Article number: 510006113
The Box Contains :
Wrecked house
Walls and ruins
Battlefield accessories
German infantry : 24 figures - Winter uniform
U.S. infantry : 36 figures - Winter uniform
Sherman M4A3E2 Jumbo
Sherman M4A3 76mm
Pz. Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf.
Pak 40 AT Gun with 6 crew figures
8.8 cm Flak 37 AA Gun
On December 16th, 1944 the German Army launched through the thick
Ardennes’ forest ( in Belgium ) a great offensive which had the code
name " Wacht am Rhein" ( Operation guarding the Rhine ). During this
operation the town of Bastogne and its surroundings where encircled by
the German troops. Inside the pocket around 15.000 American soldiers
stood up to the repeated assaults of the German army for approximately
ten days. The legendary resistance was that of the US 101st Airborne
division inside the town. On December 22nd the General von Lüttwitz ,
who was the German commander, submitted a demand for surrender to the
encircled units. The answer of the American commander in Bastogne,
Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe was "NUTS". Then, Germans renew
their attacks trying to occupy the city but without getting results. On
December 26th some soldiers of the General George Patton’s Third Army
reached the besieged troops, breaking the siege and evacuating the
wounded. The American Army lost more than 3.000 soldiers during this battle.
Deatailed plastic kit of set
Battle of Bastogne
in scale 1:72
Warning! Not suitable for children under 14 years.