Modèles militaires d’avions Italeri

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Heinkel HE-111H-6
Article number: 510001436 Product: 1:72 Heinkel HE-111H-6 Model Dim.: 22,7 cm SUPER DECALS FOR 5 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET The medium bomber Heinkel He-111 formed the backbone of the Luftwaffe bomber squadrons during the early stages of the Second World War. It was characterized by the adoption of two engines, like many other aircraft with similar features of the time, but also by the introduction of innovative solutions such as the all-metal frames. Thanks to its two Jumo 211 engines, it was able to reach the maximum speed of 440 km / h and it could load up to 2,000 kg of bombs in the internal loading bay. Easy to identify due to the distinctive fully glazed nose, the wing and rudders profiles, the He-111 was widely used by Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain in 1940. During the years it was constantly improved and upgraded but became obsolete during the latter part of the war. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

- 29 %
Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Italian Flying boat CANT Z 501
Le CANT Z.501 "Gabbiano" était un hydravion à coque centrale de reconnaissance maritime conçu par l'ingénieur Filippo Zappata pour les Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico (C.R.D.A.) dans les années 1930. La structure de l'appareil se distinguait par une grande aile haute et des flotteurs latéraux qui le rendaient apte aux opérations de patrouille, de recherche et de sauvetage en mer. Il était équipé d'un moteur Isotta Fraschini Asso XI de 900 CV, lui garantissant une bonne autonomie de vol et une vitesse maximale de 275 km/h. Il commença son activité opérationnelle pendant la guerre civile espagnole, mais fut largement utilisé par la Regia Aeronautica pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le théâtre d'opérations méditerranéen. Il était armé de trois mitrailleuses Breda-SAFAT de 7,7 mm pour la défense contre les attaques aériennes et pouvait transporter une charge offensive limitée. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Ju-52/3m
Référence article: 510000102 Produit: 1:72 Ju-52/3m Le Junkers Ju-52/3m a été produit par la célèbre société aéronautique allemande dès le début des années 1930 pour une utilisation civile avec Lufthansa et d'autres grandes compagnies aériennes commerciales. Il se caractérisait par sa configuration à trois moteurs et ses panneaux de fuselage en métal ondulé distinctifs. Cet avion robuste et fiable a rapidement été adapté à des fins militaires par la Luftwaffe, principalement comme avion de transport. Le Ju-52, affectueusement surnommé "Tante Ju" (Tante Juju), a été utilisé sur tous les fronts opérationnels pendant toute la durée de la guerre et a servi de pilier de la logistique militaire allemande pour approvisionner les troupes au sol. Il a également été utilisé pour des missions de troupes aéroportées, notamment pour des largages de parachutistes aux Pays-Bas en 1940 et à Crète en 1941. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 JU-87 B2 STUKA
Article number: 510001292 Product: 1:72 JU-87 B2 STUKA Model Dim.: 15,4 cm Decals for 4 versions. The JU-87 Stuka was the standard ground attack plane and dive bomber of the German Air Force at the beginning of WWII. In spite of its mediocre characteristics it achieved considerable fame through the psychological impact it had on the population and on the enemy forces. Never before has such massive employment of aircraft been experienced. The success of the Stukas during the first phase of the war was due to total air supremacy guaranteed by the Luftwaffe fighters which permitted the Stukas to operate without being disturbed by enemy aircraft. During the battle of Britain the myth of the JU-87 was re-dimensioned due to the supremacy of British fighter aircraft. Nevertheless the Stukas operated until the end of the war from the African theater to Russia.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Ju-87G-2 Canonvogel
Le bombardier en piqué JU-87 est sûrement l’un des avions les plus connus et célèbres de la seconde guerre mondiale. Cette caractéristique de l’avion à aile en forme de « mouette » acquit une grande notoriété au début de la guerre et fut considérée, avec les Divisions Panzer de la Wehrmacht, symbole de la Blitzkrieg. Au cours de la guerre, de nouvelles versions avec des profils opérationnels différents ont été introduites. Le Ju-87G a été développé comme une version « antichar » du célèbre Stuka pour combattre un nombre impressionnant de véhicules blindés ennemis sur le front oriental après 1943. Le célèbre pilote de Stuka Hans Ulrich Rudel a suggéré d’appliquer deux canons Flak 18 de 37 mm logés dans des pods sous les ailes pour mieux contrer cette nouvelle menace. Dans cette configuration, le Ju-87G « Kanonenvogel » s'est avéré extrêmement efficace aux mains de pilotes expérimentés. Plus précisément, la version G-2 se caractérisait par une surface alaire accrue dérivée de la version précédente D-5.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 ME 410 "CORNEILLE
Référence article: 510000074 Produit: 1:72 ME 410 HORNISSE Le Messerschmitt Me 410 Hornisse était un chasseur lourd bimoteur à ailes basses développé par le célèbre constructeur aéronautique allemand comme une évolution du Me-210. Le chasseur lourd était censé remplacer les Bf-110 obsolètes dans les services de vol. Motorisé avec deux propulseurs Daimler-Benz DB603 de 1 750 ch, il pourrait être utilisé pour remplir diverses fonctions opérationnelles. Lourdement armé de quatre canons Mauser de 20 mm et de 2 mitrailleuses de 7,92 mm installées à l'avant de l'avion, il disposait de deux mitrailleuses MG 131 supplémentaires logées dans des « barbes » télécommandées sur les côtés du fuselage. Les premières versions de support tactique et de bombardement pouvaient transporter une charge offensive de plus de 500 kg dans la soute intérieure ou dans des pylônes sous les ailes. La distribution aux départements de vol a été mise en œuvre à partir de la mi-1943. Le Me-410 a participé à des activités opérationnelles sur différents fronts, de l'Italie aux Balkans en passant par le front de l'Est.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 MH-47 E SOA Chinook
Article number: 510001218 Product: 1:72 MH-47 E SOA Chinook Model Dim.: 22 cm Decal for one version The medium transport and attack helicopter Chinook, developed for the U.S. Army during the sixties in its most recent versions, is also in service with many other armed forces around the world. This version has been substantially modified and was designed for special missions of the U.S. Armed Forces. It is a long range version with large tanks originally developed for civilian use. The MH-47 is equipped with sophisticated night vision and satellite navigational systems. Furthermore the chopper features efficient defense armament based on various machine guns.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 MH-53 E Sea Dragon
Référence article: 510001065 Article: 1:72 MH-53 E Sea Dragon Taille du modèle 32 cm Autocollants pour 1 version Le grand hélicoptère anti mine est en service dans différentes unités spéciales de l’US NAVY et de la JSDAF. Le «Sea Dragon» est une version à 3 moteurs du bimoteur CH 53 qui est entré en service dans les années soixante et a été largement utilisé par les marines et aussi par l’US AIR FORCE pour des missions spéciales de sauvetage (kit Italeri 035). Grâce à la puissance hors normes de ses moteurs, cet hélicoptère a largement la capacité d’emporter les lourds systèmes anti mines qui sont montés sur des hydrofail spéciaux qui sont largués à la mer pour détecter les mines.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 MIRAGE 2000C
Article number: 510001381 Product: 1/72 MIRAGE 2000C Model Dim.: 19,9 cm Decals for 3 versions The Dassault Mirage 2000C is a single-seat air superiority fighter and it has been a reference point for the French aircraft production. Entered in service in the first part of 80’s, it maintained the typical "delta wing" aerodynamic design but, compared to the previous generation French fighters, the Mirage 2000 has adopted significant technical improvements. Thanks to its SNECMA afterburning turbofan engine, it is able to reach the speed of Mach 2.2. It has a great maneuverability and it can carry a various set of offensive weapons. The Mirage 2000C is often considered the first new generation fighter, produced in Europe, to be entered in operational service. The main user has been the French Armée de l’Air that used the Mirage 2000C during Gulf War on 1991. Detailed Plastic Kit of model MIRAGE 2000C in scale 1:72

