
Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Fiat 500 F Upgraded Edition
Référence article: 510004715 Produit: 1:12 Fiat 500 F Upgraded Edition La « Nuova 500 » est produite par Fiat de 1957 à 1975. Véritable icône sur quatre roues, elle constitue un des symboles du made in Italy et son design, unique et reconnaissable, est célèbre dans le monde entier. L’entreprise de Turin avait un objectif simple : produire une voiture utilitaire capable d’augmenter le nombre de clients qui pouvaient se permettre l’achat d’une automobile. Pas seulement. L’auto devait être simple à conduire, également en ville, et avoir de faibles coûts de gestion. La version destinée à devenir celle ayant le grand nombre d’unités produites, fut introduite en 1965. La première à être équipée de charnières avant, conformément à la nouvelle norme du Code de la Route, La Fiat 500 F adapta de nombreuses solutions techniques et esthétiques innovantes, comme le changement de la coque et le pare-brise plus large. Elle est encore aujourd’hui la plus « classique » des 500 produites et elle est restée dans le cœur de nombreux automobilistes. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 B.M.W. 320 Gr. 5
Numéro d’article: 510003626 Produit: 1:24 B.M.W. 320 Gr. 5 En 1976, la FIA a introduit un nouveau Groupe 5, avec des règles spécifiques, réservé aux voitures de production « spéciale » sur la scène internationale des courses automobiles. Les nouvelles normes imposent une largeur de carrosserie similaire à celle de la production de série sur laquelle, toutefois, des pare-boue plus grands peuvent être montés afin de bénéficier d'une largeur de piste élargie et de pneus plus larges. BMW a participé à la compétition du Groupe 5 avec une version dédiée de son nouveau modèle haut de gamme, la E21 « 320 ». Un nouveau profil aérodynamique intégrant de grands garde-boue a été créé et un puissant propulseur capable de délivrer 300 ch a été utilisé. La voiture a été utilisée avec succès par l'équipe officielle de la maison de Monaco et a également servi de base à la formation de jeunes pilotes prometteurs.

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1:24 Ford Escort Mk.II
Article number: 510103655 Product: 1:24 Ford Escort Mk.II Model Dim.: 16,7 cm The Ford Escort Mk 2 was launched in 1975. It was a significant evolution compared to the Escort Mk 1 that debuted at Brussels Motor Show in January 1968. It used the reliable mechanical components as the Mk 1 but adopted a new design based on a squared-style look able to be in line with the aesthetic and stylistic taste of the 70s. The product range was wide, declined in three Body styles (2 doors, 4 doors and 3 doors station wagon), five type of engines and a significant variety of settings and configurations. The Escort Mk 2 was mainly produced in the Ford Group German plants and achieved a good commercial success. In addition to the more classic version, it was also released the Escort Sport version characterized by a more aggressive look and distinctive Sport interiors. To compete, successfully, in World Rally Championship, a dedicated model, the RS 1800, was introduced to complete the line up. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Ford Escort Mk.II in scale 1:24

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Lancia HF Integrale
Article number: 510003658 Product: 1:24 Lancia HF Integrale Model Dim.: 16,0 cm COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET The Lancia Delta HF four wheels-drive is considered an Icon of the Rally Competitions History. The Delta HF was produced in the second half of the 80s and participated in the World Rally Championship from 1987 to 1988 winning two world titles and achieving important results in a lot of competition as the Rallye de Monte-Carlo and the Rallye San Remo. The Lancia Delta Integrale was the evolution of the Delta HF. It was introduced in 1988 and dominated the World Rally Championship winning several constructors’ championship and an impressive number of competitions up to 1993. Updated in many aesthetic details that made it more muscular and aggressive, as the enlarged fenders and the new designed air intake on the engine bonnet, the Lancia HF Integrale was also improved in driving and engine performance. The 1995 cm3 turbocharged engine increased its power up to 185 hp. The Lancia Delta Integrale dominated the World Rally Championship between the 80s and early 90s, bringing many famous pilots as Miki Biasion or Juha Kankkunen to victory. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Lancia HF Integrale in scale 1:24

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Mercedes Benz 540K
Article number: 510003701 Product: 1/24 Mercedes Benz 540K The model Mercedes Benz 540K in 1/24 scale has a length of about 243 mm. One of the most beautiful automobiles of its time, the Mercedes Benz 540K was built from 1936-39. One unit is still shown in various parts of the world by Mercedes for promotion purposes. The car had a 8-cylinder 5.4 l engine and weighed no less than 2300 kg. Maximum speed was a stunning 170 km/h. Its fuel consumption was 28 to 30 liter for 100 km.

Figurines militaires et accessoires 1/35
1:35 Brit. Crusader Mk.III avec. Équipage
Article number: 510006592 Product: 1:35 Brit. Crusader Mk.III m. Besatzung Designed at the beginning of the Second World War, the Crusader was one of the most important British "Cruiser" tanks reaching a production of over 5,000 units. Equipped with Christie suspension with large diameter rolling wheels, the Crusader possessed remarkable driving skills on rough terrain. The first versions of Mk. I and Mk. II were armed with a 2 pdr cannon. later replaced by the more powerful 6 pdr cannon. in the Mk.III version. Lacking adequate armor against enemy fire, it was also very vulnerable to enemy mines and anti-tank guns, and its armament was often inadequate in front of similar German vehicles. However, when used in a coordinated way, they managed to achieve good results. Detailed plastic kit

Maquettes de véhicules militaires 1/35
1:35 KPz Leopard 1A5 WA
Le char d’assaut Leopard 1, entré en service autour de la moitié des années 60, a représenté la clé de voûte des cuirassés de l'Allemagne fédérale et de différentes forces armées et est né pendant la période de la « Guerre froide ». Le rôle du Leopard était essentiel, car il avait pour tâche d'affronter les immenses masses de chars d'assaut éventuellement déployés par les armées du Pacte de Varsovie. Il était armé du canon testé L7 de 105 mm, pouvant utiliser différents types de munitions. La version A5 est une nette amélioration avec l'adoption d'une tourelle modifiée capable d'accueillir les nouveaux systèmes informatisés d'identification des cibles et de conduite de tir. Un blindage supplémentaire en polycarbonate composite a également été adopté, augmentant considérablement la protection et la résistance aux coups.

