Modélisme Italeri
Maquettes de motos
Triomphe 1:9
Référence article: 510007402 Article: 1:9 Triumph Au début de la 2ème G.M., la Grande-Bretagne ne disposait pas des équipements nécessaires à un tel conflit et avait besoin d’un grand nombre de véhicules de tous types. Les motocyclettes, principalement utilisées par les célèbres DR (Dispatch Riders) pour la communication entre les différentes unités, étaient des machines civiles légèrement modifiées : teinte militaire et ajout de cadres supportant des sacs de toiles. Triumph proposa dans un délai très court le modèle 3HW basé sur la « Tiger 80 » civile avec moteur à soupapes en position supérieure et fourches parallèles. Ce modèle servit sur tous les fronts où combattirent les forces britanniques, en Afrique, Europe et Asie. Après la 2ème G.M., ces motocyclettes furent également fournies à plusieurs nations dont l’Italie et la Grèce. Elles y servirent longtemps grâce à leur fiabilité et leur robustesse.
Maquettes de bateaux militaires 1/35
Vedette 1:35 Type S-100 PRM Edition
Article number: 510005603 Product: 1:35 Schnellboot Typ S-100 PRM Edition Model Dim.: 99,9 cm Decals for one version Among the various stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 was a severe limitation of German naval construction. Small craft were not covered by these stipulations and resulted in the development of motor torpedo boats starting in the late 1920s. ?The design was based on a civil yacht which was, however, modified to be able to transport two torpedoes: the S-1. ?The evolution of the design continued until it reached, in its most advanced models, 35 meters in length weighing in at 100 metric tons. Even room for secondary armaments was progressively increased. The construction was composite, with aluminium beams and wooden planking. The characteristic ironclad deckhouse appeared with the S-100 model and was a necessary response to increased Allied air superiority and to the intensified low flying air attacks being flown. The boats were primarily used to attack allied ships in the coastal areas of the British Isles, but were also used for operations in the Mediterranean and Black seas, usually under cover of dark. Starting in 1943, after great part of the Kriegsmarine had been either destroyed or immobilised, these motor torpedo boats were among the few vessels still in the water and able to perform military operations, exposing them to a progressively increasing number of battles and the consequent grave losses.
Peintures / vernis / colles de modélisme
ITALERI colle plastique avec pinceau 15ml
510003990€7.491 l = €499.33
Article number: 510003990 Product: ITALERI Liquid Cement w/ Brush 15ml Liquid cement for plastic designed and recommended for static modelling 15 ml. Thin Synthetic brush with ergonomic handle for precision assembly. Glass bottle with anti evaporisation system. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.