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Reggiane Re.2002 Ariete
Le Reggiane Re 2002 "Ariete" a été développé pour doter la Regia Aeronautica d’un avion d’attaque au sol plus moderne et efficace. Conçu sur la cellule aéronautique du chasseur Reggiane Re 2000, l’appareil était équipé d’un moteur aux performances supérieures à celles de son prédécesseur et d’un armement renforcé. En plus des deux mitrailleuses installées dans le nez, deux mitrailleuses supplémentaires ont été ajoutées dans les ailes et l’appareil a été doté de la capacité de transporter une charge offensive de bombes allant jusqu’à 500 kg. Les unités de vol équipées du Re 2002 ont été employées par la Regia Aeronautica pour faire face à l’invasion alliée de la Sicile en 1943 et, après l’armistice de l’Italie en septembre de la même année, elles ont également été utilisées par la Luftwaffe allemande. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 S. 79 Sparviero
Article number: 510001290 Product: 1:72 S. 79 Sparviero Model Dim.: 22,5 cm Decals for one version. This elegant 3-engined aircraft was originally developed by the Italian aeronautical industry in the mid-30s to provide fast postal links with African colonies. Versions of record-breaking speed were soon developed. Its high velocity performance brought it to the World’s attention when it was used in a purely military role as a bomber and when, during World War Two, it was extensively used as a torpedo bomber in the Mediterranean: despite poor defensive weaponry and crew protection, its successes against allied shipping were numerous.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 S.M.79 M Sparviero
Référence article: 510001412 Produit: 1:72 S.M.79 M Sparviero Le S.M.79 Sparviero a été créé dans les années 1930 par la société italienne SIAI-Marchetti en tant qu'avion civil, établissant d'importants records de vitesse mondiaux pour l'époque. Caractérisé par sa configuration typique à trois moteurs et à aile basse, il avait une structure en bois, en toile et en métal. Décliné par la suite en versions militaires, il a été largement utilisé par la Regia Aeronautica (Aéronautique Royale Italienne ) pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en particulier sur le théâtre d'opérations méditerranéen en tant que bombardier terrestre et, plus tard, en tant que efficace bombardier torpilleur. Reconnaissable par sa "bosse" derrière le cockpit, ses trois moteurs radiaux Alfa Romeo 126 RC34 de 750 ch étaient capables d'atteindre une vitesse maximale de 430 km/h. Bien qu'il ait été remplacé dans son rôle de bombardier par d'autres avions plus modernes, le "Sparviero" (Épervier) a obtenu des résultats significatifs tout au long du conflit, aux mains d'équipages habiles, dans les opérations d'attaque de torpilles maritimes sur les navires ennemis.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 SR-71 Blackbird
Article number: 510000145 Product: 1/72 SR-71 Blackbird Model Dim.: 45 cm Decals for one version THE BOX CONTAINS LOCKHEED D-21 DRONE The SR-71, with its impressive and unorthodox appearance, is the younger sister of the U-2 with the Important difference that it is built to perform its duties at MACH 3.5. U.S. STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND has stated that the BLACKBIRD is still holding the world's speed record. It can cross the United States in less than an.hour. The SR-71s have been used in all the countries of the world, flying over Cuba, China, Vietnam, Middle East etc in times of international tension or of local conflicts, even operating in Okinawa, Thailand and the Philippines. It is today's most sophisticated spy aircraft.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Sunderland Mk.III
Référence article: 510001352 Article: 1:72 Sunderland Mk.III Le Short Sunderland est l’un des plus célèbres hydravions de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il entra en service à la de l’année 1938 pour équiper les escadrons de la Royal Air Force Coastal Command. En décembre 1941 est introduite la version Mk III, variante la plus célèbre et la plus répandue de l’hydravion Short, qui contribua de manière déterminante à combattre la menace des U-Boot allemands lors de la bataille de l’Atlantique. Le Mk.III fut considérablement amélioré par rapport à ses prédécesseurs au niveau de la configuration de la coque et des équipements de patrouille et de recherche des sous-marins ennemis. La charge offensive, pouvant inclure des bombes, des mines et des charges de profondeur, fut également augmentée. Les très fiables moteurs radiaux Bristol Pegasus de 1 065 CV garantissaient une vitesse maximum de 336 km/h et un rayon d’action, fondamental pour les opérations de patrouilles et de recherche, de plus de 2.800 km. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Tornado GR. 1 RAG
Article number: 510101384 Product: 1:72 Tornado GR. 1 RAG Model Dim.: 23,2 cm Decals for 4 versions The multirole Tornado is a twin-engine combat aircraft with a variable-sweep wing. This kind of aircraft is the result of a joint development project carried out by British, German and Italian companies. Although during its lifetime it has been used for several purposes (ground attack, electronic combat/reconnaissance, interceptor), its main role has always been to perform low-altitude penetrating strike missions. Tornado can load and use a powerful and varied set of offensive weapons. The Tornado baptism of fire took place in 1991 during the Gulf War. The British Royal Air Force Tornado Gr. 1s, deployed on Bahrain and Saudi Arabia air bases, were crucial during "Operation Granby". Detailed Plastic Kit of model Tornado GR. 1 RAG in scale 1:72