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1:35 Leopard 2A4
Article number: 510006559 Product: 1:35 Leopard 2A4 Model Dim.: 27,6 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 5 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET - NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRACKS Entered into service between the late '70s and early' 80s the Leopard 2 is considered one of the best armored vehicles in the world. It has been developed to offer the German "Bundeswehr" a powerful and modern Main Battle Tank able to replace the Leopards 1. The main armament is the 120mm. Rheinmetall L/55 smoothbore gun. Despite is heavy armor, the Leopard 2 is able to reach a significant speed of 65 km/h and it has a good performance on every kind of terrains. From the first versions, the MBT has been constantly improved and updated. The Leopard 2 A4, one of the most widespread version, is adopting an advance fire control system and modern hi-tech materials able to increase the protection capability. A part Germany, the Leopard 2 was able to achieve a good commercial success in many countries as Holland, Turkey, Austria, Greece and many others. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Leopard 2A4 in scale 1:35

Maquettes d’avions militaires 1/72 ; 1/144
1:72 C-130 E/H Hercules
Référence article: 510000015 Article: 1:72 C-130 E/H Hercules Le C-130® Hercules est de loin l’avion-cargo le plus répandu de ces quarante dernières années. Aucun projet de remplacement de cet avion, équipé de 4 moteurs Lockheed, déjà ancien, n‘a vu le jour jusqu’à présent. Aussi l’Hercules™ reste til en service pour différents usages militaires dans plus de 50 pays. L’électronique embarqueé, aussi bien que le fuselage font régulièrement l’objet de modernisation sur cet avion porteur.

Figurines militaires et accessoires 1/72
1:72 Infanterie allemande
Article number: 510006033 Product: 1:72 German Infantry Wehrmacht was the name used by the German army during the war on all European and North African fronts for almost 6 years, from 1939 to 1945. On September 1st, 1939, two Wehrmacht army groups invaded Poland, thus starting World War II. The models in this kit represent Wehrmacht infantry units with the typical feldgrau-colored uniforms and with individual equipment composed of a Mauser K-98 rifle and a MP40 submachinegun. Contains 50 figures.

Figurines militaires et accessoires 1/72
1:72 IT Soldats américains modernes
Article number: 510006168 Product: 1/72 Modern US Soldiers Little great men Men in their uniformst hat made the history oft he 20th century. From North Africa, to Russia, Normandy, the Pacific Ocean, the variety of the characters presented allows us to recreate the most renowned conflicts of the Second World War. Unusual and dynamic poses make them an ideal complement for wargames and dioramas. Contains: 50 unpainted figures

Kits de modélisme / sets complets
1/72e Ensemble de maquettes M-1 Abrams
Le char d’assaut de troisième génération M1 Abrams constitue l'épine dorsale des divisions blindées de l'armée Américaine et du Corps des Marines. L'Abrams se caractérise par son blindage lourd (il compte parmi les véhicules de combat les plus lourds au monde) et l'adoption du puissant moteur à turbine multi-carburant. Une grande attention a été portée à la protection de l'équipage grâce au dépôt de munitions séparé et fortement protégé. Le M1 Abrams, qui est entré en service opérationnel au début des années 80 pour remplacer les anciens M-60, offre un système sophistiqué de conduite de tir et un blindage moderne. D'abord armé d'un canon de 105 mm, il a ensuite été équipé du canon de 120 mm le plus moderne et le plus puissant avec un tube lisse capable d'utiliser une variété différente de projectiles. L'Abrams a été largement utilisé, avec une efficacité létale, sur tous les grands théâtres opérationnels, du Moyen-Orient à l'Afghanistan, s'avérant être supérieur à tout autre char adverse.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Monza Nuvolari
Article number: 510004706 Product: 1:12 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Monza Nuvolari Model Dim.: 32,0 cm 100% NEW MOULDS - Colors Instructions Sheet - Steering wheels - Realistic suspension - Highly detailed engine - Rubber tires - 300 plastic parts - 30 Chromed parts - Photoetched parts - Opening cowling - Screws, tubes, rope and nylon net

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Alfa Romeo 8C/2300 1931-33
Article number: 510104708 Product: 1:12 Alfa Romeo 8C/2300 1931-33 Model Dim.: 32,0 cm Colors Instructions Sheet - Steering wheels - Realistic suspension - Highly detailed engine - Rubber tires - 320 plastic parts - 30 Chromed parts - Photoetched parts - Opening cowling - Screws, tubes and nylon net The Alfa Romeo 8C can be considered as one of the most famous sports cars of the 1930s. The car's name derives from the engine adopted: an 8-cylinder in-line supercharged engine with a displacement of 2,336 cc. The Alfa Romeo could be considered the "state of art" for technology, innovative solutions and performances. Characterized by an impressive reliability and driveability the "8C" achieved significant victories in international car racing competitions. It linked its name to the famous Italian driver Tazio Nuvolari that won, among the others, the Targa Florio race in Sicily and the prestigious Italian Grand Prix at Monza. This last victory gave the "Monza" name to the twin seater GP car. From the racing version, a production batch of almost 200 vehicles was produced for the private markets and to be used on the normal road.To celebrate the 110th anniversary of the famous Italian manufacturer we are releasing the two-seater Sport version of the 1930’s. The car was distributed at that time via the Alfa Romeo sales network to those customers wealthy enough to purchase the most successful sports car of the period. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Bugatti 35B Roadster
Référence article: 510004713 Produit: 1:12 Bugatti 35B Roadster La Bugatti Type 35 est l'une des voitures les plus emblématiques et les plus importantes de l'histoire de la course automobile. Le chef-d'œuvre d'Ettore Bugatti est un mélange idéal de compétences techniques, de design, d'élégance, de légèreté et de vitesse. Produite dans les années 1920, elle a remporté un nombre incroyable de victoires dans des compétitions sur route et sur piste. Elle a en effet été spécialement conçue pour le monde de la course avec l'introduction de solutions techniques et mécaniques qui en faisaient le modèle idéal pour les circuits de l'époque. D'un point de vue esthétique, elle se caractérise par la forme inimitable du radiateur en fer à cheval, marque de fabrique du constructeur automobile Bugatti. Grâce à son moteur 8 cylindres de 2 263 cm3, associé à une boîte de vitesses mécanique à quatre rapports et équipé d'un compresseur volumétrique, la Bugatti Type35B pouvait atteindre une vitesse de pointe de 210 km/h. En particulier, la Bugatti 35C, avec son équilibre parfait entre performances, maniabilité et tenue de route, peut être considérée comme l'une des meilleures « Type35 » jamais fabriquées. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Fiat 500F (version 1968)
Article number: 510004703 Product: 1:12 Fiat 500F (1968 version) Model Dim.: 25 cm 100% new moulds - Highly detailed model - Opened or closed top - Opening car doors - Front and rear opening bonnets - Steering wheels - Working suspensions - Rubber tires - Photoetched and chromed parts The model can be realized in the Anglo-Saxon version with right drive. The "Nuova 500" was produced by Fiat from 1957 to 1975. It is a real icon on four wheels and one of the symbols of "made in Italy". Its unique and recognizable design is famous all over the World. When the small car was set up by the Italian car manufacturer, its goal was simple: to introduce on the market at a very affordable price a new compact car able to enlarge the number of potential customers. Furthermore the new car should be easy to drive, even in the city traffic, and provide very low running costs. The "Fiat 500" was released on the market in July 1957 and it was immediately a success. In 1965 was introduced the 500F, the version with the largest number of units produced. Easily recognizable for the front-hinged doors, in line with the new laws, the Fiat 500F adopted several technical and aesthetic improved solutions as the new frame and the wider windscreen. The Fiat 500F is, still today, the most "classic" version of the whole 500 production and it remains in the heart of a huge number of car fans. Detailed plastic kit of model Fiat 500F (1968 version) In scale 1:12

