Italeri military model kits

Model tanks
1:72 Semovente M40 da 75/18, 2 pcs
Article number: 510107519 Product: 1:72 Semovente M40 da 75/18, 2 pcs Model Dim.: 7 cm Decals for one version The "Semovente" 75/18 M40, developed by Fiat Ansaldo, was employed by Regio Esercito from the end of 1941 in North Africa and was used up to the end of World War II. Although it was developed on the tank M13/40 old frame, was the only Italian armored vehicle, produced in large numbers, to pose a serious threat to Allied tanks. Its 75mm gun had a good fire power and was effective even with the most modern and heavily armored enemy tanks like the Sherman. The good and effective gun was not able to compensate several weaknesses such as a too light armor and a unreliable and weak engine directly derived from the tank M13/40. The Italian Semovente was used, in particular, by Ariete and Littorio Armoured Division in North Africa but also, up to the end of war, by Repubblica Sociale in the North of Italy.

Model tanks
1:72 US M3A1 Spähpanzer
Article number: 510007063 Product: 1:72 US M3A1 Spähpanzer The White Motor Company began its study and development of the M3 in 1938 to supply the United States Army with an armored reconnaissance vehicle. Equipped with a 6 cylinder 110 Hp Hercules JXD petrol fueled engine, it could reach a maximum speed of 81 Km/h. Equipped with four-wheel drive, it was used for patrol, reconnaissance and command post. The vehicle could carry up to 8 men and was armed with a 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine gun plus two more Browning 7.7 mm machine guns on the sides. It was first used in the Philippines campaign in 1941. Used in North Africa and in Sicily, it was replaced during the war, for advanced exploration tasks, by the more modern M8 Greyhound. Besides being used by the American Army, it was used as well by the Armed Forces of England, France and by some divisions of the Red Army who used it on the Eastern front to pull 76 mm ZIS-3 cannons.

Model tanks
1:72 WWII German PAK40 AT Gun w/servants
Article number: 510106096 Product: 1/72 WWII German PAK40 AT Gun w/servants The 75mm Panzerabwehrkanone Pak 40 was brought in service at the beginning of 1941 and became the standard anti-tank gun of the German army. Despite being less powerful than the more famous "88", it was employed on all the fronts with excellent results. A light and easy to handle weapon, it weighed only 1500 kg and it was able to penetrate a 70mm plate at a range of 2000 meters. Slightly modified, it was also used on tank destroyers like the Marder, the Stug III and the Hetzer.

Model tanks
1:24 Jeep Willys MB 80th Anniversary
510003635soon available again
Article number: 510003635 Product: 1:24 Willys Jeep MB "80th Anniversary" In 1940, after World War II had broken out, the US general staff ordered various factories to design a light multipurpose vehicle with all-wheel drive. The American Bantam Company, Willys Overland, and Ford Motor Co. competed with each other. Willys prototype was chosen, which, after an initial run of 1500 vehicles, went into mass production at the beginning of1941 and reached a total output of 640.000 units out of which 277.000 pieces were produced by Ford under a licensing agreement. This shows that the Jeep was the most widely produced light vehicle of the war industry during World War II. Even after 80 years, the "Willys" is still considered today, to be the four-wheeled vehicle which is most symbolic of the American army during the Second World War, and thanks to its enthusiasts and collectors, there are many examples of the jeep, still in perfect working order. Detailed plastic kit

Model tanks
1:35 1/4 Ton 4x4 US Ambulance Vehicle
510000326soon available again
Article number: 510000326 Product: 1:35 1/4 Ton 4x4 US Ambulance Vehicle Model Dim.: 11,8 cm Decals for 2 versions The ubiquitous jeep is perhaps the most all-round vehicle ever constructed. Because it xas ruggedly built and thus able to traverse most types of terrain without suffering structural damage, one of the task assigned to the jeep was that of ambulance service.