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 US F-5A Freedom Fighter
Article number: 510001441 Product: 1:72 US F-5A Freedom Fighter During the 1950s, the American Aircraft Company Northrop began developmental work into a simple and "low cost" fighter that would meet the needs of several NATO member air forces. The F-5 met the precise specification, it being a light single-seat fighter, small in size but extremely maneuverable and effective. It was relatively simple and cheap to produce and was operationally efficient. The initial version produced by Northrop, designated F-5 A "Freedom Fighter", was fitted with two General Electric J85-GE-13 engines and could attain a maximum speed of 1,700 Km / h. Armed with two 20 mm. guns installed in the nose, the F-5 was a credible "multi-role" aircraft due to its weapons load capability, which could offer a wide range of offensive options for both air defense and ground attack missions. This multi-role aspect of the aircraft ensured its rapid take-up by many Air Forces. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 US P-38J Lightning
Article number: 510001446 Product: 1:72 US P-38J Lightning Model Dim.: 16,0 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET FIGURE NOT INCLUDED The Lockheed P-38 Lightning was certainly one of the foremost aircraft of WW2 in terms of aerodynamic structure and design. It was a revolutionary heavy fighter with a twin-boom fuselage where the two engines were installed. The pilot was accommodated in a leading-edge cockpit at the centre of the aircraft. The P-38 could reach a top speed of over 660 km/h thanks to its two 12 cylinders liquid cooled V-1710 Allison engines, each capable of 1,425hp. It was armed with four Browning 12.7 mm machine guns and one Hispano M2 cannon which ensured highly effective firepower. The P38 was not particularly manoeuvrable compared to other single-engine fighters of the period, but it was very robust and stable. Its huge versatility made it a key aircraft both on operations in the Pacific theatre and on escort missions for long-range bombers over Europe. The P-38 with its characteristic shape and its ‘fear effect’ was nicknamed ‘the fork-tailed devil’ by enemy pilots. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 US P-51A Mustang
Article number: 510001423 Product: 1:72 US P-51A Mustang The North American P-51 Mustang is considered one of the most iconic aircraft in history, and widely credited as perhaps the best single-seat piston engine fighter of World War II. Among the earlier production versions, the P-51A was seeing action as early as 1942. Its new Allison V-1710 engine was very powerful and capable of attaining a maximum speed of 650 km / h. It was armed with four wing-fitted 12.7 mm Browning machine guns, which provided considerable firepower. The aircraft’s operational capabilities would be further enhanced by the fitting of two additional under-wing fuel tanks. It was deployed and designated in the U.S. Air Force and by the British Royal Air Force as the Mustang Mk.II. It achieved very early operational effectiveness in various roles, including air defence, bomber escort duties and tactical support missions. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Schnellboot Typ S-38 mit 4.0cm Flak 28 (Bofors) in scale 1:35 Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 XB-70 Valkyrie
Référence article: 510001282 Article: 1:72 XB-70 Valkyrie Au temps de la Guerre froide, le rêve de tout stratège était certainement de posséder un bombardier stratégique avec la charge et l'autonomie du B-52 mais plus rapide que le B-58, et c'est la raison de la naissance du programme B-70. Après des années de développement et une compétition serrée avec Boeing, la North American Aviation remporta le concours en décembre 1957 avec l'entrée en fonctions des 30 premiers avions prévue en 1965. Mais dès 1959 il devint évident que les nouveaux scénarios de combat aérien n'auraient pas permis au B-70 de survivre en milieu hostile et le programme fut réduit de façon draconienne. À la fin ne furent terminés que deux prototypes dont le premier vola en septembre 1964. Les XB-70 furent toutefois capables de dépasser Mach 3 et sont considérés aujourd'hui par beaucoup de spécialistes et de passionnés comme les plus beaux avions jamais construits.

Maquettes avions militaires
Hélicoptère 1:48 Wessex UH.5
Article number: 510002720 Product: 1:48 Wessex UH.5 Helikopter The Wessex, easily recognizable by its distinctive line characterized the cockpit placed high, was produced by the British Westland under license. It was based on the American helicopter Sikorsky S-58 "Choctaw" project with the adoption of a British turbine-powered 1,200 HP Rolls-Royce engine. The Wessex has proved an extraordinary longevity. It was, for nearly three decades, employed by the British Royal Navy to carry out, in its different versions, many operational tasks. The Wessex UH.5, one of the latest version of Westland helicopter, was used during the period of Falklands War in the South Atlantic on 1982, and it was specialized to satisfy the tactical transportation needs of artillery, ammunitions and missile systems. Thanks to its reliability, Wessex UH.5 has also been used for more though duties: the transportation of Royal Marines Commandos during assault and infiltration operations. Detailed plastic kit