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 FIAT 806 Grand Prix
Article number: 510004702 Product: 1/12 FIAT 806 Grand Prix Model Dim.: 30 cm UPGRADE PROTAR MOULDS The Fiat 806 Grand Prix adopted significant innovations for its time. In fact, the Fiat 806 was the "progenitor" of the modern Formula One racing cars. Developed and produced by FIAT, the Italian automobiles manufacturer, in 1927, it could be considered the first Grand Prix car ever built before. Thanks to its 180 HP 12 cylinders engine, the Fiat 806 was able to reach and even exceed the speed of 240 Km/h. However, the most important innovations were made in the development of the chassis, mechanics and bodywork. In fact, the engine and gearbox unit was located between the two chassis bars in order to optimize the performance and the drivability. The Italeri model is unique and very detailed (over 400 pieces to be assembled). The bonnet can be open to view the highly detailed engine. It has working steering, soft rubber tires, photo etched parts and little metallic accessories (screws, nuts, springs, etc). Detailed plastic kit of model FIAT 806 Grand Prix In scale 1:12

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 FIAT Abarth 695 SS/ Assetto Corsa
Article number: 510004705 Product: 1:12 FIAT Abarth 695 SS/ Assetto Corsa Model Dim.: 25,0 cm New moulds - Highly detailed model - Openable hood and trunk - Open or closed top - Opening car doors - Steerable wheels - Working suspension - Rubber tires - Photoetched and chromed parts One Model in two versions: - Fiat Abarth 695SS - Fiat Abarth 695SS Assetto Corse The "Nuova 500" was produced by Fiat from 1957 to 1975. It is a real icon on four wheels and one of the symbols of "made in Italy". Its unique and recognizable design is famous all over the World. When the small car was set up by the Italian car manufacturer, its goal was simple: to introduce on the market at a very affordable price a new compact car able to enlarge the number of potential customers. In addition to the classic Fiat 500, that obtained an impressive commercial success all over the World, the Italian car manufacturer Abarth produced several special versions characterized by unmistakable sporting and racing attitude. In 1964 Abarth, originally founded as racing team, presented two interesting versions developed on the Fiat Nuova 500 chassis and body : the 695 and the 695 SS. Both versions were equipped with a 689 cm3 engine and were able to reach the max speed of 140 Km/h. In 1965 Abarth developed the Fiat 695 SS Assetto Corsa with improved performances and feature Detailed plastic kit of model FIAT Abarth 695 SS/ Assetto Corsa In scale 1:12

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 FIAT Mefistofele 21706c.c. 1923-25
Article number: 510104701 Product: 1:12 FIAT Mefistofele 21706c.c. 1923-25 Model Dim.: 45 cm Upgrade Protar Moulds Fiat Mefistofele, the Queen of World Land Speed The one-off racing car "Eldridge", derived from the old Fiat SB4 chassis, became known as Mephistofele for the infernal noise emitted by its powerful aircraft 6-cylinders in-line engine, giving a capacity over 20,000 cm3, not attenuated by exhaust mufflers kept "free" to provide the most significant performance. On 12th July 1924 in Arpajon, the Mefistofele, was able to reach, driven by its pilot and designer Ernest Eldrige, the amazing speed, for the time, of 146,01 miles per hour (over 230 Km/h) and broke the World Land Speed Record achieving an impressive result. The Mefistofele, was characterized by the high back bodywork able to contain the powerful Fiat A-12 liquid-cooled engine and for its structure especially made to achieve the speed record.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Lancia DELTA 16VHF integrée Sanremo'89
Référence article: 510004712 Produit: 1:12 Lancia DELTA 16VHF integ Sanremo'89 La version sportive du modèle routier Lancia Delta, la « HF » 4WD est considérée comme une icône des autos de rallye. La Delta HF a été produite dans la seconde moitié des années 1980 et a participé au championnat du monde des rallyes de 1987 à 1988, a remporté deux titres mondiaux et s'est classée première dans de nombreuses courses telles que les prestigieux rallyes de Monte-Carlo et de Sanremo. Son développement, la Lancia Delta Integrale, a participé à des courses jusqu'en 1993, a remporté cinq titres mondiaux supplémentaires et a consolidé le palmarès de la société italienne dans le domaine des courses tout-terrain. Outre la mise à jour de nombreux détails esthétiques qui l’ont rendu plus musclée, comme les garde-boue élargis et de nouvelles prises d'air sur le capot, la technique et la motorisation de la HF Integrale ont également été améliorées. La puissance du moteur turbo de 1995 cc, par exemple, a été portée à 185 CV. La Lancia Delta Integrale a dominé le championnat du monde des rallyes dans les années 1980 et au début des années 1990 et a permis à de nombreux pilotes célèbres tels que Miki Biasion, Didier Auriol ou Juha Kankkunen de remporter des victoires.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Lancia Delta HF Integrale 16V
Article number: 510104709 Product: 1:12 Lancia Delta HF Integrale 16v The sporty version of the Lancia Delta road model - the "HF" 4WD - is an icon of rally cars. The Delta HF was produced in the second half of the 1980s and took part in the World Rally Championship from 1987 to 1988, won two world championship titles and took first place in numerous races such as the prestigious Monte Carlo Rally and that of San Remo. Its development, the Lancia Delta Integrale, took part in races until 1993, won another 5 world championship titles and consolidated the "Palmares" in the Italian company's off-road competitions. in many aesthetic details that made it more muscular, such as the enlarged fenders and new air inlets on the bonnet, the technology and engine of the HF Integrale have also been improved. The performance of the 1995 cc turbo engine, for example, has been increased to 185 hp. The Lancia Delta Integrale dominated the World Rally Championship between the 80s and the early 90s and brought many famous drivers such as Miki Biasion, Didier Auriol or Juha Kankkunen to victory. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