Model tanks
1:35 GMC 2 1/2Ton.Truck"D-Day 80th Ann."
510006271soon available again
Article number: 510006271 Product: 1:35 GMC 2 1/2Ton.Truck"D-Day 80th Ann." The GMC 2 ½ ton truck was built in an exceptionally high number of units and can be considered the backbone of the logistical operations of the U.S. Army during World War II. Characterized by a very robust and reliable structure, its strength lay in its excellent off-road performance, thanks to its six-wheel drive and effective suspension design. It was produced in numerous variations, including the more common "cargo" versions with open or closed cabins, "long wheelbase," and "short wheelbase." Additionally, various configurations, some developed directly in the field, were tailored for more specific and precise purposes. Its role was crucial in meeting the demanding logistical needs following the initial stages of the Normandy landings, involving the transportation and handling of substantial quantities of troops and materials. Detailed plastic kit Warning! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Model tanks
1:35 M923 Hillbilly Gun Truck
510006513soon available again
Article number: 510006513 Product: 1:35 M923 Hillbilly Gun Truck Model Dim.: 24,8 cm UPGRADED MOULDS Decals for one version This medium cargo truck of the 5 ton category, is representative of today's generation of logistical vehicles of the U.S. Forces. It entered service in the early eighties. The M-923 has an extremely sturdy structure and excellent off-road features, which are necessary to secure the flow of material to the front line combat units. Based on this chassis many versions have been produced: wrecking trucks, tank trucks, mobile maintenance and communication trucks. The A-1 version is characteristic because of its large off-road tires which have earned it the nick-name "big-foot". During its operational use, and in particular in the most recent military campaigns in which it was employed as Iraq and Afghanistan, the "Big Foot" has often been modified with the addition of "home made" protections to reduce the damages caused by the fire of light weapons. However, the personalization of the vehicles, made "on field" by the crews, were possible thanks to the excellent platform offered by-M-923 trucks.

Model tanks
1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E late production
510006754soon available again
Article number: 510006754 Product: 1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E late production The Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. Tiger I is undoubtedly one of the most famous tanks of World War II. It was developed to provide the armored divisions of the Wehrmacht with a heavily armored and heavily armed tank to complement the more common medium tanks, Panzer III and Panzer IV, which were no longer effectively countering enemy tanks. Its primary armament consisted of the renowned and lethal long-barreled 88mm KwK 36 L/56 anti-tank gun. Installed in the turret and protected by a heavy 120mm shielding, it could penetrate the armor of any contemporary enemy vehicle even at long distances. Deployed on all major theatres of operation, it played an active role in German military operations in Normandy and the Western Front. Despite facing issues of reliability and deployment, the heavy tank, when operated by skilled crews, was always greatly feared by the Allied forces. Warning! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

Model tanks
1:35 US M-7 Priest Howitzer Self-Prop
510006580soon available again
Article number: 510006580 Product: 1:35 US M-7 Priest Howitzer Self-Prop Model Dim.: 17,2 cm NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRACKS - DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET CONTAINS 1 FIGURE The deployment of self-propelled artillery during the Second World War was very quickly adopted by all of the combatants. Following the innovative use of mobile artillery by the German army at the outset of the conflict, the need for artillery pieces to be as mobile as tank battalions was universally recognised. The Allies initially mounted their first self-propelled artillery units on half-track vehicles, but the most effective solution manifested itself with the introduction of the M7 Priest. Using the hull of the M3 Lee medium tank the M7 was armed with a 105mm M2A1 howitzer. It was deployed operationally for the first time in 1942 by British troops who gave it the nickname "Priest", due to the position of the machine gun in the front of the vehicle which resembled a Church pulpit. Robust and reliable, it had a plentiful supply of ammunition and provided effective indirect support fire. It was used by both the American army and the U.S. Marines on all fronts throughout the course of the war. Detailed plastic kit

Model tanks
1:72 King Tiger
510072005soon available again
Article number: 510072005 Product: 1:72 King Tiger The heavy tank Sd.Kfz 182 Panzer VI Ausf. B "King Tiger" came into service with the German army since mid 1944. Compared to its predecessor, the Tiger I, several differences and improvements have been adopted : a completely new chassis, a stronger armor characterized by the sloped frontal hull (bringing to a total weight of almost 70 tons) and the lethal 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71 gun as main armament. Thanks to its Mayback V-12 engine the King Tiger was able to reach the maximum speed of 42 Km/h. For the mass production two different turret solutions has been used : the Porsche turret, at the beginning, and the Henschel turret for the most of the units produced. Both ot them were able to load 80 rounds for the main cannon. The first combat use of the King Tiger was by the 503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion during the Battle of Normandy on July 1944.