Maquettes avions militaires
1:48 Hercules C-130J C5
510002746bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510002746 Product: 1:48 Hercules C-130J C5 Model Dim.: 62,1 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 4 VERSIONS While it maintains the familiar lines of the Hercules, a common sight in the world’s skies for decades now, the C-130J has been extensively re-designed. The most visible change lies in the use of two 4700 HP Rolls-Royce (Allison) AE2100D3 engines, with six-blade composite-material propellers that ensure silent running and low fuel consumption. High performance features include an excellent rate of climb and an extended range of action thanks to the new engines. An equally important development is the avionics: the cockpit, in fact, is equipped with new digital instruments and a Head-Up Display that provides the pilot with a constant stream of data without him having to look away from the cockpit window. The C-130J is steadily becoming the standard transport aircraft in many NATO countries, Italy included.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Fiat CR.42 Falco
510001437bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510001437 Article: 1:72 Fiat CR.42 Falco Taille du modèle 11,5 cm SUPER DECALQUES POUR 6 VERSIONS - FEUILLE D'INSTRUCTIONS COULEUR À partir du succès de C.R.32 "Freccia" prouvé par une grande fiabilité et efficacité opérationnelle pendant la guerre civile espagnole, le constructeur italien Fiat a développé, à la fin des années 30, le nouveau C.R.42 "Falco". Le nouveau chasseur biplace monoplace avait - comme son prédécesseur - le train d'atterrissage fixe et la cabine ouverte mais était équipé d'innovations importantes telles que le cadre en alliage et en acier recouvert de toile et de panneaux métalliques. Grace à son moteur radial Fiat A.74 suralimenté et refroidi par air, la Fiat C.R.42 a pu atteindre 400 Km / h. Il avait une maniabilité extraordinaire, très appréciée des pilotes italiens, mais souffrait des limites de configuration "biplan". Il a réussi à engager avec succès les Gloster Gladiators mais il a rapidement été surclassé par des monoplans plus rapides et lourdement armés comme le Hawker Hurricane et le Supermarine Spitfire. Plusieurs Fiat C.R.42, avec les chasseurs Fiat G 50 et les bombardiers BR-20 et CANT Z 1007, ils furent également utilisés pendant la Bataille d'Angleterre, encadrés dans l'Armée de l'Air Italienne. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 IT Carrier Deck Section
510001326bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510001326 Product: 1:72 Carrier Deck section (4) Model Dim.: 40,5 x 23,5 cm 100% NEW MOULDS - FIGURES AND AIRCRAFT NOT INCLUDED The kit allows you to make a flight deck section of a modern aircraft carrier. Great care in the details of the atapult and of the Jet Blaster Deflector used to prevent possible damages generated by the aircraft exhausts lasts during the take-off. The Jet blast deflector is raised and lowered by hydraulic cylinders reproduced in the scale model kit. The carrier deck section is the ideal scenario to build up interesting dioramas with carrier-based aircrafts scale models.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 JAS 39 GRIPEN
510001306bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510001306 Product: 1/72 JAS 39 GRIPEN The model JAS 39 GRIPEN in scale 1/72 has a length of about 200 mm. Decals for 4 versions. The JAS-39 is the new Swedish multi-role fighter presently being delivered to the Air Force. It is under serious consideration by former East-bloc countries, South American countries and others. The Gripen is one of the most recent European fighters. It is competing against the Rafale, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the American F-16s and F-18s of the most recent design. This quite elegant and extremely manoeuvrable aircraft is able to use a vast air-to-air missile arsenal as well as air-to-ground missiles in different roles: interceptor, attack fighter and navy interceptor.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Junker Ju-87B Stuka
510072010bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510072010 Produit: 1:72 Junker Ju-87B Stuka Le Junkers Ju87 Stuka est un bombardier en piqué biplace conçu par Hermann Pohlmann. Il effectua son premier vol en 1935 et ses débuts au combat en 1936 au sein de la Légion Condor pendant la Guerre Civile Espagnole. Sa voilure en aile de mouette inversée et son train d’atterrissage fixe le rendaient reconnaissable au premier coup d’oeil. Il était doté de plusieurs innovations dont des aérofreins automatiques sous les ailes qui assuraient la remontée à la fin de l’attaque en piqué même si le pilote souffrait d’un voile noir. Il devint un symbole de la « blitzkrieg » (guerre-éclair) pendant les premières phases de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en fournissant un appui aérien aux Divisions de blindés de la Wehrmacht. La Luftwaffe l’utilisa pendant la Bataille d’Angleterre où il s’avéra lent et vulnérable aux attaques des avions de chasse modernes comme les Hurricane et les Spitfire.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 JUNKERS JU-52 3/m "TANTE JU" LH
510100150bientôtà nouveau disponible
Référence article: 510100150 Article: 1:72 JUNKERS JU-52 3/m "TANTE JU" LH Taille du modèle: 26,2 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET Autocollants pour 4 versions Surnommé «Tante Ju» ou «Anne de fer», en raison de sa robustesse, le JU 52 a connu une lungue et glorieuse carrière en Allemagne à l’étranger. Avion de trasport standard de la Lufwaffe durant toute la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, il a considèrablement seve dans sa version hydravion et prèta un prècieux consours pendat la Campagne de Norvège et en Mèditerannée. Mais l’épisode le plus marquant de sa carrière en guerre est certainemento le débarquement aérien en Crète.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 Messerschmitt BF-109 G-6
510000063bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510000063 Product: 1/72 Messerschmitt BF-109 G-6 Model Dim.: 12 cm Decals for 3 versions The BF-109 G represents the logical evolution of the earlier F version of the well-known German fighter plane, which dominated the skies during the early stages of World War II. The aircraft was equipped with a more powerful engine in order to increase speed and flying altitude. Some planes were also equipped with increased fire power to combat big Allied bombers. By the end of 1943 the BF-109 G was the backbone of the Luftwaffe and saw action on all theaters, where it was successful in matching Allied air power until the very end of the conflict.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 RAF EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon
510001457bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510001457 Product: 1:72 RAF EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon The Eurofighter project, developed from the second half of the 80s by a consortium of European companies, had the aim of realizing an advanced multi-role combat aircraft strongly specialized in interception. The result of the project is the "Typhoon" that is one of the best air superiority fighters in the world. Its aerodynamic design is characterized by canard-delta wings. Thanks to its two EuroJet EJ200 turbofan engines, the Typhoon can reach a maximum speed of Mach 2. The on-board technology, enhanced by fly-by-wire control system, allows to obtain a great maneuverability in air combat duties. The British Royal Air Force together with the air forces of Germany and Italy, is the main user of the Eurofighter, with 160 units deployed in the fighter squadrons. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Schnellboot Typ S-38 mit 4.0cm Flak 28 (Bofors) in scale 1:35

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 RAFALE M Opérations extérieures 2011
510001319bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510001319 Product: 1:72 RAFALE M Operations Exterieures '11 Model Dim.: 21,2 cm Decals for 2 versions - UPGRADED MOULDS - The Rafale is a fourth generation fighter aircraft manufactured by Dassault Aviation for French Air Force. Featuring a large delta wing and canard wing, and two powerful engines mounted in the tail section and a single, large rudder. It is designed to be used by the Air Force, where it replaced the Mirage F1 and 2000 and the naval aviation were replaced the Etandard F-8 Crusader. The French Navy Rafale M were extensively used in the operations conducted on Libya in the first half of 2012 alongside the variants used by air force.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 UH-1D Slick
510101247bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510101247 Product: 1:72 UH-1D Slick Model Dim.: 14 cm This robust helicopter was first introduced during the mid-fifties and may be the best known rotor-blade aircraft world-wide. Reliability is its greatest feature. It was designed for the U.S. Army during the Vietnam war. Thousands of UH-1s are in service as transport, ambulance and attack aircraft. Licensed production in Italy, Germany and Japan make it part of the armed and police forces of more than fifty nations. Presently twin-engine versions are being produced.