Maquettes de véhicules 1/12
1:12 Mc Laren MP4/2C Prost / Rosberg
La Mc Laren MP4/2 a été l'une des voitures les plus performantes de l'histoire de la Formule 1, avec le plus grand nombre de victoires à son actif. En 1985, la MP4/2B fait ses débuts, équipée d'un moteur Porsche TAG, suralimenté par deux compresseurs, en mesure d'atteindre 850 CV et l'adoption de solutions aérodynamiques moins voyantes que les voitures précédentes et conformes à ce qu'exigeait la nouvelle réglementation. La confirmation de l'efficacité du projet a été scellée par la victoire du championnat du monde des constructeurs et du championnat du monde des pilotes, grâce notamment à l'extraordinaire talent d'Alain Prost. En 1986, le projet a été encore amélioré avec la version MP4/2C et Alain Prost a été confirmé comme champion du monde également dans la nouvelle saison, rejoint par un autre grand talent de Formule 1, le Finlandais Keke Rosberg. Il est certain que la McLaren MP4/2 a gagné une place d'honneur dans le cœur des fans et des passionnés de Formule 1 en remportant trois championnats du monde des pilotes et deux championnats du monde des constructeurs.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Alfa Romeo Guilia 1600 Spider
Référence article: 510003668 Produit: 1:24 Alfa Romeo Guilia 1600 Spider Construite par Alfa Romeo, la Giulia Spider a été produite de 1962 à 1965 et peut être considérée comme l'évolution de la Giulietta Spider, dont elle reprend les principales lignes esthétiques du design très réussi. La Giulia était équipée d'un moteur quatre cylindres en ligne monté longitudinalement d'une cylindrée de 1 570 cm3, plus puissant que le précédent moteur de 1 300 cm3 utilisé dans la Giulietta. L'adoption du nouveau moteur a nécessité des modifications au capot avant, qui est également devenu un élément distinctif et caractéristique. Des améliorations esthétiques ont également été apportées à l'intérieur, au volant et à l'instrumentation. La transmission était basée sur une boîte de vitesses synchronisée à cinq rapports. Elle a été produite en deux versions : la version "normale" avec 92 ch et la version "veloce" avec deux carburateurs fournissant 112 ch. Elle a rencontré un bon succès commercial et a été particulièrement appréciée pour son design "made in Italy" inimitable. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Audi Quattro Rally
Article number: 510003642 Product: 1/24 Audi Quattro Rally SUPER DECALS SHEET In 1980, during the Geneva Motor Show, the German car manufacturer presented to the public its new twodoor coupé called Audi Quattro. Produced for all the '80s the Italian name choosed by Audi (Quattro is the Italian word for "four") ine was pointed out the main feature and the most important selling point : the fourwheel drive. It was the first time that the 4x4 solution was adopted on a coupé with the goal to achieve high numbers in terms of production and sales on the market. The Audi Quattro was able to release good driving performance, thanks to its frontal longitudinal engine, and very good reliability on all type of road conditions. From the mass production a dedicated car for competitions was developed on 1981 and it debuted in the World Rally Championship, achieving good results. The success of "Quattro" cars is still existing today in fact the name has become a real "brand" that identifies all the range of Audi’s four wheel drive production. Detailed Plastic Kit

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 Camion australien
Référence article: 510000719 Article: 1:24 Australian Truck Les camions Australiens ont modifie leur systeme d'amortissement car ils parcourent d'Elnormes distances sur des routes accidentees. IIs sont munis d'un pare-buffle, pour la protectIon, d'un tissu a mailles en nylon sp8cial pour le pare-brise, d'un filtre antipoussi8re, d'un r8servoir grande contenance et de larges roues. Pour le confort ils sont 8quip8s de l'air conditionn8 et d1sposent d'une rangee de diff8rents phares.

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 Camion de dépannage américain
Référence article: 510003825 Article: 1:24 US Wrecker Truck Les camions pour le transport de marchandises sont toujours plus nombreux sur les routes des Etats-Unis, ce qui entraîne aussi une augmentation des moyens chargés de les récupérer en cas de panne. Ces véhicules d’assistance sont de véritables ateliers sur roues et l’on peut les rencontrer fréquemment sur les route de cet interminable pays. A l’intérieur des nombreux compartiments situés sur flancs du véhicule, on trouve tous les matériels et outils nécessaires pour une intervention mécanique rapide sur les camions en panne, l’équipement pour le tracter, situé à l’arrière, permet aussi de le transporter dans le garage le plus proche pour une intervention complète.

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Camion de pompiers Land Rover
Article number: 510003660 Product: 1/24 Land Rover Fire Truck Length of the model 185 mm New Parts The "Land Rover" was certainly one of the most famous symbols of "Made in England" automobile production and is a real milestone in the history of off-road vehicles. It was born immediately after the war, with the first prototypes realized on 1947. It has been characterized by the 4x4 traction system and by a robust and reliable design able to tackle the most difficult and challenging trails. The aluminum body provide lightness but, at the same time, more resistance against corrosions and more durable in time. In 1971, when the III Series was introduced, more than 1,000,000 of Land Rovers has been produced. Available in two versions: the "standard " one and the "long wheel base". Thanks to its extraordinary versatility was used in both military and civilian duties. Interesting the versions realized for the Fire Departments and made with the firefighting equipment. Detailed Plastic Kit