Model tanks
1:72 Panzer Kpfw. IV
510007007soon available again
Article number: 510007007 Product: 1:72 Panzer Kpfw. IV Model Dim.: 8,5 cm Decals for one version The Panzer IV was developed in the first few months of the 2nd World War to provide the German armoured forces with a better protected vehicle carrying a 7.5 CM cannon. This was a reaction to the limits of its predecessor the model III with a 5 CM cannon compared to the threat of the enemys means, in particular the soviet T 34s which were equipped with an arm of that calibre as well as good armour plating. The model IV tank was extensively used on all fronts during the 2nd World War by the German Army. Many different gradually improved versions were produced to face the on-going improvements of the opponents means.

Model tanks
1:72 Sd.Kfz.305 Ambulance
510007055soon available again
Article number: 510007055 Product: 1/72 Sd.Kfz.305 Ambulance Model Dim.: 8,2 cm Decals for 4 versions The Opel Blitz medium truck was used extensively by the German Army on all fronts during World War Two. Several thousand of them were produced. They were also used as platforms for antiaircraft weaponry and tanker, workshop and ambulance versions were made. Of sturdy construction and easy to maintain, it also featured good off-road performance which made it invaluable in both the Russian and African campaigns.

Model tanks
1:24 M-24 “Chaffe” Korean War
510006587available in stores
Article number: 510006587 Product: 1:24 M-24 "Chaffe" Korean War The M24 Chaffee was deployed to US Army armoured battalions from 1944 onwards to provide a light battlefield tank that could effectively replace the older M3 / M5 Stuart. The configuration of the M-24 was superior to its predecessor in so many ways that it can be considered one of the foremost light tanks that were ever produced. Agile, robust and reliable, it had as its main armament a 75mm M6 cannon with 48 rounds available, a very powerful version indeed of a "light tank". The tank’s armament was complete with its two 12.7 mm Browning machine guns. Following the conclusion of the Second World War, where it’s capabilities had been fully demonstrated, it participated in the Korean War providing support to M4 Sherman tanks and the heavier M26 Pershing. It was also effectively utilised in advanced reconnaissance roles or providing close infantry support. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:24

Model tanks
1:35 38cm RW 61 auf Sturmmöser Tiger
510006573available in stores
Article number: 510006573 Product: 1:35 38cm RW 61 auf Sturmmöser Tiger Length of the model 17,9 cm NEW GLUEABLE RUBBER TRUCKS OR LINK BY LINK - DECALS FOR 2 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET During World War II the German Army had to combat frequently fortified positions or urban defense centers. Due to tactical reason - the troops were at short distance to the enemy lines - artillery and air support could not be engaged. This led to the development of the "Sturm" - version of the "Tiger" heavy tank (Italeri N. 6471). Onto the heavy-duty chassis the efficient and unique 38 cm mortar was mounted, which had a short range but enormous fire power. Only few units of the Sturmtiger were built and were mainly used in 1944 on the Western Front. Detailed Plastic Kit

Model tanks
1:35 Crusader Mk.II m. Inf. Fig. (5)
510006579available in stores
Article number: 510006579 Product: 1:35 Crusader Mk.II m. Inf. Fig. (5) Model Dim.: 17,1 cm CONTAINS 5 FIGURES - NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRACKS - DECALS SHEET FOR 3 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET Designed at the beginning of the Second World War, the Crusader was one of the most important British "Cruiser" tanks reaching a production of over 5,000 units. Equipped with Christie suspension with large diameter rolling wheels, the Crusader possessed remarkable driving skills on rough terrain. The first versions of Mk. I and Mk. II were armed with a 2 pdr. cannon, later replaced by the more powerful 6 pdr. cannon in the Mk.III version. Lacking adequate armor against enemy fire, it was also very vulnerable to enemy mines and anti-tank guns, and its armament was often inadequate in front of similar German vehicles. However, when used in a coordinated way, they managed to achieve good results. The Crusaders Mk. II, with the arrival of the more powerful Mk.III, were already relegated to second-line duties at the time of the battle of El Alamein. Detailed plastic kit in scale