Maquettes avions militaires
1:72 V-22 OSPREY Tilt Rotor
510001463bientôtà nouveau disponible
Article number: 510001463 Product: 1:72 V-22 OSPREY Tilt Rotor The project for the innovative Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey was set up during the 1980s but only after a long and complex development process, which lasted over twenty years, did it begin its distribution to the operational departments of the United States armed forces. The Osprey is a tilt rotor equipped aircraft with large three-blade propellers that allow landing and taking off vertically like a helicopter. Flight and transfer performance is similar to that of a conventional propeller plane. Thanks to its two powerful 6,150 HP Rolls-Royce T406-AD-400 engines, it manages to exceed 500 km/h in horizontal flight. The United States Marine Corps is using the V-22 in particular for landing support operations. The Osprey took part in its first operational missions in an Iraq in 2007. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

Maquettes avions militaires
1:32 Mirage III C
510002505disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002505 Product: 1/32 Mirage III C Model Dim.: 43,6 cm 100% NEW MOULDS - SUPER DECALS SHEETS FOR 6 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET - PHOTO ETCHED FRET INCLUDED The Dassault Mirage III is a reference point of the French aircraft production. It has been produced from the early sixties to provide to Armée de l’Air, the French Air Force, a reliable and effective fighter aircraft. The Mirage III rapidly became a commercial success and it was widely exported to several Countries taking part to a lot of conflicts between the seventies and the eighties. Characterised by the delta wing design without horizontal tail plane, thanks to its Snecma Atar afterburning turbojet, it was able to exceed the speed of Mach 2. The Mirage IIIC, in particular, was the single-seat interceptor versions, and it has been configured to perform air-superiority tasks. It was armed with two 30 mm DEFA cannons, under the cabin, and with store pylons able to carry IR air-to-air missiles, as AIM-9 Sidewinder or Matra Magic, and Radar Guided Missiles. Deatailed plastic kit of model Mirage in scale 1:32

Maquettes avions militaires
1:32 Mirage III E/R
510002510disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002510 Product: 1/32 Mirage III E/R Model Dim.: 24,5 cm NEW MOULDS SUPER DECALS SHEET + PHOTO ETCHED PARTS+ COLOURED INSTRUCTION SHEET INCLUDED The Dassault Mirage III is a reference point of the French aircraft production. It has been produced from the early sixties to provide to Armée de l’Air, the French Air Force, a reliable and effective fighter aircraft. The Mirage III rapidly became a commercial success and it was widely exported to several Countries taking part to a lot of conflicts between the seventies and the eighties. Characterised by the delta wing design without horizontal tail plane, thanks to its Snecma Atar afterburning turbojet, it was able to exceed the speed of Mach. After the introduction of the single-seat interceptor Mirage IIIC, a new multirole and strike version has been implemented. The Mirage IIIE was born and it has been a successful version produced in a significant number of units. It was characterised by a forward fuselage extension to permit the installation of the new avionic system. From the same airframe, including the fitting of cameras in the nose, Dassault has also been developed the reconnaissance variant designed as Mirage IIIR. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Mirage III E/R in scale 1:32 Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:32 Panavia "TORNADO" ECR
510002517disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002517 Product: 1:32 Panavia "TORNADO" ECR The Tornado arose from a collaborative project between Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom to produce a multi-role high-performance combat aircraft. The primary requirement however was to develop a ‘state of the art’ modern aircraft able to perform low-altitude penetrating strike missions. This need was met by the development of a twin-engine combat aircraft with a variable-sweep wing. The Tornado IDS (Interdictor / strike) was the first version to be released by the British Royal Air Force and designated GR.1 Tornado IDS (Interdictor / strike), an aircraft ideally suited to attack roles, was the initial version used by the Flight Squadrons of the three countries that developed the plane, the Italian Aeronautica Militare , the German Luftwaffe and the UK RAF. The Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance) was developed by Italy and Germany and was equipped to carry out missions that suppressed enemy air defences (SEAD), and to conduct electronic warfare and advanced reconnaissance Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

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1:32 TF-104G
510002509disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002509 Product: 1:32 TF-104G Model Dim.: 52,0 cm FULLY UPGRADED MOULDS FINELY ENGRAVED RECESSED PANEL LINES AND RIVETS - FULLY DETAILED ENGINE , COCKPIT , AND AVIONICS BAY - OPEN OR CLOSED AIR BRAKES - 2 HUGE DECALS SHEETS FOR 8 VERSIONS - INSTUCTIONS SHEET WITH COLOR PROFILES (8x4 plates) - 390 PARTS (343 PLASTIC PARTS, 47 PHOTO-ETCHED PARTS) The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter is one of the most famous fighters in the history of aviation and also one with the longest operational life: its history began at the end of the 50s and ended, for some air forces, in mid 2000s. From its unique aerodynamic design, characterized by slender fuselage and very little wing surface, was developed the combat-capable two-seat advanced trainer version TF-104. Among the most widespread version, the TF-104G, produced by Lockheed was a fundamental training step for all the combat pilots before to seat in the F-104G or F-104S single-seat fighter version cockpits. Compared to the single-seat, the TF-104G didn’t have the 20 mm gun and the centerline pylon but, thanks to the General Electric J79 turbojet engine, the pilot and the Trainer could have the same flight experience and performance of the fighter version. A lot of N.A.T.O. air forces used the TF-104G to perform training duties as Belgium, Holland, Norway, Spain, Turkey, Germany and Italy. Deatailed plastic kit of model TF-104G in scale 1:32

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1:48 A-10C " Blacksnakes " (Noyaux noirs)
510002725disponible dans le commerce
Référence article: 510002725 Article: 1:48 A-10C "Blacksnakes" Taille du modèle: 33,8 cm Ce grand bimoteur a été réalisé pour l’aviation américaine comme avion d’appui direct aux troupes et pour le rôle de chars de chasse. Fortement blindé dans toutes les zones vitales et équipé d’un armement lourd de lancement et de chute, l’A-10 est toutefois un avion très manœuvrable à basse altitude et cet atout est fondamental pour survivre à la réaction contre-aérienne de l’adversaire. Le Thunderbolt est pratiquement fabriqué autour du formidable canon GAU-8 de 30 mm qui est en mesure de perforer, grâce à ses qualités balistiques exceptionnelles et à sa munition spéciale, les blindages d’un char d’assaut. Au milieu des années 2000, l’A-10 dans sa version « C », a été amélioré pour mieux s’adapter aux changements des exigences opérationnelles. En effet, l’A-10C constitue l’évolution plus moderne et actuelle du solide et fiable avion d’attaque au sol en mesure d’utiliser les systèmes d’arme, d’acquisition de cibles et de pointage les plus avancés.