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 Classic US Truck Western Star
Article number: 510003915 Product: 1:24 US CLASSIC WESTERN STAR Model Dim.: 34,0 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET The Western Star started to design and to build industrial vehicles in 1967. Since the beginning the Western Star product line up was a good synthesis, for its features, of the "ideal" American heavy truck. In particular the trucks dedicate to perform the highway transportation duties are still the reference point in the Western Star range. The American manufacturer is specialised in "tailor made", in terms of engines, gearboxes and frames, and customised trucks in order to meet the specific customers needs. However the customisation doesn’t stop to the technical configuration made by the factory. Most of time the passionate drivers used to equip their trucks with a wide adoption of accessories and chromed parts that make them unique and authentic "masterpieces" on wheels. Deatailed plastic kit of model US CLASSIC WESTERN STAR in scale 1:24

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 DAF 95 Master Truck ZgM
Référence article: 510000788 Produit: 1:24 DAF 95 Master Truck ZgM Le "Concept 95/380" a été, pendant un certain temps, le produit phare de la gamme du célèbre constructeur DAF, et a représenté un développement supplémentaire de la série Space Cab. Il a été reconnu par le marché comme une évolution marquée par rapport à ses prédécesseurs. En effet, de nombreuses améliorations techniques et esthétiques ont été développées et adoptées, particulièrement appréciées par les utilisateurs de véhicules industriels sur route, surtout pour les longs trajets. La cabine insonorisée et les amortisseurs évolués pour l'époque offraient un confort à bord de pointe sur le marché, et le puissant moteur 6 cylindres ATI (Advanced Turbo Intercooling) garantissait de bonnes performances avec une attention particulière portée aux coûts d'exploitation. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 DAF XF105
Article number: 510003917 Product: 1/24 DAF XF105 Model Dim.: 24,5 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET - ADHESIVE STENCIL - NEW CHROMED WHEELS - NEW TYRES This road haulage tractor by DAF is a restyled version of the successful previous series. Offering excellent reliability and a good standard of comfort on long-haul routes, the XF105 also features very good mechanical reliability and outstanding tengine performance under a wide range of conditions, in full compliance with the strictest environmental standards. Also, in the event of an accident, the cab provides the driver with an extremely high level of protection. The name "Smoky" comes from the race horse owned by the driver father (from here "Junior") which, used to winning, during the race was disappearing like a puff of smoke in front of his opponents. In a Wild West atmosphere, the horses are the protagonists in the airbrushed sides of his DAF XF 105 too.

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1:24 Fiat 131 Abarth Rally OLIO FIAT
Référence article: 510003667 Produit: 1:24 Fiat 131 Abarth Rally OLIO FIAT La Fiat 131 Abarth fut réalisée sur la base de la berline à deux portes. L’élaboration d’Abarth concerne de nombreuses interventions comme l’allégement de la coque, la réalisation de passages de roue augmentés, l’adoption de prises d’air sur le capot et sur les côtés pour optimiser le refroidissement de la mécanique. La Fiat 131 Abarth utilisa un moteur antérieur longitudinal 4 cylindres avant en ligne avec la tête en alliage léger et avec 4 soupapes par cylindre. Construite à partir de 1976 elle fut utilisée dans le Championnat du Monde des Rallyes où elle remporta trois Championnats du monde des constructeurs, une Coupe FIA Pilotes et un Championnat du monde des pilotes. Elle participa aux compétitions internationales jusqu’en 1982 lorsqu’elle fut remplacée par les voitures de la marque Lancia. Certaines livrées, caractérisées par les sponsors de l'époque, sont devenues emblématiques de l'histoire de la course automobile « tout terrain ».

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1:24 Ford Escort RS 1800 MK.II Lombard
Article number: 510003650 Product: 1:24 Ford Escort RS 1800 MK.II Lombard Model Dim.: 16,7 cm EXTRA CATALOGUE SUPER DECALS SHEET The Ford Escort Mk 2 was launched in 1975. It was a significant evolution compared to the Escort Mk 1 that debuted at Brussels Motor Show in January 1968. It used the reliable mechanical components as the Mk 1 but adopted a new design based on a squared-style look able to be in line with the aesthetic and stylistic taste of the 70s. In addition to the more classic version, it was also released the Escort Sport version characterized by a more aggressive look and distinctive sport interiors. To compete, successfully, in World Rally Championship, a dedicated model, the RS 1800, was introduced to complete the line up. Successful results has been achieved. From 1975 to 1979 the Ford Escort RS 1800 won for five consecutive years the prestigious RAC (Royal Automobile Club) Rally, the most important rally event organized in the United Kingdom and an important milestone of the World Rally Championship. Among the others the team Mikkola Hannu - Hertz Arnee won the "Lombard" on 1978 and 1979 Detailed Plastic Kit of model Ford Escort RS 1800 MK.II Lombard RAC Rally in scale 1:24

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Ford Escort Zakspeed Gr.2 D&W
Article number: 510003664 Product: 1:24 Ford Escort Zakspeed Gr.2 D&W The Ford Escort Mk 2 was launched on the market in 1975. It was a decisive evolution compared to the Escort Mk 1 presented at the 1968 Brussels Motor Show. The previous version retained the high quality mechanics but was completely revised in the design that he interpreted the aesthetic and stylistic taste of the 70s. In addition to the more functional versions, there was also an Escort Sport version characterized by a more aggressive look and a markedly sporty interior. Finally, the RS 1800 version with 115 HP twin-shaft engine was also presented, which formed the basis for the special version used in the Rally world championship and which achieved significant results. The iconic Zakspeed Team built and used a dedicated version of the Escort Mk 2 between 1977 and 1978. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:24

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 Freightliner FLC
Référence article: 510003859 Article: 1:24 Freightliner FLC Depuis plus de 50 ans, cette société américaine fabrique des camions (Trucks) reconnus pour leurs qualités et pour leur conception satisfaisant à toutes les exigences. Depuis 1981, la Daimler-Benz AG est propriétaire de la Freightliner Corp. l’un des plus grandes constructeurs de camions au monde. Toutefois, l’ensemble des activités et de la production reste indépendant et conserve le nom d’origine. Tous les camions de la Freightliner ont en commun la conception technique de bas, mais sont adaptés (ailleurs qu’en Europe) aux désirs des clients pour ce qui est des nombreux détails. Le modèle présenté est un véhicule tracteur « Conventional FLC 12064T » équipé d’un moteur diesel Cummins de 475 CV et d’une boîte de 13 vitesses Fuller-Roadranger. Particulièrement bien adapté aux transport américains sur longues distances, ce véhicule comporte une cabine couchette séparée. Aux USA, le Freightliner Conventional a gagné son surnom de « bon routier » (the efficient machine) du fait de ses performances par rapport aux autres camions. Un certain nombre de ces camions ont été importé en Europe à des fins de démonstration; il est possible de les voir lors de nombreuses expositions

