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1:35 KPz Leopard 1A5 WA
Le char d’assaut Leopard 1, entré en service autour de la moitié des années 60, a représenté la clé de voûte des cuirassés de l'Allemagne fédérale et de différentes forces armées et est né pendant la période de la « Guerre froide ». Le rôle du Leopard était essentiel, car il avait pour tâche d'affronter les immenses masses de chars d'assaut éventuellement déployés par les armées du Pacte de Varsovie. Il était armé du canon testé L7 de 105 mm, pouvant utiliser différents types de munitions. La version A5 est une nette amélioration avec l'adoption d'une tourelle modifiée capable d'accueillir les nouveaux systèmes informatisés d'identification des cibles et de conduite de tir. Un blindage supplémentaire en polycarbonate composite a également été adopté, augmentant considérablement la protection et la résistance aux coups.

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1:35 Leopard 2A4
Article number: 510006559 Product: 1:35 Leopard 2A4 Model Dim.: 27,6 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 5 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET - NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRACKS Entered into service between the late '70s and early' 80s the Leopard 2 is considered one of the best armored vehicles in the world. It has been developed to offer the German "Bundeswehr" a powerful and modern Main Battle Tank able to replace the Leopards 1. The main armament is the 120mm. Rheinmetall L/55 smoothbore gun. Despite is heavy armor, the Leopard 2 is able to reach a significant speed of 65 km/h and it has a good performance on every kind of terrains. From the first versions, the MBT has been constantly improved and updated. The Leopard 2 A4, one of the most widespread version, is adopting an advance fire control system and modern hi-tech materials able to increase the protection capability. A part Germany, the Leopard 2 was able to achieve a good commercial success in many countries as Holland, Turkey, Austria, Greece and many others. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Leopard 2A4 in scale 1:35

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1/35 Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.D w/Vision de nuit
Article number: 540006984 Product: 1:35 Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.D w/Night Vision The Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.D with Night Vision Falke was a special variant which was equipped with specialized night vision equipment, the vehicle was designed for reconnaissance and other missions at night and in low-light conditions. The key feature of it was its night vision equipment, which included a range of infrared and ultraviolet lights, as well as a specialized periscope that allowed the crew to see in the dark. Despite its advanced technology, this special variant was produced in limited numbers due to the high cost of the specialized equipment and the difficult production conditions in Germany during the war. The kit includes Magic tracks and a set of early version tracks. Additionally, a figure set of four Nachtjager soldiers is offered for free. Valuable metal width indicators and an array of photo-etched parts are also available to enhance the level of detail in the model. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1/72e Ensemble de maquettes M-1 Abrams
Le char d’assaut de troisième génération M1 Abrams constitue l'épine dorsale des divisions blindées de l'armée Américaine et du Corps des Marines. L'Abrams se caractérise par son blindage lourd (il compte parmi les véhicules de combat les plus lourds au monde) et l'adoption du puissant moteur à turbine multi-carburant. Une grande attention a été portée à la protection de l'équipage grâce au dépôt de munitions séparé et fortement protégé. Le M1 Abrams, qui est entré en service opérationnel au début des années 80 pour remplacer les anciens M-60, offre un système sophistiqué de conduite de tir et un blindage moderne. D'abord armé d'un canon de 105 mm, il a ensuite été équipé du canon de 120 mm le plus moderne et le plus puissant avec un tube lisse capable d'utiliser une variété différente de projectiles. L'Abrams a été largement utilisé, avec une efficacité létale, sur tous les grands théâtres opérationnels, du Moyen-Orient à l'Afghanistan, s'avérant être supérieur à tout autre char adverse.

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1:35 3.7cm FlaK 43 Flakpanzer IV Ostwind
Article number: 540006550 Product: 1:35 3.7cm FlaK 43 Flakpanzer IV Ostwind The long-awaited 1/35 Ostwind, one of Dragon's classic AFVs, is receiving a facelift with the new premium edition. When Dragon's 1/35 Ostwind first debuted a decade ago, it garnered significant attention. The new 2024 premium edition takes it a step further, sparing no expense. In addition to the familiar Magic Tracks, the road wheels showcase the latest design. Furthermore, numerous 3D printed parts have been incorporated, including the meticulously reproduced muzzle brake of the 3.7cm Flak gun and the inclusion of spent bullet casings (x 15). With the addition of an aluminum gun barrel, this 2024 premium version is a must-have collectible for all 1/35 AFV modelers. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 Attelage de moto Zündapp KS750
Article number: 510000317 Product: 1:35 Motorcycle side car Zündapp KS750 Model Dim.: 6,6 cm CONTAINS 3 FIGURES The Treaty of Versailles forbade the reconstruction of the German army. Nevertheless, its commanders evaded the obstacle by introducing vehicles of the civil production, which was not subject to any limitations. Thus they set up entire companies equipped with motorvehicles, developing in this way a "motorized mentality" among the crews. The Zündapp. with a production total of 18.000 units due to its structure which guaranteed easy and economical handling - was considered one of the most modern accomplishments of the age in the field of motorcycle construction. Because of its extraordinary qualities, the Zündapp could follow and escort the tank units of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS to all theatres of operations, especially in Russia, since the side car was even furnished with heating for hands and feet of the man. Zündapps were distributed to all units of the armed forces, Only after 1943, they were replaced by 4-wheel vehicles. Detailed plastic kit of model Motorrad-Gespann Zündapp KS750 in scale 1:35