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1:48 B-25G Mitchell
510002787disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002787 Product: 1:48 B-25G Mitchell Model Dim.: 33,6 cm COLORED INSTRUCTION SHEET EXTRA CATALOGUE SUPER DECAL SHEET FOR 4 VERSION The North American B-25 Mitchell was probably one of the best medium bombers of World War II. The first flight of the twin-engine North American plane was done in 1939. Powered by two 1750 HP Wright R-2600 Cyclone engines, the B-25 was characterized by an extraordinary operational flexibility. It took its nickname in honor of General Billy Mitchell considered, in effect, the father and the founder of United States Air Force. From the first versions, used for the main task of medium bomber in level flight, were progressively develop and implement further variations. In particular, following the specific need for a ground attack and close support aircraft, was made the B-25G. It was equipped with a closed nose, instead of the transparent one, with two .50 machine-guns and an heavy 75mm cannon inside which made it a real "piece of flying artillery". Detailed Plastic Kit of model B-25G Mitchell in scale 1:48

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1:48 Brit. Spitfire Mk.IX
510002804disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002804 Product: 1:48 Brit. Spitfire Mk.IX The Supermarine Spitfire is considered to be one of the most famous fighter aircraft in aviation history and an "icon" of British aeronautical production. The well armed low wing single engine aircraft along with the Hawker Hurricane, forme d the backbone of the Royal Air Force fighter units engaged against the German Luftwaffe during The Battle of Britain. The Spitfire’s success in the Battle helped to cement its status as an iconic aircraft. It was celebrated for its elliptical wing design and powerful Rolls Royce Merlin engine. During the war, in response to the technological innovations of the Luftwaffe that led to the development of the formidable Focke Wulf Fw 190, the Spitfire itself was constantly evolved in its aerodynamic configurat ion and engine. The Spitfire Mk IX version was able to compete on equal terms with the most advanced German fighters of the period and was produced in sufficient numbers to meet operational needs. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

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1:48 CA. 172 Skyhawk II
510002764disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002764 Product: 1/48 CA. 172 Skyhawk II Model Dim.: 17,2 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET Decals for 3 versions The single-engine fixed-wing Cessna 172 Skyhawk is a real milestone of the civil and commercial aviation history. It has been developed during the ‘50s and it is characterized either for its extraordinary longevity or for the incredible commercial success with more than 43,000 units produced. The "Skyhawk" is a single-engine four-seater high-wing plane and is used both as light commercial aircraft and as training plane. Characterized by its simple design based on the high wing and the frontal tricycle landing gear, it is able to reach the cruiser speed of 230 Km/h and to carry on board one pilot and three passengers A curiosity: on May 1987 the Skyhawk has ben used by a young German pilot to fly an unauthorized flight from Helsinki through Soviet airspace and to land close to Red Square in Moscow. Detailed Plastic Kit of model CA. 172 Skyhawk II in scale 1:48

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1:48 F-22 RAPTOR
510000850disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510000850 Product: 1/48 F-22 RAPTOR Model Dim.: 41 cm Decals for one version. The F-22 Raptor represents the new air superiority fighter presently under construction for the U.S. Air Force. It will eventually substitute the F-15 Eagles which have been in service since the late seventies. The Raptor design uses the most recent engine technologies to reach super-sonic speed without afterburners. Furthermore it will be equipped with highly sophisticated electronic equipment for its weapons control. The weapons are carried inside the fuselage to avoid radar detection and to improve the planes aerodynamic features.

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1:48 FiatCR.42 "Battle of Britain 80thA."
510002801disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002801 Product: 1:48 FiatCR.42"Battle of Britain 80thA. Model Dim.: 17,3 cm Super Decals Sheet Starting from the C.R. 32 "Freccia" success proved by a great reliability and operational efficiency during the Spanish Civil War, the Italian manufacturer Fiat developed, in the late ‘30s, the new C.R. 42 "Falco". The new biplane single-seat fighter had - as its predecessor - the fixed landing gear and the open cabin but was equipped with important innovations such as the alloy and steel frame covered by canvass and metal paneling. Thanks to Its supercharged air-cooled Fiat A.74 radial engine the Fiat C.R. 42 was able to reach 400 Km / h. It had an extraordinary maneuverability, much appreciated by the Italian pilots, but suffered the "biplane" configuration limits. It was able to successful engage the Gloster Gladiators but it was soon outclassed by faster and heavily armed monoplanes as the Hawker Hurricane and the Supermarine Spitfire. Several Fiat C.R. 42, together with G.50 fighters and BR.20, CANT Z 1007 bombers has been used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica during the Battle of Britain within the "Corpo Aereo Italiano". Detailed plastic kit

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1:48 Forge à couteaux BF109K-4
510002805disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002805 Product: 1:48 Messerschm. BF109K-4 Model Dim.: 18,8 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET FIGURE NOT INCLUDED - CONTAINS ONE MODEL The Messerschmitt Bf 109 is undoubtedly one of the best-known fighters of the Second World War and is considered an iconic aircraft of the German Luftwaffe. During the conflict, the engines and armaments were regularly upgraded to be kept in line with the emerging, more modern enemy fighters. The Bf 109 K-4 "Kurfürst", introduced at the end of 1944 and substantially derived from the G model, was the last version produced of this famous German fighter. It was equipped with a powerful 2000 HP Daimler-Benz DB 605 supercharged engine and was able to exceed 720 km/h. Another notable feature was its impressive climbing capability which was even superior to that of allied fighters. Armed with a powerful 30 mm MK108 cannon installed in the propeller hub, and with two MG 131 13 mm. machine guns. on the engine cowling, the Bf 109 K-4. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:48