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1:24 Iveco HI-WY E5 "Abarth
Article number: 510003934 Product: 1:24 Iveco HI-WY E5 "Abarth" Model Dim.: 25,4 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 2 VERSIONS - CHROMED ADHESIVE - CHROMED WHEEL RIMS - NEW TYRES - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET The Stralis Hi-Way is the latest evolution of the famous heavy duties truck produced by Iveco. The Stralis Hi-Way is characterized by several technological and aesthetic improvements compared to previous versions. The cabin offers a completely new design and is equipped with integrated electronic systems able to optimize the on-board comfort and to provide the highest safety standard. The evolution of the Stralis is also characterized by a completely new "powertrain" able to minimize the fuel consumption and the maintenance costs. The new engine strength is in fact to stay in line with the new Euro 5 anti-pollution regulation and to keep a very high operation effectiveness in terms of cost of ownership. In 2013 Iveco Stralis Hi-Way won the "International Truck of the Year" award assigned by a pool of journalists of the most important European trucks magazines. On 2017 Iveco announced that has supplied a Stralis Hi-Way, characterized by a dedicated livery, to Abarth Racing Team to support the logistic of the famous Italian sport brand. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Iveco HI-WY E5 "Abarth" in scale 1:24

Remorques & Accessoires
1:24 Jeu de pneus/jantes Euro (7+7)
Article number: 510003909 Product: 1:24 European Tractors TYRES and RIMS 100% NEW MOULDS - DECALS SHEET INCLUDED Accessories suitable for European tractors only. THE BOX CONTAINS 7 TYRES + 7 RIMS : 2 front rims and tyres size 385/65 R22.5 - 5 rear rims and tyres size 315/80 R22.5 Deatailed plastic kit of European Tractors TYRES and RIMS in scale 1:24

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1:24 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniv.
Article number: 510103684 Product: 1:24 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniv. Model Dim.: 18,0 cm Final version of the glorious Countach, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Lamborghini, boasts numerous improvements, were in fact changed about 3,000 of the 8,000 pieces that make up the car. Much of the aesthetic innovations derived from the prototype Countach Evoluzione in 1986, the first supercar in the world made of carbon fiber. The air box and the air intakes were redesigned and enlarged and were mounted of miniskirts , the geometry of the suspension was modified. The improved aerodynamics allowed a maximum speed of 300 km / h. This was the last version made the Countach, which remained in production until 1990 when it was replaced by the Diablo. Detailed plastic kit

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Lamborghini Diabolo
Article number: 510103685 Product: 1:24 Lamborghini Diabolo Model Dim.: 18,6 cm The Diablo was produced between 1990 and 2001. During this period, Lamborghini introduced several variations of the Diablo concept, the first being the Diablo VT (Visco Traction), which featured an all-wheel drive. The Diablo was destined to become the worthy heir of the renowned Miura and Countach. This newsupercar was wide, low and futuristic. And just like its predecessors, the Diablo soon became a favorite among car enthusiasts across the world. The Diablo models helped build the legend of Lamborghini and sold well. Almost 3,000 units across all series and variations found their buyers in those eleven years of evolution. The Lamborghini bosses had wished for a maximum speed of at least 320 kph, and the engineers made this wish come true: With a top speed of 325 kph and an acceleration from 0-100 in 4.5 seconds the Diablo claimed the pole position in the super sports cars segment. It delivered its power via a rear-wheel drive and came with a newly developed V12 engine. Four valves per cylinder, a computer controlled multi-point fuel injection and a displacement of 5.7 liters helped produce a maximum of 492 HP. Detailed plastic kit

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1:24 M-B Actros MP4 Show GigaSpace
Article number: 510003935 Product: 1/24 M-B Actros MP4 Show GigaSpace Length of the model 269 mm NEW CHROMED PARTS SUPER DECALS SHEET Actros is the commercial name for Mercedes-Benz heavy truck range. The Actros range has been introduced in 1995 and quickly achieved a significant commercial success as a suitable solution to perform long-distance haulage and heavy-duties haulage. The New Actros, introduced on the market in 2012, is the most update and innovative expression of the heavy truck Mercedes family. It is characterised by an advanced and modern design and the adoption of new Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines. The vehicle configuration has been designed and developed to guarantee the highest operational efficiency minimising the running costs. Among the several configurations available it is particularly interesting the long-haul high-roof cabin version, design to offer the highest standard of comfort on board for two drivers. The Actros is also a good starting base to create fantastic ShowTrucks with liveries and graphics characterized by a high visual impact that are real masterpieces on wheels. Detailed Plastic Kit Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:24 MAN F8 19.321 2 essieux
Article number: 510003946 Product: 1:24 MAN F8 19.321 2Achs Model Dim.: 25,5 cm COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET The F8, produced by the famous German manufacturer MAN, achieved important commercial results on the truck market. It was characterized by the successful union of the reliable "made in Germany" powertrain with the cabin designed and produced in France by Saviem. Generally it was equipped with a longitudinal 6-cylinders frontal engine and it was produced from the late sixties until the mid-eighties and can be considered a real icon of commercial and industrial vehicles of those years. Its great diffusion and flexibility generated the development of numerous chassis configurations and a lot of dedicated outfits. The 19.321 two-axle road tractor can be considered one of the most versatile models and has been used in various logistics and goods handling and transportation activities. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:24

Tracteurs routiers 1/24
1:24 MAN TGX XXL D38 E6 Edition
Article number: 510003916 Product: 1:24 MAN TGX XXL D38 E6 Edition Model Dim.: 25,7 cm UPGRADED MOULDS An interesting version of the famous German heavy truck characterized by an impressive, in perfect synergy with the design of the cabin, Arctic livery. The MAN TGX XXL is recognized by the commercial and industrial vehicles market as a reference point for its style and its personality. The development of the truck has been done taking in consideration the effectiveness and the performance in long range duties. The aerodynamic design of the truck is able to minimize the fuel consumption. Furthermore The XXL cabin offers maximum comfort on board and it can be considered an ideal solution for international long haul commercial activities. The range of engines has been developed to minimize the running and operating costs and ensure a longer working life. Detailed Plastic Kit of model MAN TGX XXL D38 E6 Edition in scale 1:24