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1:35 Bedford QL Truck
Référence article: 510000241 Produit: 1:35 Bedford QL Truck La gamme de camions militaires Bedford QL a été créée à la fin des années 1930, à la demande de l'armée britannique, afin de disposer d'un véhicule de transport plus moderne et plus flexible. Les tests ont été achevés en 1940 et c’est au début de l’année 1941 que les Bedford QL ont été distribués aux services opérationnels. Pendant toute la durée de la guerre, il fut utilisé sur les différents fronts et s'avéra être un support valable pour satisfaire les besoins de logistique et de transport grâce à ses quatre roues motrices et son poids relativement faible qui augmentait sa capacité de charge. En raison de sa flexibilité et de sa robustesse, il a également été utilisé pour remorquer et transporter des pièces d'artillerie telles que le canon antichar 6 Pdr ou le canon antiaérien Bofors de 40 mm. Équipé d'un moteur à essence 6 cylindres de 72 chevaux, il se caractérise également par sa facilité d'entretien et de réparation, un élément important sur les champs de bataille.

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1:35 BMW R 75 avec side-car
Article number: 510000315 Product: 1:35 BMW R 75 with Side Car Model Dim.: 6,6 cm Contains 3 figures. Decal for one version. The new German army made use of the experiences collected in World War I to realize their modern reconstruction based on motorization. In spite of the limitations of the Treaty of Versailles able commanders introduced civilian vehicles into the army, thus creating a motorized mentality. In 1940 already, a battalion consisting of 3 to 4 companies each equipped with 52 motorcycles with sidecars and 4 motorcy-cles (single), was integrated into the motorized infantry and the armored divisions. Moreover, motorcycles were present in nearly all other Wehrmacht units, especially with the reconaissance units and the command, as well as the pioneer and the supply units. Produced in 16.500 units, the BMW R 75 together with the Zijndapp KS 750 formed the nucleus of the motorized units on all theatres of operations, especially in Africa and in Russia. The motorcycle was armored with an MG 34 mounted on the sidecar. On the road, it reached a maximum speed of 92 Km/h.

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1:35 Brit. Crusader Mk.III avec. Équipage
Article number: 510006592 Product: 1:35 Brit. Crusader Mk.III m. Besatzung Designed at the beginning of the Second World War, the Crusader was one of the most important British "Cruiser" tanks reaching a production of over 5,000 units. Equipped with Christie suspension with large diameter rolling wheels, the Crusader possessed remarkable driving skills on rough terrain. The first versions of Mk. I and Mk. II were armed with a 2 pdr cannon. later replaced by the more powerful 6 pdr cannon. in the Mk.III version. Lacking adequate armor against enemy fire, it was also very vulnerable to enemy mines and anti-tank guns, and its armament was often inadequate in front of similar German vehicles. However, when used in a coordinated way, they managed to achieve good results. Detailed plastic kit

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1:35 Camion allemand 3to. Type S
Article number: 510000216 Product: 1/35 German Truck 3to. TYPE S Model Dim.: 17,1 cm Registered by the Wehrmacht under the designation LKW 3,6-36 S 3t Blitz, this truck was the typical example of that practice of unification adopted in 1938 for the construction of civil transport means convertible into military vehicles. Actually, this truck - OPEL without BLITZ - was manufactured for commercial use featuring more or less the same characteristics.

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1:35 Carro Armato P40
Les premières années de la guerre ont mis en évidence l'inconsistance des chars Medi italiens dans un scénario opérationnel caractérisé par la guerre de mouvement, les affrontements entre véhicules lourdement armés et blindés, et l'utilisation d'armes antichars plus efficaces et plus meurtrières. Grâce à l'analyse des chars allemands et des principaux adversaires de l'époque, britanniques et soviétiques, un char lourd de 26 tonnes a été mis au point. Le nouveau char, qui a subi plusieurs modifications de conception au fil du temps, présentait des caractéristiques modernes telles que des plaques frontales inclinées, un moteur diesel de 420 CV plus puissant et plus performant et un armement principal plus adapté à un usage opérationnel avec l'adoption du canon 75/34 Ansaldo. Cependant, le P26/40, nom définitif du char, conserve certaines solutions qui ne sont plus adaptées à l'époque et qui caractérisent la production de véhicules blindés italiens depuis le milieu des années 30 : les rivets de blindage et les suspensions à ressort à lames.

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1:35 Commande Panther Ausf.G (Prem.Edit.)
Article number: 540006841 Product: 1:35 Befehls Panther Ausf.G (Prem.Edit.) Dragon is now offering a Premium Edition of a 1/35 Befehls-Panther Ausf.G. It’s a command tank based on a Panther Ausf.G hull. All necessary additions typical of a Befehls-Panther are accurately represented, such as star antenna, the correct mantlet for a command Panther and etc. As a Premium Edition, it comes with Magic Track, 3D Printed parts, a metal gun barrel and as well as night sights as bonus. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz.138 Marder III Ausf. H
Article number: 510006566 Product: 1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz.138 Marder III Ausf. H The tank destroyer Marder III Sd.Kfz. 138 was developed for the Wehrmacht on the basis of the now obsolete Czechoslovak-made Panzerkampfwagen 38(t). It went into production in 1942 for the needs of the eastern operation area and was used on all fronts until the end of the war. A major improvement was the installation of an effective 75 mm anti-tank gun protected by a slanted steel shield. In order to better protect the soldiers, the engine was placed in the rear part of the vehicle and the weapon system in the middle. With the Marder III, the Wehrmacht had an easy-to-manufacture tank destroyer with high firepower that was capable of fighting the most important tanks of the time. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Schnellboot Typ S-38 mit 4.0cm Flak 28 (Bofors) in scale 1:35 Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.