Model tanks
1:35 Dodge WC-56 Command Car
510000228available in stores
Article number: 510000228 Product: 1:35 Dodge WC-56 Command Car The Dodge WC range of military transport vehicles was mainly produced by American industry during the Second World War. The development of the WC 51-52 series aimed to create a light, four-wheel drive "utility vehicle", characterized by great reliability and flexibility in any environment and further enhanced by a good payload. The Dodge vehicle development project was extremely successful and together with the famous ¼ ton "Jeep" Willys, the Dodge WC ¾ ton "Beeps" was the most produced vehicle by American armament factories during the Second World War and which significantly contributed to the logistical needs of the United States Army on its various fronts. The Dodge vehicle with its good payload of almost 700 kg could be enhanced by the application of rear "trailers" and was produced in numerous versions and with different fittings including flatbed, open cab, troop, ammunition and armament transportation modes. The WC-56 version was specifically dedicated to communications and officer transportation tasks.

Model tanks
1:35 Dt. Pz.Kpfw. IV KwK 40L/48
510006578available in stores
Article number: 510006578 Product: 1:35 Dt. Pz.Kpfw. IV KwK 40L/48 The Panzer IV was deployed for the entire duration of WW2 by the Wehrmacht and benefited from frequent updates. It acquired the status of being known as the "backbone" of the Panzer Divisions on all operational fronts. The Panzer IV Ausf H which came into service from mid-1943, was improved in its offensive capability by the adoption of the 75 mm L / 48 KwK 40 cannon, which was characterized by greater penetrative capability and overall general effectiveness against enemy armoured vehicles. A technical innovation entitled Schürzen, was applied to the tank design which afforded additional sheet metal protection to the sides of the hull and around the turret. This in turn provided greater protection against enemy hits and reduced damage to the Panzer. This addition of further side protection was often linked to the use of Zimmerit, a cement-based paste that was applied to the armour. Detailed plastic kit

Model tanks
1:35 Dt. Pzkpfw.IV F1/F2/G m. DAK Fig.
510006593available in stores
Article number: 510006593 Product: 1:35 Dt. Pzkpfw.IV F1/F2/G m. DAK Fig. The Panzer IV was the most extensively used German tank during the Second World War. It represented the "backbone" of the German Panzer Divisions on all operational theaters. The production of Panzer IV Ausf. F, started in 1941, marked a decisive boost in the evolution of the tank. It featured an improved armor on the turret and hull. The first version of Panzer IV F, featuring the traditional 7.5 cm. KwK 37 short-barreled cannon, were not able to fight successfully against the Soviet T-34 and KV-1 heavy armored tank. The adoption of the anti-tank design KwK 40 long-barreled cannon, on the Ausf. F2 version, has decisively increased the Panzer IV effectiveness against enemy tanks. Thanks to its new high velocity and high penetration gun, the Panzer IV became, once again, "lethal" on the battlefields. They were used, albeit in limited numbers, with the 15th and 21st Panzer Divisions on the North African front. Detailed plastic kit

Model tanks
1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz. 232 6-Rad
510006433available in stores
Article number: 510006433 Product: 1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz. 232 6-Rad The heavy armored car Sd. Kfz. 232 (Schwere Panzerspähwagen 232) was deployed by Wehrmacht units in the mid thirties. The eff ective management of reconnaissance and radio communications between units was an essential feature of rapidly moving military operations known as "blitzkrieg". The armored car Sd.Kfz. 232 was a key component in meeting this need. The mobility of the six w heeled vehicle, both on and off road, was complemented by enhanced radio communications equipment which was equally effective over both short and long range. The armored car was fitted with a voluminous antenna frame which was then later replaced with a ve rtical antenna that ensured effective battlefield communications between commanders and troops. The turret armament provided sufficient firepower for both vehicle defence and on advanced reconnaissance missions. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:32

