the first units to be equipped with the Baker rifles, remarkably more accurate than ordinary smooth bore muskets. Unlike the British line infantry who wore the traditional (and easily spotted) red coats, the regiment was equipped with dark green uniforms that can be considered an early form of "camo" uniform. They fought in loose order, like all light infantry units of the time. They took part in the campaign in the Peninsula and in the battle of Waterloo.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Guerres napoléoniennes - Grenadiers français
510006072disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006072 Product: 1:72 Napoleonic Wars - French Grenadiers The 1er Regiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied de la Garde Imperiale was the backbone of Napoleon's "Old Guard". A soldier could be admitted only after 10 years of service and irreproachable conduct. The Old Guard was usually employed as reserve, taking action only in decisive or difficult moments. The "grognards" or "grumblers", as Napoleon nicknamed them, represented the most accomplished regiment in the armée until Waterloo. Content 50 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Hussards français 1° REGIMENT
510006008disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006008 Product: 1/72 French Hussars 1° REGIMENT HUSSARS The word "hussar" identifies the light horsemen and comes from the Hungarian "huszar". The most famous hussar units were the French regiments of the Napoleonic era. They were employed for scouting and communication purposes, and to screen the movement of the Emperor's corps, like during the advance that allowed the French to flank the Austrian general Mack at Ulm in 1805. The soldiers in this kit wear the uniform of the 1st Hussars employed at Jena in 1806, and they are characterized by the ornate Hungarian style uniform, sabretache, sabre and carbine. Contents 17 horsemen.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Infanterie autrichienne Nap. Guerre
510006005disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006005 Product: 1/72 Napoleonic Wars: Austrian Infantry The Austrian infantry of the box is represented with the 1798 helmet characterized the light infantry Frei-Corps and Jagers battalions. Later on they have been adopted by most of Austrian riflemen battalions. In the box, the riflemen are flanked by the grenadiers with the distinctive bearskin caps. In July 1809 the Austrian troops, commanded directly by the Archduke Karl himself, were defeated by Napoleon during the Battle of Wagram. The figures may be used for the reproduction of the riflemen regiments or for Grenadiers Corps Reverse commanded by Liechtenstein.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Infanterie britannique et écossaise
510006058disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006058 Product: 1/72 Napol.Wars - British+Scots Infantry The term "Redcoat" is used to call English soldiers. It comes from the color of the uniform used by most regiments. The redcoats are here with a Scottish regiment wearing their typical kilt, issued since 1739. The most famous Scottish regiment is the 42nd Royal Highlander "Black Watch", with their blue, green and black tartan. They took part in the Peninsular Campaign in 1812 and in the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo in 1815. Contents 48 figures.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Napoléon. Guerres - Cuirassiers français
510006084disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006084 Product: 1:72 Napoleon. Kriege - Franz.Kürassiere Cuirassiers were the backbone of heavy cavalry in the Grande Armée. They are famous for the many cavalry charges on all the battlefields of the Napoleonic era. Characterized by their shiny breastplates, by the "Minerva" style helmet and by the heavy straight sabres, they were often led, like in the battles of Austerlitz (1805), Heilsberg (1807) , Wagram (1809), and Borodino (1812), by Murat, Napoleon's most skilled cavalry commander.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 PAX Romana Battle Set
510006115disponible dans le commerce
Art.Nr.: 510006115 Product: 1:72 PAX Romana Battle Set THE BOX CONTAINS: Roman Villa - MDF laser cut with etched details, Roman Infantry (36 figures), Roman Cavalry (16 figures), Celtic Warriors (42 figures), Celtic Cavalry (15 figures). During the first Century B.C. a long period of internal civil wars declared the end of the Roman Republic and it laid the foundation for the birth of the Roman Empire. During the first Century exceptional political and military leaders, as Julius Caesar, wrote impressive historical pages thanks to military campaigns that expand the Roman border towards more and more distant frontiers. The most famous campaign, well described directly by Julius Cesar in his "De Bello Gallico", was conducted against the Gauls led by Vercingetorix and ended with the Roman victory at Alesia in 52 BC. The effectiveness and organization of the roman legions triumphed over the courage of the Celtic warriors. The military campaigns had gradually expanded the Roman borders until arriving in Britain and on the "Limes" of the Rhine river. However the Romans brought in the conquered lands, a political, legislative and cultural model completely new and innovative who contributed, for several years, to achieve a stable and definitely evolved social system. Detailed Plastic Kit of model PAX Romana Battle Set in scale 1:72

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Set de bataille Fren./Indian War 1754-63
510006180disponible dans le commerce
Référence article: 510006180 Article: 1:72 French and Indian War 1754-1763 La Guerre de Sept ans se déroula entre 1756 et 1763 et impliqua toutes les puis-sances militaires Européennes de l’Époque. Elle fut considérée par de nombreux historiens comme la première guerre mondiale puisque les combats se déroulèrent également sur les territoires des Colonies possédées par les états Européens. No-tamment en Amérique du Nord, dans celle qui est connue comme la guerre fran-co-indienne, les troupes royales Françaises, supportées par de nombreuses tribus indiennes alliées à celles-ci, s’opposèrent aux troupes britanniques et américaines des « treize Colonies ». Les deux armées s’activèrent aussitôt dans l’objectif de capturer et détruire les forts et les établissements de l’ennemi. La guerre fut très dure aussi bien pour la complexité du théâtre opérationnel que pour la férocité des affrontements. La paix de Paris en février 1763 mit fin au conflit et vit l’affirmation progressive du contrôle Britannique sur l’Amérique du Nord.

Figurines miniatures
1:72 Set de figures Cavalerie légère Napol.
510006094disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510006094 Product: 1:72 Fig.-Set Light Cavalry Napol. Wars Light Dragoons and Hussars regiments , including a few units of the "King’s German Legion", part of the third brigade serving under major general Sir W.Dornberg , in June 1815 took part in the famous battle of Waterloo where Napoleon met his definitive defeat. Armed with sabers and Paget model carbines, or with the more common Baker cavalry rifle, they are here represented wearing their typical shako introduced in 1812. 14 FIGURES WITH HORSES INCLUDED Detailed plastic kit of model Fig.-Set Leichte Kavallerie Napoleonische Kriege in scale 1:72 Features: 17 Figuren mit Pferden enthalt