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Mercedes Benz 300 SL Gull Wing
Article number: 510003645 Product: 1:24 Mercedes Benz 300 SL Gull Wing Length of the model 148 mm The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL was produced in 1954 by the German car manufacturer and it’s a masterpiece on four-wheels for design, elegance and luxury. The 300 SL, where the acronym stands for Sport Leicht, (Sport Light), adopted innovative solutions for the time. The Mercedes 2 door coupe had a tubular frame, a front 2.996 cc longitudinal engine connected to a 4-speed transmission and the rear drive. The maximum speed of 300 SL was 260 Km/h (162 mph). The real strength of the car, however, was in its innovative design and the adoption of the characteristic and eye-catching Gull-wing doors. Even today the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL is an icon of design and style of the period ant it is a real icon for collectors and fans. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:24 Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Gigaspace
Référence article: 510003905 Article: 1:24 Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Gigaspace Taille du modèle: 25,5 cm Actros est le nom commercial des poids lourds de Mercedes-Benz. La gamme Actros fut introduite en 1995 et obtint rapidement un important succès commercial surtout pour les activités de transport professionnelles sur de grandes distances. Progressivement évolué, au fil du temps il est arrivé à son expression maximale avec le Nouvel Actros, lancé sur le marché à partir de 2012 et caractérisé par un design extrêmement moderne et actuel et par l’adoption de nouveaux propulseurs Euro 5 et Euro 6. La configuration du véhicule a été réalisée afin d’optimiser l’efficacité opérationnelle en garantissant le maximum du rendement et les moindres coûts de gestion. Parmi les nombreuses versions disponibles, les aménagements, avec la cabine «Gigaspace», sont tout particulièrement intéressants, ils sont conçus pour offrir le maximum de confort à bord et pour pouvoir accueillir conforta-blement deux chauffeurs. Les Actros Gigaspace sont donc les solutions idéales pour les transports internationaux sur longue distance. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:24 Mercedes-Benz 190E
Article number: 510003624 Product: 1:24 Mercedes-Benz 190E Introduced in 1982, it marked a turning point in the production of the prestigious Stuttgart car manufacturer. The "190" was in fact the entry version of the Mercedes product range but nevertheless contained important stylistic and technical innovations. The design, with an excellent mix of style and elegance, will later also influence the cars of the higher segments of future Mercedes production. From a technical point of view, the car adopted a longitudinal front engine, rear-wheel drive and disc brakes on all four wheels. MacPherson front end and "multilink" rear suspension. The first versions produced were equipped with two petrol engines of 1,998 cm3 with carburetor or, in the 190E version, with injection. Shortly after, the 2.3 16V sports version was presented which was also used in single-make sports competitions such as the 1984 "Nurburgring Champions Race Cup", which was attended by famous drivers of the period and some "old glories" of Formula 1. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

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1:24 Mercedes-Benz 2238 6x4
Article number: 510003943 Product: 1/24 Mercedes-Benz 2238 6x4 NEW DECAL SHEET The truck 2238 S 6 x 4 has been, for long time, the reference point for heavy duties on long range of Mercedes. The truck had both rear axles driven and a total of 375 horsepower. It was one of the heaviest Mercedes long distance truck and it had established new dimensions in international long distance traffic. The features of the engine OM422 allowed a particularly economic driving. The gear changes was reduced to a minimum, thus guaranteeing very smooth driving. It achieved a good commercial success all over the world. It’s reliable chassis was a platform to develop customization and dedicated versions for specific needs. It can be considered a starting point for the development of the next generations of road vehicles. Detailed Plastic Kit

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1:24 Mercedes-Benz SK1844 LS V8
Article number: 510003956 Product: 1:24 Mercedes-Benz SK1844 LS V8 The trucks of the Mercedes-Benz SK series ("Heavy Class" or "Schwere Klasse" in German) were manufactured from the late 1980s. The series is a direct development of the earlier NG models. Among other things, the cabin has been improved to offer more comfort on long journeys. Reliability has also been sustainably increased through the introduction of new technical and electronic solutions. Compared to the previous series, the design has also been significantly modernized. The market appreciated the vehicles of the SK series for their reliability, robustness and operational flexibility in all types of applications. The series' great commercial success led to exceptional longevity. At the end of the 1990s, the SK models were replaced by the first versions of the new Mercedes-Benz Actros. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Schnellboot Typ S-38 mit 4.0cm Flak 28 (Bofors) in scale 1:35 Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:24 Opel Blitz Truck
Le projet Opel Blitz a été mis en place dans le but de produire à grande échelle un véhicule commercial robuste et fiable pouvant être utilisé pour diverses applications et finalités. Opel a commencé à produire les premiers camions, caractérisés par un « agencement » typiquement américain, dans son usine de Rüsselsheim au début des années 1930. Ainsi commence l'histoire d'un grand succès qui évolue au fil du temps jusqu'au milieu des années 1970. En raison de ses caractéristiques structurelles, l'Opel Blitz a également été utilisé par la Wehrmacht pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en version 4x2 et 4x4. Cependant, sa notoriété a été renforcée par son grand succès commercial dans le domaine civil. Dans la période d'après-guerre, l'Opel Blitz a également été indispensable pour soutenir les commerçants, artisans et industriels allemands dans leurs activités de reconstruction. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:24 Peterbilt 378 "Long Hauler
Référence article: 510003857 Article: 1:24 Peterbilt 378 "Long Hauler" Le modèle Peterbilt 378 représente un des camions de style classique aux États-Unis. A l’intérieur de la cabine du 378, on trouve des sièges à haut dossier et un tableau de bord ergonomique. Le 378 peut être commandé avec des configurations différentes: du tracteur routier jusqu’au heavy hauler. Notre modèle 378 est équipé d’un moteur Detroit Diesel 420HP. Le capot en pente en fibre de verre est plié à 90 degrés pour un accès complet au moteur. Notre modèle est équipé d’un pot échappement double sortie, de doubles filtres à air chromés, d’un pare-choc très épais et de roues de style Peterbilt. Attention ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 14 ans.