Model tanks
1:35 Flakpanzer IV Ostwind
510006594available in stores
During the war, the need to produce self-propelled anti-aircraft guns capable of protecting troops against low-flying air attacks became marked. To this end, the hull of the Panzer IV medium tank, the Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind, was used as a platform to add on a 20 mm Flak 38 quadruple gun system. By the end of 1944 the Wirbelwind was joined by the more powerful Ostwind, which was mounted with a 37 mm Flak 43 anti-aircraft gun. Providing a greater range of fire, the anti-aircraft armament protected by a thick and characteristic shield mounted on an "open-roof" hexagonal turret, the Ostwind could also be effectively deployed against ground targets in close support of troops on the battlefield. The few "Ostwind" that were produced were delivered to the anti-aircraft units of the Panzer Division, and proved very effective on operations. Detailed plastic kit

Model tanks
1:35 Gal.S TankTrailer+M101 KargoTrailer
510100229available in stores
Article number: 510100229 Product: 1:35 Gal.S TankTrailer+M101 KargoTrailer For the supply of front line troops or in maneuvers activities trailers were hauled by GMC 2 ½ ton trucks or water trucks as well as Dodge Command cars or even by Ambulance Trucks. These trailers standard equipment of the U.S. Army and its allies. Decals for one version

Model tanks
1:35 Ger. Panzerjäger I
510006577available in stores
Article number: 510006577 Product: 1:35 Ger. Panzerjäger I Model Dim.: 12,6 cm NEW GLUEABLE RUBBER TRACKS - DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET - PHOTO-ETCHED FRET CONTAINS 1 FIGURE The self-propelled Panzerjager I tank destroyer was built on the hull of the Panzer I light tank and armed with an effective weapon of the period, the 47mm Czechoslovakian anti-tank gun. The Panzer I tank had in fact a protection and armament capability no longer in keeping with the operational needs of the German armoured divisions. However, it had good mobility and a robust chassis which was ideal for the positioning of the anti-tank gun, which was sited behind an open steel shield. The Panzerjager I was deployed by the Wehrmacht during the invasion of France, in North Africa and in the early stages of Operation Barbarossa in 1941. It held a goodammunition supply, with over 70 rounds available for gunners. It was systematically replaced during the war bymore heavily armored tank destroyers, better equipped to deal with modern tank armor against which the 47 mm gun proved to be ineffective. Detailed Plastic Kit

Model trucks
1:35 Ger. Sd.Kfz. 10 Le.IG18 m. Besat.
510006595available in stores
Article number: 510006595 Product: 1:35 Dt. Sd.Kfz. 10 Le.IG18 m. Besat. The Sd.Kfz 10 Demag D7 half-track tractor was used by the German troops in large numbers during the Second World War on all the main fronts from the invasion of Poland, to North Africa, to Russia. It was design and developed to be an effective prime mover for small towed artillery as anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns. The Demag D7 could carry eight fully equipped soldiers in addition to towing a gun or a trailer. The 4.2-liter Maybach 6-cylinder engine, positioned in the front of the vehicle, could delivered 99 hp. Thanks to its engine the half-track was able to reach a max speed of 65 km/h and to have a good on road and Off-Road performance. The vehicle was reliable and flexible and it was produced in an important number of units and in several versions. The light howitzer Le. IG 18 was designed to provide artillery support within infantry companies. Reliable and accurate, towed by DEMAG or Protze tractors, it was often replaced during the war by more powerful and lighter mortars. Detailed Plastic Kit