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1:48 Henschel Hs 123
510002819disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002819 Product: 1:48 Henschel Hs 123 During the 1930s Henschel was tasked to design and build a ground attack aircraft that could provide support to ground troops. This led to the creation of the robust Henschel Hs-123 biplane, which was supplied to flying Squadrons in 1935. The first operational deployment of the aircraft took place during the Spanish Civil War to the Condor Legion squadrons. Due to its 880 hp BMW radial engine the Hs-123 was able to reach a top speed of 340 km/h and could carry a large offensive payload. During the Second World War, despite its proven reliability, the rapid technological evolution of aircraft design, engines and performance relegated the Hs-123 to supporting roles. On the Eastern Front for example, it was used primarily in a night-time ground attack role. Detailed plastic kit

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1:48 Hurricane Mk.II C
510002828disponible dans le commerce
Référence article: 510002828 Produit: 1:48 Hurricane Mk.II C Le Hawker Hurricane fut le chasseur le plus utilisé par la Royal Air Force de l'armée britannique au début de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Il a joué un rôle déterminant dans la victoire de la R.A.F. lors de la Bataille d'Angleterre, mais au cours de la Guerre, il a progressivement cédé sa place de chasseur de première ligne au plus moderne Spitfire. L'Hurricane a progressivement changé de rôle en se distinguant par des versions et des équipements très spécifiques. L'Hurricane Mk. IIC était en effet équipé d'un armement important composé de 4 canons Hispano-Suiza puissants de 20 mm avec près de 400 coups montés sur les ailes. L'adoption des canons de 20 mm à la place des mitrailleuses traditionnelles de 7,7 mm rendit l'Hurricane extrêmement efficace lors des missions d'attaque au sol et de support rapproché. En outre, le Hurricane Mk. IIC fut efficacement utilisé comme chasseur de nuit.

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1:48 HUS-1 Sea Horse / UH-34D
510002776disponible dans le commerce
Référence article: 510002776 Article: 1:48 HUS-1 Sea Horse / UH-34D Taille du modèle 36 cm SUPER DECALQUES POUR 5 VERSIONS - FRET PHOTOGRAPHIE - FICHE D'INSTRUCTIONS COULEUR À partir du célèbre hélicoptère anti-sous-marin HSS-1 « Seabat » de l’américain Sikorsky, pro-duit depuis le milieu des années 50, fut développée, quelques années plus tard, une version dédiée à l’exécution de missions de transport tactique : le HUS-1 Seahorse. L’hélicoptère fut largement utilisé, à partir de 1957, par le Corps des Marines et s’est immédiatement révélé fiable et robuste. Il pouvait transporter jusqu’à 16 hommes entièrement équipés ou 1 300 kg de cargaison. Grâce à son moteur à pistons Wright R-1820 Cyclone, le Seahorse pouvait atteindre une vitesse de 200 km/h. Ses caractéristiques opérationnelles ont accéléré sa propagation. Également employé par l’U.S. Army (avec le sigle H-34), une version armée de mitrailleuses M60 de 7,62 mm fut réalisée, largement utilisée pendant la première phase de la Guerre du Vietnam. Plus lourd encore était l’armement de la version française, qui participa au conflit d’Algérie, équipée de 3 mitrailleuses Browning de 12,7 mm et d’un canon MG 151 de 20 mm.

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1:48 Lockheed TR-1A/B
510002809disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002809 Product: 1:48 Lockheed TR-1A/B Model Dim.: 39,9 cm Extra Catalogue - One Model Kit included Two Versions Available - Super Decals Sheet The Lockheed U-2 is one of the best known high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft in the history of aviation and an icon of the Cold War. The development of the aircraft was approved in the early 1950’s with the first flight in 1955. The U-2 was characterized by its large wing area and wingspan. Its aerodynamic structure enabled it to operate at an altitude of 70,000 feet (over 21,000 meters) and undertake intelligence gathering operations using highly advanced photographic and video recording systems. It was first used operationally by the C.I.A. and then by the U.S.A.F. The design was improved over time, and ultimately led to the development of the TR-1A version to carry out high altitude tactical reconnaissance missions. For this role the TR-1 was equipped with side-looking radar, modern avionics systems and ECM (Electronic countermeasures). Detailed plastic kit

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1:48 Macchi MC 200 Série VII
510002815disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002815 Product: 1:48 Macchi MC 200 Serie VII Designed by the celebre engineer Mario Castoldi, the Macchi MC 200 has represented a significant production evolution of the Italian fighter aircrafts. Compared to the biplanes Fiat CR 32 and Fiat CR 42 that were the main Italian fighters squadrons structure at the beginning of the Second World War, the Macchi MC 200 distinguished itself, together with its contemporary Fiat G50, for its monoplane configuration and for the entire metallic airframe structure. The 14 radial cylinder Fiat A.74 RC 38 double star engine was able to release 840 HP and allowing the Macchi Mc 200 to reach speeds of 500 Km/H. In comparison with the Allied fighters, it resulted to be underpowered and, neither the less, a lower fire capacity. Two 12,7mm Breda-SAFAT machineguns mounted over the characteristic engine bulged nacelle, were the only onboard armament available. In the latest versions, two additional 7,7mm Breda-SAFAT machineguns were incorporated in the wings. It has been deployed by the Regia Aeronautica on the main Second World War fronts: Africa, Mediterranean Sea, Balkans and in Russia. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:35