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1:24 Porsche 935 Baby
Article number: 510003639 Product: 1:24 Porsche 935 Baby Model Dim.: 19,6 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET To compete in the FIA-Group 5 car competitions, Porsche developed a special car line characterized by dedicated engine and chassis solutions, beginning with the production of the famous 911 Turbo. Several versions of this model were made, but one of the most famous was the Porsche 935J. The "Baby" as it was known, was built to compete in the 2.0-liter German national championship. The car used a 1.425 air-cooled engine with a power performance of 261Kw. The Porsche 935J achieved an important victory in the 1977 German Grand Prix held in Hockenheim, that proved its excellent engine performance and design features. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:24

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1:24 Range Rover Classic
Article number: 510003644 Product: 1:24 Range Rover Classic Model Dim.: 24,1 cm The Range Rover Classic can be considered a milestone in the history of off-road vehicles. It was produced in numerous variants and versions from 1970 to 1996. It was the first vehicle produced under the "Range Rover" brand and from 1981 it was available in the two- or four-door version. Thanks to its 4x4 traction and its sturdy structure, simple for construction but very reliable, the Range Rover was able to achieve very good off-road performances. The vehicle was able to obtain, very soon, good commercial success all over the World. The Range Rover, furthermore, was widely used by bodybuilders to create numerous special versions able to satisfy all types of needs. Continuously improved, during its career, in terms of engines, mechanical feature, interiors and details, it has always kept its role of "off-road" and "made in England" icon. Detailed Plastic Kit

Remorques & Accessoires
1:24 Remorque à benne basculante
Référence article: 510003845 Article: 1:24 Dumper Trailer Ce type de remorque trois essieux est utilisé par les entreprises de travaux publics pour le transport de terre, débris de démolition et matériaux de construction.Son robuste châssis en acier lui permet d’évoluer à pleine charge dans les zones de travaux non goudronnées et non damées. La grande benne peut contenir plusieurs tonnes de charge. Un système de freinage très efficace garantit une sécurité maximale. Une bâche amovible permet d’éviter la perte de cargaison en roulant.

Remorques & Accessoires
1:24 Remorque de conteneur 20
Article number: 510003887 Product: 1:24 20' Container Trailer Length of the model 300 mm 100% NEW TRAILER MOULDS Designed to optimize the logistics of road transport, our trailer for 20" containers or swap bodies is inspired by the FCT model (fixed container transportation) produced by Tecnokar, leader company in high-Quality semi-trailer production and distribution since 1986. With its carefully built structure which offers the right balance between stability, sturdiness and durability, the fixed container transportation chassis is a steel Hbeam chassis with a 2′ fifth wheel coupling kingpin, Jost double-speed retractile oscillating rails and Twist arms with zinc-coated twists. It is also provided with the basic ADR standard equipment. Detailed Plastic Kit of model 20' Container Trailer in scale 1:24

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1:24 Renault R5 Rally
Article number: 510103652 Product: 1:24 Renault R5 Rally Model Dim.: 16,7 cm For the 1977 Rally season the French company Renault developed a racing version of the popular small R5. In spite of the fact that this car was designed for very different scopes, after adequate preparation, the French technicians managed to obtain notable power from the engine: 150CV, and a noteworthy drive ration, which thanks to the contained weight of only 800 Kg. made the R5 a very manoeuvrable and fast car. The R5 obtained great results in the Sanremo and Montecarlo Rallies in 1978 and successively gratifying results in the Acropolis Rally and in Africa. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Renauls R5 Rally in scale 1:24

Maquettes de véhicules 1/24
1:24 Rolls Royce Phantom II
Article number: 510003703 Product: 1/24 Rolls Royce Phantom II The model Rolls Royce Phantom II in 1/24 scale has a length of about 235 mm. The Rolls-Royce Phantom II was introduced in 1929. With this new model the tradition of the manufacturer was continued: To build beautiful and expensive cars. Each body was made to order of each customer. Our model belongs to the P-2 series, which was built in 1934. The original, from which this model, was copied, can still be found in the famous Stratford Motor Museum in England.

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1:24 Scania 143M 500 Streamline 4x2
Référence article: 510003950 Produit: 1:24 Scania 143M 500 Streamline 4x2 Le Scania R143 M Streamline a constitué un point de référence pour la production du célèbre constructeur scandinave, obtenant, entre la fin des années 80 et le milieu des années 90, un succès commercial important sur divers marchés européens et non européens. Le Scania R143M, assemblé sur le site de production de Södertälje en Suède, a été l’un des modèles les plus réussis de la « série 3 », introduite par Scania en 1987 et qui a suivi l'innovante « série 2 » des années 80. Puissante et fiable grâce à son moteur V-8 de 500 chevaux, il a été conçu avec les technologies les plus avancées de l'époque. Une grande attention portée à la conception pour réduire la résistance aérodynamique et minimiser la consommation, un facteur de succès important dans le transport lourd sur de longues distances. La configuration à deux roues motrices de Scania a également été appréciée pour sa facilité d'entretien et ses faibles coûts d'exploitation et de fonctionnement.

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1:24 Scania 164L Topclass
Article number: 510003922 Product: 1:24 Scania 164L Topclass Model Dim.: 24,2 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET FOR 2 VERSIONS - ADHESIVE STENCIL - NEW TYRES - ADDITIONAL CHROMED PARTS AND WHEEL RIMS The Scania 164 has been a reference point of heavy commercial vehicles from the latest part of ‘90s to the first half of the following decade. It was the spearhead of the "Series 4" and it achieved a significant commercial success in a lot of Countries all over the World. The 16-litre engine was able to guarantee power and reliability minimizing, at the same time, the running costs. The 164L "Top Class" was characterized by the highest level of comfort on board either in running conditions or during the rest and parking. The design and the development of the vehicle was able to enhance the active and passive safety. Not least the aerodynamic restyling allowed to have an optimization in fuel consumption even at the high speed. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Scania 164L Topclass in scale 1:24

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1:24 Scania R400 Streamline (Flat Roof)
Article number: 510003947 Product: 1:24 Scania R400 Streamline (Flat Roof) Length of the model 247 mm DECALS SHEET FOR 2 VERSIONS The Scania R-series Streamline is designed to meet the highest demands in terms of fuel economy, driver comfort and reliability. The unique style of the exterior is combined with new exceptional interiors offer exceptional driver comfort and a wide range of choices of colors and materials. Available with both V8 engines and online. Robust, responsive and efficient, the Scania V8 engines are built to carry out the toughest jobs. Our model is also completed by a decals sheet and an accurate sheet of metallic adhesive, already ready for the application, for a correct finishing of the tractor vehicle, exactly as in the real. Detailed Plastic Kit of model