Model tanks
1:35 IT Land Rover 109´ LWB
510106508available in stores
Article number: 510106508 Product: 1:35 Land Rover 109´ LWB Model Dim.: 12,5 cm Decals for 2 versions The "Land Rover" was certainly one of the most famous symbols of "Made in England" on four wheels and is a real milestone in the history of the off road vehicles. Born after the war, with the first prototypes done in 1947, to meet both civilian and military tasks. Inspired, though not directly, to the American Jeep, was characterized by a 4x4-wheel drive and a strong and reliable frame to tackle, with success, the most difficult and demanding trails. The aluminum body made it lighter, but at the same time, more resistant to corrosion and long lasting. In 1971, when the Series III was introduced, it had already been produced and made more than a million units for both civilian and military uses. Also available in 88 inches "standard wheel base", or in 109 inches "long wheel base".

Model tanks
1:35 Leopard 2A6
510106567available in stores
Article number: 510106567 Product: 1:35 Leopard 2A6 Model Dim.: 27,6 cm UPGRADED MOULDS - NEW GLUABLE RUBBER TRUCKS - SUPER DECALS FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTIONS SHEET The Leopard 2 was developed in the '70s to satisfy the specific need of the West German Army to have a new modern and efficient Main Battle Tank able to replace the Leopard 1. It is armed with a 120 mm gun and, thanks to its V-12 twin-turbo diesel engine, it is able to reach the maximum speed of 68 Km/h. It entered service in 1979 but, continuously improved in technology, armament and armour, it is still today considered one of the best Main Battle Tank in the World. The Leopard 2 A6, in detail, is a definite improvement compared to the first versions. Armed with a 120mm Rheinmetall L / 55 smoothbore gun, it is equipped with a modern third generation composite protections. The turret shape and the mantlet profile are developed to minimize the impact of enemy hits and anti-tank weapons. Detailed Plastic Kit

Model tanks
1:35 M1A1 Abrams
510006596available in stores
The 3rd generation American main battle tank the M1 Abrams, is the backbone of the United States Army and United States Marine Corps armored divisions. The Abrams is characterized by its heavy armor (it is one of the heaviest combat vehicles in the world), and also its powerful multifuel turbine engine. The tank first entered service at the beginning of the 1980’s to replace the ageing M-60. It houses a sophisticated computerized fire and control system within its modern armor plated hull. The Abrams offers greater crew protection than many of its predecessors , specifically in the design of the separate and heavily protected ammunition storage area within the main body of the tank. It was initially armed with a 105 mm main gun which is to be up-dated and replaced by a more modern and powerful 120 mm smooth-bore cannon. The Abrams has been extensively and successfully deployed on operational service in several theaters of war, including recent conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Model tanks
1:35 M60A-3
510006582available in stores
Article number: 510006582 Product: 1:35 M60A-3 Size: 22,8 cm SUPER DECALS SHEET The M-60 was introduced in the first years of ‘60s in the United States Army. It was developed and designed to be the evolution of the famous tanks M-47 and M-48 Patton series. The M-60 became the most important MBT (Main Battle Tank) of the U.S. Army during the Cold War years. It was produced, until 1983, by the American company Chrysler in 15.000 units and it was adopted, in several versions, by the armed forces of numerous countries all over the World. The main armament, installed in the turret, was the 105 mm. M68 gun. The M-60 was characterized by its big size and by the adoption of the powerful V12 turbodiesel engine able to release a good operating performance and a good speed on-road and off-road. It was deployed in a lot of conflicts and operational scenarios. In 1976 the new upgraded M60A3 version was developed and it was characterized by several improvement able to enhance the operation effectiveness. The armor protection for the turret was increased and a new gun mantle was designed. Great improvement in the adoption of modern electronic and fire control systems on board. Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:35