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1:48 P-40E/K Kittyhawk
510002795disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002795 Product: 1:48 P-40E/K Kittyhawk Length of the model 197 mm EXTRA CATALOGUE - NEW DECALS SHEET Based on the design of the previous single-seat radial engine fighter Curtiss P-36, the Curtiss P-40 has become one of the most famous and used aircraft of the Second World War. Between 1941 and 1944 he also played a key role in many operational theaters from North Africa to Italy, from China to the South Pacific. Characterized by a very robust and reliable aerodynamic structure, the Curtiss P-40 was equipped with an Allison V-12 engine, capable of delivering more than 1,150 HP. Thanks to it, the Curtiss P-40 was able to reach the speed of 580 Km / h. It served as air superiority fighter and fighter bomber. One of the most successful version was the P-40E. Used by U.S. fighter squadrons and, as Kittyhawk , by Commonwealth Air Forces, the P- 40E was heavily armed with six 12.7 mm. M2 Browning machine guns installed in the wings. Furthermore, thanks to its under wings hard-points, able to carry nearly 900 Kg. of bombs, it was also able to satisfy close air support duties. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:48 S-3 A/B VIKING
510002623disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510002623 Product: 1:48 S-3 A/B VIKING The S-3 Viking is the American Marines’ standard anti-submarine aircraft for shipborn used since the mid-70s. This big twin-jet plane is equipped with cutting-edge electronics to control sea missions and surveillance in close contact with ships and helicopters entrusted to protect aircraft-carriers. Viking II has an ample range, thanks to in-flight refuelling to ensure long patrol periods. Additionally, Viking II can transport plenty of material in its large hold: torpedoes, depth charges, and an enormous quantity of buoys to receive underwater signals. Detailed plastic kit

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1:48 SAAB JA 37 Jaktviggen
510102785disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510102785 Product: 1:48 SAAB JA 37 Jaktviggen Model Dim.: 34,2 cm ORIGINAL MOULDS FROM ESCI - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET - SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 4 VERSIONS The Saab Viggen fighter has been, for years, the backbone of the Swedish Air Force. The first AJ 37 Viggen has been developed to be a multi-role combat aircraft able to perform air defense, anti-ships and ground attack missions. Later on, in order to increase the effectiveness in the Swedish air defense system, the JA-37 "Jaktviggen" version was developed. It has been equipped with a new set of avionics, radar and weapon system able to enhance its role of all-weather fighter-interceptor aircraft. In terms of design the Viggen was characterized by the adoption of the delta-canard aerodynamic solution and it was powered by the big and powerful Volvo RM8 afterburning turbofan. Thanks to it the Viggen was able to reach the max speed of Mach 2,1. The Saab Viggen has been progressively replaced by the new and technologically advanced Saab JAS 39 Gripen. Detailed Plastic Kit of model SAAB JA 37 Jaktviggen in scale 1:48

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1:48 US F-16C
510002825disponible dans le commerce
Le F-16 Fighting Falcon, produit par la société américaine General Dynamics à partir de la fin des années 70, est une véritable icône de l’aviation militaire. Au début, développé pour répondre aux besoins de l’U.S. Air Force d’avoir un avion de chasse monoplace diurne de supériorité aérienne, le projet a progressivement évolué et un avion de combat multi-rôle tous-temps a été créé, caractérisé par une flexibilité opérationnelle extraordinaire. Le F-16 se caractérise par un design original, facilement reconnaissable par le « canopy » (verrière) à bulle. qui garantit une grande visibilité au pilote. De plus, le F-16 adopta des solutions innovantes telles que la cloche latérale, le « fly-by-wire » et de modernes systèmes avioniques pour le vol et le combat. Apprécié par les pilotes pour sa grande manœuvrabilité et fiabilité, il est armé d’un canon M61 Vulcan de 20mm. Grâce à ses nombreux points d’attaque, il peut utiliser un arsenal offensif varié de missiles et de bombes. Le F-16 a été employé par de nombreuses forces aériennes du monde entier et il a effectué, souvent avec une grande efficacité, un nombre important de missions opérationnelles.

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1:72 A-129 Mangusta
510000006disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510000006 Product: 1:72 A-129 Mangusta Model Dim.: 17 cm Decals for one version This light combat helicopter has been designed for the Italian Army and has been delivered to various units. The manufacturer is participating at various international competitions in order to deliver first orders to other armed forces. The Mangusta is typical for its sleak and elegant shape which contributes to its manoeuvrability. This helicopter is equipped with sophisticated night vision equipment which serves for its anti-tank missile armament. Other complex flight control instruments are also part of the Mangustas electronic gear.

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1:72 AC-119K Stinger Gunship
510001468disponible dans le commerce
L’US-Air-Force a utilisé l’avion de transport lourd C-119 comme base de transformation pour sa nouvelle forteresse volante. Cette construction spéciale fut particulièrement engagée au Vietnam contre les concentrations de troupes ennemies et plus particulièrement contre les troupes de ravitaillement et de réserve. Grâce à son armement puissant (2 canons de 20mm et 4 de 7,62mm), la version Ac-119 K fut une arme très efficace contre les colonnes de camions. Une version à l’armement plus légère fut construite sous la dénomination AC-119 G. Outre les deux turbopropulseurs, cet avion fut également équipé de deux réacteurs lui permettant un décollage court même avec le plein de munition. Avec l'entrée en service des AC-130H plus puissants, ces appareils sont progressivement cédés à l'armée de l'air sud-vietnamienne qui les utilise jusqu'à la chute du gouvernement de Saigon.

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1:72 AH-1W Super Cobra
510000160disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510000160 Product: 1:72 AH-1W Super Cobra Model Dim.: 20 cm Decals for one version Based on the helicopter design Bell AH 1 Huey Cobra which was used in great numbers in Vietnam, Bell developed the improved version AH-1 W Super Cobra which has better fighting power and other features. First delivery of this prototype to the US-Marine-Corps was 1986. The armament consists of a 20 mm-rapid fire gun as well as alternating missile: Tow, Sidewinder, Hellfire, Zuni and 70 mm rocket.

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1:72 AH-64 D Apache Longbow
510100080disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510100080 Product: 1:72 AH-64 D Apache Longbow Model Dim.: 21 cm Decals for 3 versions. The Apache is certainly the most powerful and sophisticated combat helicopter thanks to its robust fuselage, which was designed without saving costs, as well as remarkable electronic equipment and massive weapons systems. Presently modifications are carried out to adapt the D model equipped with Longbow radar. This allows more efficiency in using anti-tank missiles and greater capacity to direct its fire-power.

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1:72 B-58 HUSTLER
510001142disponible dans le commerce
Article number: 510001142 Product: 1/72 B-58 HUSTLER Model Dim.: 40,9 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 6 VERSIONS This 4-engined delta wing bomber came into service with the US Strategic Air Force at the beginning of the 60s and was, at that time, the pinnacle of technology. The B-58 could reach supersonic speeds even at full load and was specifically designed to carry nuclear weapons so as to provide a fast response to a Soviet attack, which, back in the Cold War of the 50s, was considered a constant threat. Detailed Plastic Kit