Model tanks
1:35 Semovente M42 da 75/18 mm
510006569available in stores
Article number: 510006569 Product: 1:35 Semovente M42 da 75/18 mm Model Dim.: 14 cm NEW MOULDS - PE SHEET - RUBBER TRACKS At the end of the 1930’s the Italian Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) began to deploy self-propelled artillery guns to provide support for tanks and infantry units. The ‘Semovente’ 75/18 was developed on the back of the ‘M’ series medium tank hull and soon became the most feared Italian armored vehicle. In addition to its primary artillery role, the 75mm howitzer installed in the casemate proved to be a highly effective anti-tank weapon, capable of destroying even the most powerful and heavily armored British and American tanks. As well as its formidable firepower, far superior to that of the M-13 and M-14 tanks, the ‘Semovente’ was valued for its low profile which made it difficult to locate, and also for its overall on-road/off-road performance. It was deployed by the Regio Esercito in Africa and also in a defensive role during Allied operations in Italy. Following Italy’s withdrawal from the conflict it was used in service by some German Wehrmacht anti-tank units, thereby validating its overall battle effectiveness.

Model tanks
1:35 TIGER I Ausf. E/H1
510000286available in stores
Article number: 510000286 Product: 1/35 TIGER I Ausf. E/H1 The model TIGER I Ausf. E/H1 in scale 1/35 has a length of about 241 mm. Decals for one version. The Tiger was certainly the most famous armored vehicle of World War II. Its fire power and protective armor made it the dominating factor on all battle fields during the years 1943-44. It did, however, present considerable problems, due to its complex mechanical construction.The Tiger crews were continuously engaged in maintenance work, which was aggravated through extreme conditions in the African desert and the Russian Plains.

Model tanks
1:35 US LAV-25 T.U.A Light Armored Veh.
510006588available in stores
Article number: 510006588 Product: 1:35 US LAV-25 T.U.A Light Armored Veh. The LAV-25 is an 8-wheel drive armored vehicle, characterized by good amphibious capacity, used since the early 1980s by the Marine Corps for reconnaissance and infantry support activities. He entered service in 1983 and actively participated in operations "Desert Storm" (1991) "Restore Hope" (1993), "Enduring Freedom" (2001) and "Operation Iraqi Freedom" (2003). Equipped with a diesel engine, which allows the LAV to reach 100 km / h, and with an independent wheel suspension system, which makes it ideal for "all-terrain" use, it was developed and built in numerous versions. The anti-tank version is equipped with the Emerson T.U.A. (Tow-Under-Armor) 901A1, a missile system armed with TOW-2 anti-tank guided missiles, installed in a rotating turret and equipped with thermal and visual target identification systems. Conceived to operate in Marines reconnaissance units, the anti-tank version is capable of providing a contrast capability against the most powerful enemy battle tanks Detailed plastic kit in scale 1:72

Model tanks
1:35 US M4A3E8 Sherman Korea Krieg
510006586available in stores
Article number: 510006586 Product: 1:35 US M4A3E8 Sherman Korea Krieg The M4 Sherman medium tank was the primary tank used by the United States during World War II. It has been produced in a significant number of units ant it formed the backbone of United States armored forces during at those time. It has been produced in several variants and versions The production of the M4A3E8 versions started at the end of 1944. The M4A3E8, adopting the nickname Easy Eight, took several technical improvements enhancing the Sherman operational effectiveness. The 76mm M1 high velocity gun had been flanked by a new horizontal volute spring suspension (HVSS) system able to ensure a improved driving condition and to guarantee a higher speed. The "easy eight" participated in the final stages of the Second World War and took an active part in the Korean War, alongside the M26 Pershing and M46 Patton. Detailed Plastic Kit

Model tanks
1:48 Sd.Kfz.385 Tankwagen Bat.o.Brit.
510002808available in stores
Article number: 510002808 Product: 1:48 Sd.Kfz.385 Tankwagen Bat.o.Brit. Model Dim.: 12,0 cm "Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary" DECALS SHEET FOR 4 VERSIONS - COLOR INSTRUCTION SHEET FIGURES NOT INCLUDED - AIRCRAFTS NOT INCLUDED The Opel Blitz was the main truck used by German forces during the Second World War. It was deployed extensively on all fronts in huge numbers and considered to be the ‘working mule’ of the Wehrmacht. Due to its sturdy frame, the robust system of rigid axles with leaf springs and the twin-wheels on the back, the Opel Blitz was able to carry a payload of over 3 tons. The 3600 cc. engine was easy to maintain and provided 75 hp. Largely due to its great flexibility it was the developmental platform for several specialist models and versions such as the Kfz. 385 ‘Tankwagen’ which was deployed as the principal refilling truck of the Luftwaffe.. The vehicle was equipped with a rear fuel tank, pumping system and a simplified cabin with fabric roof. The exhaust system and silencer was repositioned to allow for the safe refueling of aircraft. Detailed plastic kit

Model tanks
1:72 1/4 Ton 4x4 Truck
510107506available in stores
Article number: 510107506 Product: 1:72 1/4 Ton 4x4 Truck Model Dim.: 4,6 cm CONTAINS TWO FAST ASSEMBLY MODELS + DECALS SHEET Decals for 6 versions In 1940, after World War II had broken out, the US general staff ordered various factories to design a light multi-purpose vehicle with all-wheel drive. The American Bantam Company, Willys Overland, and Ford Motor Co. competed with each other. Willys prototype was chosen, which, after an initial run of 1500 vehicles, went into mass production at the beginning of 1941 and reached a total output of 640.000 units out of which 277.000 pieces were produced by Ford under a licensing agreement.

Model tanks
1:72 M163 VULCAN
510007066available in stores
Article number: 510007066 Product: 1/72 M163 VULCAN Model Dim.: 6,7 cm Decals for 4 versions Due to its low cost and great reliability the troop carrier M113 presented itself as a valid base for various anti-tank weapons systems such as TOW missiles or an anti-aircraft gun such as this version. The M163 was developed around a 20 mm gun "Vulcan". Rotating barrels (with a rapid fire power of 6000 rounds per minute) were created for anti-aircraft use. The whole system is based on a simple, open turret with the munitions loaded on the inside of the vehicle. The M163 is not only used for anti-aircraft defense, but also as infantry ground support vehicle because of its enormous fire power.

Model tanks
1:72 Magach 6
510007073available in stores
Article number: 510007073 Product: 1:72 Magach 6 Length of the model 131 mm During the Yom Kippur War, in 1973, the backbone of Israeli armored troops was formed by the American tanks M48A3 and M60A1. However, the significant losses suffered during the battles, launched an improvement program in order to increase the operating effectiveness and the reliability of Israel’s tanks. During the 1970s, more in detail, the Magach 6 was developed on the basis of the American M60. Among the numerous modifications, such as the installation of a new fire control system and the improvement of the main armament, the most visible change was the adoption of ERA (explosive reactive armor) protections, fitted to reduce the effects of anti-tank weapons and missiles adopted by the enemy armies. Between 1980 and 1990 the Magachs have been gradually replaced by the most modern and advanced Merkava tanks as Israel’s front-line MBT (main battle tanks). However, the Magach 6, through continuous upgraded, has equipped several Israeli armored units until the mid-1990s. Detailed Plastic Kit of model Magach 6 in scale 1:72

Model tanks
1:72 US M12 GMC Howitzer
510007076available in stores
Article number: 510007076 Product: 1/72 US M12 GMC Howitzer NEW DECAL SHEET The self-propelled gun CMG M12 was used during the Second World War by the U.S. Army. It was developed on the hull of the M3 Lee / Grant tank on which was installed a 155 mm gun. The main armament, the ammunitions and the gun crew were located in an open topped area at the back of the vehicle. Only the driver's seat was protected. To absorb the effects of the recoil when using the artillery piece, the M-12 was equipped with a rear blade that was lowered and fixed into the ground.

Model tanks
1:72 WWII Ger.Kfz. 305 3to.Cargo Truck
510007014available in stores
Article number: 510007014 Product: 1:72 WWII Ger.Kfz. 305 3to.Cargo Truck Model Dim.: 8,3 cm Decals for one version The Opel Blitz medium truck was used extensively by the German Army on all fronts during World War Two. Several thousand of them were produced. They were also used as platforms for anti-aircraft weaponry and tanker, workshop and ambulance versions were made. Of sturdy construction and easy to maintain, it also featured good off-road performance which made it invaluable in both the Russian and African campaigns.